
The New York Times

December 29, 2004

Director of Analysis Branch at the C.I.A. Is Being Removed

ASHINGTON, Dec. 28 - The head of the Central Intelligence Agency's
analytical branch is being forced to step down, former intelligence
officials say, opening a major new chapter in a shakeup under Porter J.
Goss, the agency's chief.

The official, Jami Miscik, the agency's deputy director for intelligence,
told her subordinates on Tuesday afternoon of her plan to step down on Feb.
4. A former intelligence official said that Ms. Miscik was told before
Christmas that Mr. Goss wanted to make a change and that "the decision to
depart was not hers."

Ms. Miscik has headed analysis at the agency since 2002, a period in which
prewar assessments of Iraq and its illicit weapons, which drew heavily on
C.I.A. analysis, proved to be mistaken. Even before taking charge of the
C.I.A., Mr. Goss, who was a congressman, and his closest associates had
been openly critical of the directorate of intelligence, saying it suffered
from poor leadership and was devoting too much effort to monitoring
day-to-day developments rather than broad trends.

Ms. Miscik's departure is the latest in a series of high-level ousters that
have prompted unease within the C.I.A. since Mr. Goss took over as director
of central intelligence in September. Of the officials who worked as top
deputies to Mr. Goss's predecessor, George J. Tenet, at least a half-dozen
have been fired or have retired abruptly, including the agency's No. 2 and
No. 3 officials. Much of the top tier of the agency's clandestine service
is also gone.

The departure of Ms. Miscik will be the first major change within the
directorate of intelligence, which is responsible for making important
judgments about events around the world and whose products include the
President's Daily Brief, the highly classified document prepared for the
president each morning.

The C.I.A. declined to comment on the move, and Ms. Miscik did not reply to
written questions provided to her on Monday evening.

But in her message to subordinates, a copy of which was obtained by The New
York Times, Ms. Miscik described her departure as part of a "natural
evolution," saying every intelligence chief "has a desire to have his own
team in place to implement his vision and to offer him counsel."

Current and former intelligence officials said the move seemed to signal
that Mr. Goss's overhaul, which has focused on human spying operations,
would be widened to include the analytical unit.

 The former intelligence officials who agreed to discuss Ms. Miscik's plans
did so on condition of anonymity. They defended her performance, saying
that in 2003 she was quick to acknowledge the shortcomings of the agency's
work on Iraq and adopted new safeguards intended to prevent future

The changes at the C.I.A. come as the agency is bracing for a wider
reorganization endorsed by Congress and the White House that will strip it
of its leading status among the country's intelligence agencies. Under
legislation signed into law this month, the chief of the C.I.A. will no
longer oversee all 15 of the country's intelligence organizations, which
include operations in the Pentagon, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
the National Security Agency.

Instead, that power will be transferred to the new post of director of
national intelligence, for which the White House has yet to choose a
nominee. Administration officials say aides to President Bush are trying to
narrow their search, with a decision expected in early January. It is not
clear whether Mr. Goss, whose early personnel moves have been sharply
criticized inside and outside the C.I.A., will be a candidate for the new

 Under the new law, the post of director of central intelligence will no
longer exist. Among the questions not yet resolved, according to
Congressional officials, is whether Senate confirmation would be required
for the C.I.A. director.

Ms. Miscik, an economist who rose through the ranks of the intelligence
directorate over a 21-year career at the agency, suggested to associates as
early as November that she did not expect to stay at the agency under Mr.
Goss. But a former intelligence official who worked closely with her said
she would have been happy to stay, despite the intensity of the criticism
voiced by Mr. Goss and his top aides.

Mr. Goss has not spoken publicly since he took over at the C.I.A., and the
agency has announced only a few of his personnel moves. In November, he
told the agency's employees to expect more changes in the days and weeks
ahead. Several top jobs remain vacant, including the agency's No. 2 post,
deputy director of central intelligence, from which John E. McLaughlin
resigned early this month.

There was no indication on Tuesday of whom Mr. Goss might name to succeed
Ms. Miscik. One of her top deputies, Scott White, left the C.I.A. in
November for another government job, leaving Ben Bonk, an associate deputy
director of intelligence, as Ms. Miscik's most senior subordinate.

Among those who have criticized the C.I.A.'s analytical unit for its
mistakes on Iraq and that country's supposed unconventional weapons, the
Senate Intelligence Committee issued a scathing report last summer, and a
C.I.A. panel, the Iraq W.M.D. Review Group, completed a 10-month internal
review last May.

That review, never made public but described in an internal document issued
in August, concluded that the assertion that Iraq possessed illicit weapons
had been reasonable based on the information available at the time. But the
August document also showed that the review found a pattern of "imprecise
language," "insufficient follow-up" and "sourcing problems," including
"numerous cases" in which analysts "misrepresented the meaning" of
intelligence reports about Iraq's weapons.

The August report described the analytical branch as having "never been
more junior or more inexperienced" and said that some of the "systemic
problems" uncovered might reflect more widespread "tradecraft weaknesses."
But in an interview in September Ms. Miscik said she had acknowledged many
of the problems in a speech in February 2004 and had put in place new
measures requiring that intelligence judgments be subjected to more
rigorous review.

 The sharpest criticisms of the analytical unit that Mr. Goss and his
associates are known to have endorsed were spelled out last spring in a
report by the House Intelligence Committee. Mr. Goss, then a Republican
congressman from Florida, was the chairman of the panel; the report's
principal authors were Republican staff members who are now working as
senior advisers to Mr. Goss at the C.I.A.

The report did not mention Ms. Miscik by name, but it criticized the
intelligence directorate's leadership and senior managers, among other
things, for devoting too much time and attention to providing updates for
policy makers, thus "squandering scarce analytic resources that could be
put to better use."

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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