[osint] Muslims in Europe

2006-04-06 Thread Bruce Tefft
These figures, are of course, of "legal" immigrants...illegal immigrants double these figures. -Bruce http://www.newspress.com/Top/Article/article.jsp?Section=WORLD &ID=564712767182210594 Muslims in Euro

[osint] Muslims in Europe

2006-02-01 Thread Bruce Tefft
French language original, below. http://www.lexpress.fr/info/monde/dossier/islamisme/dossier.asp?ida=436712 Inquiry into the rise of Islam in Europe by Eric Conan, Christian Makarian Between immigration and conversions, the Islamic religion makes more and more followers on the Old Contine

[osint] Muslims in Europe - Confusing and confused

2005-11-04 Thread gwen831
http://www.economist.com/books/displayStory.cfm?story_id=5080927 Muslims in Europe Confusing and confused Oct 27th 2005 >From The Economist print edition A DANISH supermarket fires a cashier for wearing a headscarf on the grounds that it might get stuck in the till. The German state of Baden-W