(johnmac -- I saw Kelley on Hardball tonight. While he answers eventually 
made sense about the reluctance of sources to come forth and have names 
used, I thought she came across as a lightweight under continuted 
badgering by Matthews. Her fallback was that 4 sets of attorneys looked at 
the book (which really means that it's law suit proof but not necessarily 
accurate) and that nothing in her previous books on Sinatra, Liz Taylor, 
etc. has ever been disproven (bears more weight).The following New York
Times review is not kind to Kelley's effort, which apparantly goes back to 
the beginnings of the Bush family in the US in its chronicle.

Seymour Hersh was on after Kelley and, IMNSHO, came across much more 
forcefully (and intelligently) in discussing his new book, "Chain of 
Command : The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib ")

>From the New York Times -- 

A Bush Biography for the Age of Innuendo

Kitty Kelley's catty new book about the Bush family is a perfect artifact 
of our current political culture in which unsubstantiated attacks on 
Senator John Kerry's Vietnam War record and old questions about President 
Bush's National Guard service get more attention than present-day issues 
like the Iraq war, the economy, intelligence reform or the assault weapons 

It is also a perfect artifact of a cultural climate in which gossip and 
innuendo thrive on the Internet; more and more biographies of artists and 
public figures dwell, speculatively, on familial dysfunction and disorder; 
and buzz - be it based on verified facts or sheer rumor-mongering - is 
regarded as a be-all and end-all.

"The Family" is seeded with some spicy allegations about drugs and sex, 
but has little to say about national security, the Florida election 
standoff or the Bush family's ties with the Saudis. Far more space is 
devoted to early family history and the career of George Herbert Walker 
Bush than to the current president. And far more attention is lavished on 
the contentious relationship between Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan, say, 
than on George W. Bush's collegial relationship with the neoconservatives 
and religious right. The current Iraq war receives less than 7 pages of 
full discussion in a 705-page book.

Of course, the reader might well ask: what else could be expected from the 
author of earlier books like "Jackie Oh!" and "Elizabeth Taylor: The Last 
Star"? Ms. Kelley has always been better at dishing dirt than making sense 
of a subject's overall life (her 1986 biography of Frank Sinatra, for 
instance, never shed any real light on how such a swaggering tough guy 
could produce such emotionally honest, achingly vulnerable music). And 
while she seems to have realized with her 1991 book on Nancy Reagan that 
our tabloid culture made it possible for her to turn her Hollywood 
scandal-sheet-like exposs on the world of politics, her books have been 
hobbled by an unwillingness to grapple seriously with the central fact of 
her subjects' lives, the thing that makes us interested in them in the 
first place - in the case of Sinatra, his musical artistry; in the case of 
Bush family members, their political record and its implications.

Much of the basic biographical material in this volume will be 
overwhelmingly familiar to readers of newspapers and magazines, the 
numerous memoirs and letters published by members of the Bush family, and 
such earlier Bush books as Bill Minutaglio's 1999 "First Son: George W. 
Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty." Allegations about business cronyism 
tinnily echo assertions made by Kevin Phillips in "American Dynasty: 
Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush" 
(Viking) while observations about intramural family rivalries piggyback on 
ones made by Peter and Rochelle Schweizer in their 2004 book "The Bushes: 
Portrait of a Dynasty" (Doubleday).

In fact, most of this book's psychological insights about Bush family 
dynamics have been reiterated many times before by biographers and 
reporters: that George W. Bush possesses his mother's sharp tongue and 
unforgiving memory, not his father's more genial persona; that Jeb Bush 
was regarded for many years as the family's political comer, while George 
W. was seen as the black sheep; that the current President Bush has long 
been obsessed with avoiding what he sees as mistakes made by his father, 
resulting in his failure to win re-election. Ms. Kelley's conclusion that 
the Bush family is a political dynasty that's used its connections here 
and abroad to promote itself will hardly come as a surprise to anyone.

Though Doubleday is promoting Ms. Kelley as "a master investigative 
biographer," she lavishes all too much of her admirable energy on trying 
to ferret out personal peccadilloes, ranging from drug and alcohol binges 
to temper tantrums, from weight problems to bad taste in gift-giving. 
Certainly family members (particularly George W. Bush, running in the 
aftermath of the Bill Clinton scandals) have to some degree invited this 
sort of scrutiny by selling themselves as a close, wholesome, all-American 
clan, but Ms. Kelley's relentless concentration on these matters, often to 
the exclusion of far more serious issues, makes for a tacky, voyeuristic 
and petty-seeming narrative.

Ms. Kelley contends that Senator Prescott Bush (the first President Bush's 
father) went on "alcoholic binges," portentously adding that "the genetic 
predisposition to alcoholism would wreak havoc with all of his children in 
years to come." She prattles on at length about an alleged affair between 
George H. W. Bush and his longtime aide Jennifer Fitzgerald (rumors of 
which appeared in 1992 in The New York Post). She asserts that Laura Bush, 
as a student at Southern Methodist University in the 60's, "had been known 
in her college days as a go-to girl for dime bags of marijuana," citing a 
public relations executive named Robert Nash, identified as "an Austin 
friend of many in Laura's SMU class." And she writes that Sharon Bush, the 
former wife of the president's brother Neil, "alleged that W. had snorted 
cocaine with one of his brothers at Camp David during the time their 
father was president of the United States." Sharon Bush has since denied 
saying this to the author; Doubleday has issued a statement saying it 
stands by Ms. Kelley's reporting.

Some of the more titillating material in this book falls into the realm of 
old unsubstantiated rumors. Ms. Kelley repeats allegations floated by 
Larry Flynt in 2000 that George W. Bush had impregnated a woman in the 
1970's and then arranged an abortion, even though the mainstream press at 
the time did not go with the story, and even though a National Enquirer 
reporter said that when he had interviewed the woman she denied having had 
an abortion. Other allegations in this book seem to be based on hearsay or 
a single (sometimes anonymous) source.

Ms. Kelley suggests, for instance, that George H. W. Bush had an affair in 
the early 1960's with "an Italian beauty named Rosemarie," based on the 
recollections of an unnamed New York lawyer, who said the woman approached 
him for legal counsel in 1964. Later, talking about possible infidelities 
on the part of his son, George W. Bush, she serves up this mishmash of 
insinuation: "Even as a married man, George had a whispered past, which 
almost surfaced during the campaign. A woman appeared in Austin, claiming 
to have been a call girl from Midland with an intimate knowledge of him 
during his days in the oil patch. 'Supposedly she was 'the other woman' in 
his life, or one of them,' said Peck Young, an Austin political 
consultant." In the course of this book Ms. Kelley also accuses George W. 
Bush of being mean, foul-mouthed and careless. Her most vociferous 
attacks, however, are reserved for his father, whom she depicts as 
opportunistic, secretive, duplicitous, elitist and often just plain nasty. 
Some of her descriptions are based on political decisions like the Willie 
Horton ads used in the 1988 campaign against Michael Dukakis, but others 
simply read like ad hominem attacks, fueled by remarks from disaffected 
relatives or political enemies.

Although Ms. Kelley halfheartedly tries to maintain a judicious tone in 
the earlier portions of the book, her prose grows increasingly vitriolic 
as her narrative progresses. She writes that as president and vice 
president, the elder Bush "allowed his family to take full financial 
advantage of his high political position": "In that sense," she quips, "he 
threw open the barnyard door and yelled, 'Suey Suey Suey,' while his 
brothers and his sons snuffled up to the trough." She adds that these 
relatives make "the errant relatives of other high-office holders look 
like hummingbirds alongside vultures."

Of Barbara Bush, Ms. Kelley writes: "Behind her grandmotherly faade was a 
pearl-wearing mugger the equal of Ma Barker." And of the elder Bushes' 
post-White House years, she smirks that they "went into retirement like 
Salvation Army bell ringers, eager to rake in as much money as fast as 
they possibly could." Clearly this book - along with the timing of its 
publication - is intended to have an impact on the coming election. The 
book's flap copy reads: "at a crucial point in American history, Kitty 
Kelley is the one person to finally tell all about the family that has, 
perhaps more than any other, defined our role in the modern world. This is 
the book the Bushes don't want you to read." But the author's undisguised 
contempt for many of the Bushes, combined with her failure to come to 
terms with politics and policy, and her tireless focus on sex, drugs and 
alcohol, will likely play into family members' penchant for assailing the 
media. It will likely give them an opening to shrug off this book as a 
snarky exercise in gossip, instead of forcing them to deal with 
substantive questions about their political record. Then again, in an 
election season willfully focused on the past and the personal and the 
unproven, this book may provide yet another distraction from issues here 
and now.

The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty
By Kitty Kelley
Illustrated. 705 pages. Doubleday. $29.95

Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company
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