Weekly Blitz

August 20, 2011 Saturday

Removing curtains of Arab harems - II

LENGTH: 2610 words


Dhaka, Aug. 20 -- Deep blue brothels', that exactly what the Syrian and
Jordanian under-cover brothels are named, where up to 2010, more than 90,000
Iraqi females had been trapped into prostitution, either by trafficking
racket or so-called lovers. According to estimation, Syrian and Jordanian
brothel alone house more than 400,000 sex workers, whose main customers are
Saudis. Governments are fully aware of such sex rackets, which operate
mostly behind the curtain of 'Family House' or 'Boutique Shops'. In
Damascus, there are at least two large brothels, which run under the cover
of 'Therapy Center'. Syrian law allows establishment of nightclubs, pubs and
bars. In recent years, there had also been mushroom growth of 'Discos',
which in most cases are cabarets.

On weekends dozens of girls will be seen on the outskirts of the Syrian
capital, Damascus, moving half-heartedly on the dance floor, lit up by
flashing disco lights. They are dressed in tight jeans, low-cut tops and
knee-high boots, but the girls' make-up can't disguise the fact that most
are in their mid-teens. It's a strange sight in a conservative Muslim
country, but this is the sex business, and it's booming as a result of the
war in Iraq. At the backstage, the manager sits in his leather chair, doing
business. Saudi clients will be seen quoting for the girls. Next door, in a
dimly lit room, the next shift of girls arrives, taking off the black
all-covering abyss [Burqa] they wear outside and putting on lipstick and
mascara. To judge from the cars parked outside, the clients come from all
over the Gulf region - many are young Saudi men escaping from an even more
conservative moral climate. Ninety-five percent of the sex workers in Syrian
brothels are Iraqis. Most are unwilling to talk, but Zahra, an attractive
girl with a bare midriff and tattoos, says she's 16. She has been working in
this club since fleeing to Syria from Baghdad after the war. She doesn't
like it, she says, "but what can we do? I hope things get better in Iraq,
because I miss it. I want to go back, but I have to look after my sister".
Zahra points to a thin, pubescent girl with long black hair, who seems to be
dancing quite happily. Aged 13, Nadia started in the club two months ago.
These girls are not just providing the floor show - they have paid to be
here, and they need to pick up a client, or they'll lose money. If
successful, they'll earn about US$100, equivalent to a month's wages in a
factory. There are more than a million Iraqi refugees in Syria; many are
women whose husbands or fathers have been killed. Banned from working
legally, they have few options outside the sex trade. No one knows how many
end up as prostitutes, but Iraqi women's group named Women's Will, puts the
figure at 90,000.

Saida Zainab is a run-down area with a large Iraqi population. Millions of
Shias go there every year, because of the shrine of the granddaughter of the
prophet of Islam. In this area, a large number of undeclared or private
brothels are operating. It is alleged that Iraqi children are forced into
prostitution in these private brothels, which also are known as 'Deep Blue
Brothels'. Bassam al-Kadi of Syrian Women Observatory says: "Some have been
sexually abused in Iraq, but others are being prostituted by fathers and
uncles who bring them here under the pretext of protecting them. They are
virgins, and they are brought here like an investment and exploited in a
very ugly way."

One of such 'Deep Blue Brothels' are operated by a Syrian female named
Samia. She selected a residential building which was more known for having a
cultural center of Iran as well as a Quranic Studies Institute, funded by
Kuwait. This house with such good social esteem was a better location for
Samia to operate a private brothel. One night, neighbours of Samia were
forced to inform the police as a number of male and female in drunken state
were creating public nuisance by loudly playing music. Only minutes later,
the police patrol arrived and the neighbours were delighted that their
suffering caused by Samia and her costumers would now be put to an end. But
to their utter surprise, those police officers, instead of taking any action
against the brothel owner, simply stayed there for couple of hours, and came
out in a joyous mood. It was not difficult for Samia's neighbours to realize
that, such 'Deep Blue Brothels' enjoy patronization from influential
quarters, where law enforcing agencies even cannot take any action. The
spread of the practice of prostitution doesn't cease to be a frightening
matter to everyone and the gravity of the matter lies in the fact that it
has reached the extent of public practice, without dreading the responsible
authorities. The greatest danger is that it is reaching the fabric of Syrian
communities, far from where the cities where prostitution was traditionally
found in, arriving in the neighbourhoods Jaramana and else towns.

In Damascus [Syrian capital] or Amman [Jordanian capital], 'Blue Combo' is a
popular term. It means any foreigner visiting those cities can pick up a
brochure available at the airports as well as other public places, which
displays names and telephone numbers of girls. These advertisements never
claim it to be a brothel; rather the girl pretends to be the owner of a
condominium, which she offers to rent on daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Rental they ask are reasonably cheaper, which would fit the wallet. When
anyone will visit those condominiums, they will immediately realize that,
owning and maintaining of such lavishly furnished condo by a girl of 15-18
years, was impossible. It means the girl was actually working as sex workers
under the cover of condo owner. Most importantly, if the condo has three
beds, then the 'owner' would use one for attending her client, while other
rooms will be given to her 'girlfriends'. It is the newest trend in Damascus
or Amman - Blue Combos [get the girl and you get a discount off the
apartment]. This can indicate two things. Flesh trade is getting very
competitive that the brothel owners are offering bundles of deals and also
the number of customers are growing fast, as such 'Blue Condos' are
increasing almost every month. Municipal Corporation of both the cities are
not only reluctant in looking into what is happening behind the curtain of
'Blue Condos', they also are unable to touch any such establishments, as the
girls working in Blue Condos or the rackets are connected to influential
people in the society and government. That is why, Blue Condos are openly
advertising in brochures and even local newspapers.

At Sednaya, an area in Damascus city the visitors will witness boom of
multi-colored lights with neon signs of "Touristic Club & Restaurant", which
actually is unofficial term of "whorehouse". Under-aged refuges mostly from
Iraq and Palestine are crowded in hundred plus "Touristic Club & Restaurant"
only in a single area. It will look like a "Las Vegas" in the Arab world,
where, mostly Saudi men come in search of fresh flesh of an Iraqi or
Palestinian girl. Some of the Iraqi females had been prostitutes under
Saddam's regime, and some are forced to enter Syrian-Lebanese brothels
following the very dark, violent, inconceivable cataclysms that the war had
brought into their lives.

Iraq is both a source and destination country for men, women, and children
trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and
involuntary servitude. Iraqi women and girls, some as young as 11 years old,
are trafficked within the country and abroad to Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,
Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Iran, and possibly Yemen, for forced prostitution and
sexual exploitation within households in these countries. Some victims are
sexually exploited in Iraq before being sold to traffickers who take them
abroad. In some cases, women are lured into sexual exploitation through
false promises of work. The more prevalent means of becoming a victim is
through sale or forced marriage. Family members have trafficked girls and
women to escape desperate economic circumstances, to pay debts, or resolve
disputes between families. Some women and girls are trafficked within Iraq
for the purpose of sexual exploitation through the traditional institution
of temporary marriages [Muta'a]. Under this arrangement, the family receives
a dowry from the husband and the marriage is terminated after a specified
period. When trafficked, women can be placed at risk of honor killings if
their families learn that they have been raped or forced into prostitution.
Anecdotal reports tell of desperate Iraqi families abandoning their children
at the Syrian border with the expectation that traffickers on the Syrian
side will pick them up and arrange forged documents so the young women and
girls can stay in Syria in exchange for working in a nightclub or brothel.
Iraqi boys, mostly from poor families of Turkmen and Kurdish origin, are
trafficked within Iraq for the purpose of forced labor, such as street
begging and sexual exploitation. Iraqi men and boys who migrate abroad for
economic reasons may become victims of trafficking. Women from Ethiopia,
Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines are trafficked into the area under the
jurisdiction of the Kurdistan Regional Government [KRG] for involuntary
domestic servitude after being promised different jobs. Over the past year,
there was a credible report of women trafficked by the director of a women's
shelter in KRG area; the shelter was subsequently closed. There were also
reports that some foreign women recruited for work in beauty salons in the
KRG area had debts imposed on them and were coerced into prostitution.

Agony of the Iraqi women and forcing them to prostitution has been harshly
brought into criticism by a number of investigative writers in the world,
most of whom made United States liable for it. Debra McNutt wrote "Military
prostitution has long been seen around U.S. bases in the Philippines, South
Korea, Thailand, and other countries. But since the U.S. has begun to deploy
forces to many Muslim countries, it cannot be as open about enabling
prostitution for its personnel. U.S. military deployments in the Gulf War,
the Afghan War, and the Iraq War have reinvigorated prostitution and the
trafficking of women in the Middle East."

She wrote "During the brief Gulf War, the U.S. military prevented
prostitution for its troops in Saudi Arabia, to avoid a backlash from its
hosts. But on their return home, the troop ships stopped in Thailand for "R
& R." After the Gulf War, harsh economic sanctions forced many desperate
Iraqi women into prostitution. The sex trade grew to such an extent that in
1999 Saddam ordered his paramilitary forces to crack down on it in Baghdad,
resulting in the executions of many women. The U.S. invasion of March 2003
brought prostitution back to Iraq within a matter of weeks. The Iraq War has
now lasted eight times longer than the Gulf War deployments, and is marked
by a huge reliance on private security contractors. A U.S. ban on human
trafficking, signed by President Bush in January 2006, has not been applied
to these contractors. The rebirth of prostitution has generated fear that
permeates all of Iraqi society. Families keep their girls inside, not only
to keep them from being assaulted or killed, but to prevent them from being
kidnapped by organized prostitution rings. Gangs are also forcing some
families to sell their children into sex slavery. The war has created an
enormous number of homeless girls and boys who are most vulnerable to the
sex trade. It has also created thousands of refugee women who try to escape
danger but end up [out of economic desperation] being prostituted in Jordan,
Syria, Yemen or the UAE. Our occupation not only attacks women on the
outside, but attacks them on the inside, until there is nothing left to

Independent journalist David Phinney has documented how a Kuwaiti contract
company that imported workers to build the U.S. Embassy compound in
Baghdad's Green Zone-where they were terribly exploited-also smuggled women
into the construction site.

McNutt suspects that 180,000 private contractors, who now outnumber U.S.
troops by 20,000 and who are not subject to military law, were promoting
prostitution of local women or importing women under the guise of cooks,
maids or office workers.

The best-known case of private contractors engaging in military prostitution
was when DynCorp employees were caught trafficking women in Bosnia in the
1990s. Postings by private contractors on sex websites indicate that
prostitution exists around U.S. military bases in Iraq, though it's
increasingly dangerous for Westerners to leave military bases on their own.

Contractors advising each other to do their 'R & R' in the safer northern
Kurdish region, or the bars and hotels of Dubai, the UAE emirate that has
become the most open center of prostitution in the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile
prostitution rings in Iraq have to go deeper underground to hide from Iraqi

Another casualty of the U.S. occupation not much in the news is that women
GIs-one out of 10 U.S. soldiers in Iraq-are reporting rapes and sexual
harassment in unprecedented numbers.

Sara Corbett wrote in a March 18 New York Times Magazine article headlined
"The Women's War" that a report financed by the Defense Department showed
"nearly a third of a nationwide sample of female veterans seeking health
care through the VA said they experienced rape or attempted rape during the

She wrote: "Of those, 37 percent said they were raped multiple times, while
14 percent said they were gang raped. Military prostitution has a long
history. Perhaps the most infamous case occurred during World War II when
the Japanese military forced 100,000 to 200,000 Korean women to "service"
their soldiers. These "comfort women," now in their eighties, are still
demanding reparations for sexual enslavement. Those who oppose U.S. military
bases in the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand have long drawn attention
to brothels clustered around bases in those countries. The non-profit group
Prostitution Research and Education estimates 400,000 prostitutes worked in
Thailand in 1974 when GIs went there from Vietnam on furlough."

As observed by Sarah Mendelson in her 2005 Balkans report Barracks and
Brothels, many U.S. government protocols and programs have been implemented
to slow human trafficking, but without enforcement they end up merely as
public relations exercises. Military officials often turn a blind eye to the
exploitation of women by military and contract personnel, because they want
to boost their men's "morale." The most effective way for the military to
prevent a public backlash is to make sure that the embarrassing information
is not revealed. It is not necessary to cover up information if it does not
come out in the first place.

Most of the Iraqi prostitutes in Syrian and Lebanese brothels are annoyed
both on Saddam and United States, as they feel that, both are equally
responsible for pushing thousands of Iraqi females into prostitution. It may
be mentioned here that, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
estimated in 2006 that more than 2 million people are trafficked in the
global sex trade, though it noted the number could be as high as 10 million.
Some of the analysts are also commenting that, presence US forces in the
Middle East is encouraging growth of private brothels and prostitution.
Published by HT Syndication with permission from Weekly Blitz . 

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