Dec. 28, 2004 / 16 Teves 5765 

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. 


False friends 


During the recent presidential campaign, Sen. John Kerry assailed President 

Bush for alienating key U.S. allies, evidence he maintained of the

lack of foreign policy acumen and an arena in which the challenger insisted

could "do better." Implicit in this critique was the belief that such allies

 notably, the French - were anxious to be our friends, if they were not 

mistreated by America's leader. 



In fact, it is increasingly clear the French government under President 

Jacques Chirac is bent on policies antithetical to U.S. interests. They are

simply anti-Bush, they are anti-American and anti-Atlaniticist. The latest 

example is Mr. Chirac's determination to have French and other European

manufacturers arm Communist China as part of what he has called "a necessary

rebalancing of the 'grand triangle' formed by America, Europe and Asia." 



This is, of course, hardly the first time that French policy toward the 

United States has been defined by balance-of-power considerations. Indeed,

decisive assistance of France to the American Revolution did not reflect

for those bent on ending royal misrule - a phenomenon its own king would be 

murderously subjected to soon after. Rather, the motivation was to weaken 

France's age-old rival, Britain, by helping to cut loose her American
Colonies and 

sapping her wealth in a costly war to bring them to heel. 



Just a few years later, though, weakening the United States seemed in 

France's interest. France engaged in predatory acts against American
shipping and 

backed subversion here at home, culminating in the so-called XYZ Affair that

roiled Franco-American relations in this country's earliest days. In the

century, the French helped Southern secessionists and would have recognized

independent Confederacy had timely and decisive Union victories not made it 

clear which side would prevail. 



Nearly a hundred years later, President Charles de Gaulle repaid U.S. help

the liberation of France by cultivating close ties with the Soviet Union and

expelling NATO headquarters from Paris. Jacques Chirac was no less troubled

notions of alliance solidarity when the French government reportedly assured

Saddam Hussein it would oppose any U.N. authorization of the use of force 

against his regime. 



Seen against this backdrop, Mr. Chirac's calculation that Europe must 

strengthen China militarily at America's expense is not just a one-off
betrayal of an 

ally. It is part of a geostrategic tradition that renders France, at best,

unreliable partner in international affairs and, at worst, what the French 

call a "faux ami," or false friend. 



Unfortunately, as this column has noted repeatedly in recent months, France 

is striving to impose its strain of anti-Americanism on other European

that have traditionally preferred the trans-Atlantic partnership to French

Franco-German domination of their Continent's affairs. The principal vehicle

for enforcing the latter over unwilling states - notably, Great Britain and 

nations Don Rumsfeld has described as "New Europe" - is the new European 




If this draft constitution is ratified by voters in Britain, France and a 

half-dozen other countries, the European Union will have authority to
"define and 

implement a common foreign and security policy, including the progressive 

framing of a common defense policy." The U.S. can forget about "special 

relationships" and strong bilateral ties, let alone "coalitions of the
willing," with 

states bound by such a compact. 



Even before such an authority gets conferred upon unaccountable bureaucrats 

in Brussels, Paris is working on a dress rehearsal: its bid to "rebalance" 

American power by augmenting that of Communist China. France and the EU's

policy chief, Javier Solana, are pushing hard for lifting an embargo on arms

sales to Communist China imposed after the Tiananmen Square massacre. All

things being equal, the French and Germans expect, with help from a 

double-dealing British government, to dispense by next spring with
opposition to such a 

step from the Netherlands, New European states like Lithuania and the 

European Parliament. 



The implications of European weapons manufacturers joining Russia in arming 

China to the teeth are quite worrisome. Thoughtful observers, like acclaimed

author Mark Helprin, warn of China's rising application of its immense 

accumulated wealth to strategic advantage. The latter include: neutralizing

dominance in space and information technology (Chinese acquisition of IBM's

computer division is not an accident); moving aggressively to dominate the 

world's critical minerals and other resources (especially those relevant to

burgeoning energy needs); establishing forward operations in choke-points

other sensitive areas around the globe (including, in our own hemisphere, in

Cuba, the Bahamas, the Panama Canal, Brazil and Venezuela); and acquiring 

financial leverage by purchasing vast quantities of U.S. debt instruments. 



Retaking Taiwan is an immediate target of such power. Dominance of Asia and 

the Western Pacific are in prospect. And China aspires to exercise global 

superpower status in due course, if not short order. 



For years, Washington has paid lip service to - and often actively promoted

 European unification. If, however, the upshot of unity is to be, as seems 

likely, a Continent whose policies are dominated by anti-Atlanticist France

Germany and contribute to emerging threats elsewhere, the United States must

make discouraging such developments an explicit part of its foreign policy. 



Mr. Chirac's determination to provide weapons that may be used to kill 

Americans in the event China decides to attack Taiwan should be a wake-up

False friends are not allies. They should not be entitled to the

treatment accorded the latter. Mr. Bush is right that democracies

don't fight democracies. But when they equip authoritarian regimes to do so,

they must pay a real cost.  


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JWR contributor Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. heads the Center for Security Policy. 

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