Dhimmi* Britain

An article in Muslim Weekly by the Labour MP Mike O'Brien makes crystal
clear something that has been apparent for some time for those who have eyes
to see. The Labour party is bending over backwards to appease Muslim
sentiment. Now, there's nothing wrong with trying to please one electoral
constituency or another. And there's certainly nothing wrong with trying to
remove genuine obstacles or discrimination from one group or another. But
the fact is that there is relatively little genuine prejudice against
Muslims. What there is instead is a lot of irrational and unreasonable
Muslim rage against anyone who tells the truth about Islamic violence and
threats around the world, and an attempt to intimidate people into silence
on the subject.

O'Brien's article goes further and more explicitly down that alarming road.
The Labour government is not trying to suck up to any other minority group
in the same way. Nor is it driving the proverbial coach and horses through
fundamental British values to do so. O'Brien's article is written in a
craven, cringing manner which sounds alarm bells from the start. Effectively
imploring Muslims to forgive the government for the war in Iraq, he throws
bone after bone their way. 

One of the most disgraceful and disquieting passages is about Israel.
Passing up the opportunity to deliver some home truths about the
nnever-ending war waged upon Israel and the fact that it is merely trying to
defend itself, he plays to this particular gallery in a way which can only
incite further ignorant prejudice against Israel in the minds of those who
desperately need instead to be educated in the truth and away from the
propaganda of lies. Thus he writes:

'The reality is that the only way a Palestinian state will be created is if
Israel is prepared to concede land it currently occupies on the West Bank
and Gaza. Whether we in Britain like it or not, the reality of the modern
world is that only the Americans can influence Israel. And it seems only
Tony Blair has any influence with the Americans.'

In other words, he is pandering to the view that the Middle East impasse is
Israel's fault -- the opposite of the truth. No mention here of the need to
stop Arab and Muslim terror as a precondition to peace and a Palestinian
state. Instead, there is a weaselly attempt to argue that only Blair is
worth voting for because only Blair can put pressure on the Americans to
dump Israel. What a disgusting and cynical argument. Stupid too, since no
Muslim is likely to buy that preposterous logic for an instant. 

But how revealing is this:

'When the Americans and Israelis refused to negotiate with Yasser Arafat,
Tony Blair promptly sent myself as the Foreign Office Minister, to visit
Yasser Arafat in the Muquata in Ramallah to convey the message that we had
not abandoned him. Tony Blair's message was clear: we will work with the
elected leader of the Palestinians, even if the Americans will not.' 

If President Bush doesn't count Muslim Weekly among his essential reading
matter, someone whould surely show him this. So the British government had
'not abandoned' Arafat, eh? Not abandoned... what, precisely? The 'armed
struggle' against Israel? Human bombs blowing up Jewish civilians? The PA's
incitement of children to become 'shaheed'? 

The next revealing passage is this:

'The Muslim Council of Britain has been at the forefront of lobbying the
Government on issues to help Muslims. Recently Iqbal Sacranie, the General
Secretary of the Council, asked Tony Blair to declare that the Government
would introduce a new law banning religious discrimination. Two weeks later,
in the middle of his speech to the Labour Party Conference, Tony Blair
promised that the next Labour Government would ban religious discrimination.
It was a major victory for the Muslim community in Britain.

'But this is not the first and only time that Labour Party has delivered for
Muslims. When I was a Home Office Minister in 1997, the MCB lobbied me to
introduce not only a new law which would increase sentences for racial
violence and harassment but also to recognise the particular problems faced
by Muslims. As a result we were able to amend the law to make religion a
factor in any violence and harassment. Today, new Crime Bill, announced in
the Queens Speech is coming before Parliament to toughen the laws on
incitement to religious hatred. This has upset some M.P.`s such as Evan
Harris MP, the Liberal Democrat spokesman, who has said he will oppose it
because it is unnecessary!' 

So there it is in black and white -- proof that the law against incitement
to religious hatred, which has the power to shut down legitimate comment
about Islam, potentially put Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, secularists
and others in the dock for speaking the truth, and make the giving of
offence a greater offence than intimidating Britons into silence (and in so
doing destroy a fundamental British liberal tradition) is being introduced
to buy Muslim votes. The price to be paid for invading Iraq, in other words,
is to be Britain's freedom of speech.

No wonder IslamOnline is gloating:

'After the Muslim support for their traditional Labour party had halved and
the free fall of the party's ratings in the local and European Parliament
elections, the government has come to realize the fact that the Muslim vote
does really count and planned to win the hearts and minds of the Muslim
citizens.The Home Office has already unveiled plans to put forward a
legislation criminalizing incitement of religious hatred. "Such Muslim
campaigns have actually paid off and scared away the Zionist lobby and the
extremist right-wing," Mohammad Sawalah, the deputy head of the Muslim
League in Britain, told IslamOnline.'

And even more alarmingly, this:

'According to experts, the vile campaign of the Zionist lobby in Britain
against the July visit of prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
has backfired and cemented the position of British Muslims in society. The
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) concluded that there was no legal ground to
prosecute Sheikh Qaradawi as requested by Henry Grunwald QC, president of
the Board of Deputies of British Jews. The mayor of London has further
apologized on behalf of the people of London for the fuss that overshadowed
Qaradawi's visit and invited the prominent Muslim scholar back to the United
Kingdom in October 2005'.

Let us remind ourselves that Sheikh Qaradawi supports human bomb terrorism
against Jews, the execution of homosexuals and domestic violence against

No doubt IslamOnline would also have claimed, had their deadline permitted,
the following additional British cultural scalp, reported in the Sunday
Times on Boxing Day:

'THE Inland Revenue is considering recognising polygamy for some religious
groups for tax purposes. Officials have agreed to examine "family friendly"
representations from Muslims who take up to four wives under sharia, the
laws derived from the Koran. Existing rules allow only one wife for
inheritance tax purposes. The Revenue has been asked to relax this so that a
husband's estate can be divided tax-free between several wives.The move is
bound to create controversy if it leads to a change in the rules. It is seen
as a breakthrough by Muslim leaders who have been campaigning to incorporate
sharia into British domestic law.'

Or also claimed, indeed, this crowned and majestic scalp, as demonstrated by
the Queen's Christmas message:

'Discrimination still exists. Some people feel that their own beliefs are
being threatened. Some are unhappy about unfamiliar cultures. They all need
to be reassured that there is so much to be gained by reaching out to
others; that diversity is indeed a strength and not a threat.'

This was surely the first deniable Royal Christmas messsage in history. For
it can be argued that all the Queen was doing was making a thoroughly decent
appeal to all to be tolerant and to respect unfamiliar cultures and
traditions. Amen to that, indeed -- if that is really what was meant by
those words so carefully written for her. But it wasn't. For in the context
of our troubled times, its meaning was unmistakeable -- and she sure as eggs
was not appealing to religious minorities to forego discrimination and
embrace diversity.

Don't worry, your Majesty -- the government is about to have us thrown into
jail if we don't embrace the right kind of 'diversity'. Meanwhile, Britain's
280,000 Jews -- who, having done nothing to threaten anyone, are being
attacked in the streets and seeing their synagogues and cemeteries
desecrated and who have to be guarded in all their public events against the
threat of attack by Muslim extremists as well as by neo-Nazi thugs -- are
effectively being told by the government that compared with 1.8 potential
Muslim voters, they can go and jump in the lake. For senior Labour party
activists say in terms that for the forseeable future the Jews are just
going to have to lump it. Labour's priority lies with the Muslim vote.

An excellent pitch for Mike O'Brien MP. For uneasy or frightened Jews and
others, not quite such a rosy scenario. 

*'Dhimmi' is the status of infidels under Islam who are permitted to live in
Muslim jurisdictions but only with restrictions as second-class citizens.

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