The Orgy Of Obliteration Within Crescent Of Islam
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Iqbal Latif-Paris - 6/20/2007 
A quick expanse of the hotspots in the Islamic world reveals a very
repulsive and distressful drama unf olding very silently and unnoticeably.
6th of June marked the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the Six Day War
according to the civil calendar. So how did the Palestinians acknowledge
this significant date? They tore each other apart this time, unable to
penetrate through the thick walls, the desire for blood now turns to their
own. Of course, this ongoing conflict provides a ready made excuse for all
the problems of Arab societies ranging from the national to the deeply
personal. As Egyptian columnist Wael Abdel Fattah wrote in the independent
weekly Al-Fagr newspaper that Arabs blame the defeat for "everything" - from
"price hikes, dictatorship, religious extremism, sectarian strife, even
sexual impotence." The heavy fighting, pitting forces loyal to Palestinian
Presid ent Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, against members of the Islamist
Hamas movement, have not only revived fears of an intra-Palestinian civil
war, but they have shattered the dream of the Palestinians gaining
independence and ruling themselves as a sovereign nation at any time in the
foreseeable future.

Elimination and eradication of their own is how great Islamic Empires have
survived on. The 400 years old Ottoman rule: the last great Caliphate that
ruled Arab lands is a rule that was based on military defeat of Arabs and
domination of Turks. The last time a universal Islamic Ottoman Caliphate
existed under Selim the Grim, Mamluks and Saffvids lost their dynasties.
Might and conquest was an integral part of previous ideological unity. Might
and fire power has always been the name of the game. Nothing is new today in
the way Hamas and Fatah are tearing each other apart like rav enous dogs.
Political processes take a backseat as radicals are more prone to draw
blood, albeit of their own - they are not used to talks or negotiations; you
reap what you sow, when hatred is sown one reaps bloodthirsty tormenters
expert at slitting throats. Radicals like Hamas and Al-Qaeda are the
greatest proponents of Islamic unity and caliphate. The unique method to
reach this unison is mesmerizing. The formula is simple: first, eliminate
any opposing thought and then impose spiritual unity from top down.
Definitely unity can only be achieved by force. Though all parties emerge as
losers in this latest Palestinian debacle, the gravest consequence is that
those who stand to lose the most are the Palestinians, no matter which side
their sympathies rests. In the last couple of days the Palestinians seem to
have crossed the Rubicon. There exists now a de facto rupture within the
Palestinian society with the secularists led by Fatah on one side, and on
the other, the Islamists of Hamas. And by all indications, the
intra-Palestinian clash does not seem as though it will abate any time soon.

The Palestinian civil war, the Iraqi civil war, and the Afghanistan civil
war, none of which are officially recognized as such, have one common
element: that of suicide bombers and killers taking their own kin to graves
at Godspeed. When Cheney had to be given a message, a couple of dozens of
Afghan hawkers were blown to pieces; the other day, Boucher was in Quetta, 9
soldiers were eliminated, the purpose being message of blood. Never before
in human history has the lust of destroying life of their own kin through
one's own sacrifices been recorded. It is like a father becoming a suicide
bomber to eliminate his sons or a mother eliminating her children. This is
an era which can be termed as the end of common sense within the polity of

In an environment where state craft has become part and parcel of the new
world, the radicals are, on the one hand, selling the dream of nirvana where
'great Islamic unity' will under a caliph achieve the dominance that Islam
is missing today, on the other, to achieve that domination they have to
abolish any dispute within. Elimination of dissent is the primary object;
nothing can be resolved peacefully hence bloodshed is a tool of statecraft.
Assad used it mercilessly in Hama and Saddam deployed this to perfection
during the Anfal campaign against the Kurds and Shiite genocide in the
marshlands. Negotiations rarely work, muzzle of guns speak louder than
reason, and the thirst of blood never ends. The last round of fighting
between the two main Palestinian factions was halted when King Abdullah of
Saudi Arabia intervened and convened the concerned parties to a summit
meeting in the holy city of Makkah earlier this year. But as the fratricidal
fighting flared up anew, no one among the Palestinians dare call the
violence a civil war. Terje Roed-Larsen, now the president of the
International Peace Academy and a U.N. envoy for Lebanon-Syria issues,
called the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip "a defining moment in the
history of the Middle East and the history of Middle East conflicts." "We've
had an intra-Arab strife, de facto a civil war in Gaza, which has led to a
de facto coup d'etat," he said in an interview Friday. "This has forced a
new agenda on the table of the Arab League and the Arab world as well as the
broader international community." And at the end of the day, it is
Palestinians who are killing Palestinians. It is a civil war.

Nearly 60 years after the founding of Israel, 40 years after a war the Arabs
began promising to "drive Israel into the sea" the Arabs refuse to admit to
the reality of Israel, to seek peace, to improve their lot, preferring a
nightmare of hate. But Afif Safieh, the representative of the Palestine
Liberation Organization in Washington, sees the situation from a very
different perspective, according to him it was the international community
that dropped the ball following the Mecca summit earlier this year when
Saudi King Abdullah brought the two warring factions together and extracted
a cease-fire from them. "That was the perfect time to initiate a diplomatic
solution to the problem, and the Europeans and the United States could have
advanced with a Palestinian partner," Safieh told United Press
International. "But the Western powers failed to grab the window of
opportunity." "Stagnation and a political dead end have plunged the
political scene in Palestine inwards," said the PLO representative to
Washington. Safieh makes some compelling points regarding the international
community's disinclination to deal with Hamas, but of course the
unwillingness is not without basis. Hamas continues to reject to recognize
the state of Israel and its right to exist. It's not the international
community that is shooting at Palestinians in Gaza. Those firing their
machine guns and lobbing heavy mortars on Palestinians are none other than

Intra-Islamic divisions are now resolved by suicide bombings. Brothers
eliminating brothers is the new norm. Not only is human life scorned, but
holy places are a target of destruction too. Suspected al Qaeda bombers
toppled the towering minarets of Samarra's revered Shiite shrine on
Wednesday, adding new provocation a year after the mosque's Golden Dome was
destroyed. Internecine wars need provocation, destruction of the third
holiest shrine of Shiites is worth a few thousand lives and that is what
they go for. In February 2006, insurgents linked to al-Qaeda blew up the
same shrine's glistening golden dome. That attack set in motion the
sectarian slaughter that has shredded the fabric of Iraqi society and killed
tens of thousands of Iraqis.

The attack stoked fears of an upsurge in intra-Muslim violence. A Sunni
mosque was levelled by an explosion in Basra, in apparent retaliation for
the toppling of minarets at a prized Shiite shrine in Samarra. Bombers
loaded into pickup trucks pulled up to the al-Ashrah al-Mubashra mosque in
Basra's al-Hakimiya district at dawn. Bombers posing as television cameramen
destroyed another important Sunni mosque near Basra, the Talha Bin al-Zubair
shrine. These are shrines that carry the name of the descendants of the
prophet's, the holiest of the holiest, to use the descendants against the
companions is sickening.

Sectarian and political divisions are leading to mass inter-communal terror:
the way Hamas and Al-Fatah are ready for a civil war; the manner in which
Hezbollah is readying for the civil war in Lebanon; the approach taken by
Taliban to eliminate the government of brother Pakhtoon Karzai with the aid
of his ex-enemy Mullah Omar. In the latter case, Karzai is a Sunni, so are
the other enemies of Karzai, i.e., Taliban. Of course they consider Karzai
to be a puppet of the Northern Alliance.

Nearly all of these varied groups, whilst coloring their hands with the
blood of their own brethren, talk about the ultimate Caliphate where they
all can live peacefully under the tabernacle of the God-entrusted Caliph.
Mullah Omar likes the title of Ameer-ul-Momeneen; Hezbollah awaits an even
bigger appearance that of 'Imam Ghaib.' Osama would like to be the first
rejuvenated Caliph of Islam after the end of the Ottoman Empire, which his
forefathers under the guise of 'Arab National Army' and leadership of
Lawrence of Arabia, fought to destroy and obliterate.

The creation of an Islamic caliphate, or empire, has long formed a part of
Al-Qaeda's worldview, and it is a vision that seems to have unsettled many
in the west. But it will remain just a militant's dream. It is these very
people who had torn the Caliphate apart when it existed. Before he went into
hiding in 2001, Osama bin Laden often talked of deposing Muslim rulers, seen
as indebted to Western powers, and abolishing modern state borders to unite
all Muslims under a caliphate - an Islamic state where God's word was law
ruled over by a caliph, or "successor" to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

What grudge can Arab Osama bin Laden possibly have with the westerners; it
was not until 400 years after the Mamluks defeat at the hands of Selim I
that under Lawrence of Arabia as the head of the Arab armies they captured
Damascus and installed an interim Arab administration, deputizing for King
Feisal. So after 400 years of Turkish rule, the Arabs were once again a
power to be reckoned with in the contemporary world, though very much below
the authority and strength which Lawrence had intended for them. As Lawrence
himself put it, the opponents of Arab nationalism had bigger guns, and that
was all. Is Osama going to re-install the Caliphate that his forefathers in
the name of 'Arab revolt and nationalism' busted?

Now Al-Qaeda militants are talking about setting up a caliphate in west
Iraq, and militants calling themselves Al-Qaeda in Yemen also recently said
a caliphate is their goal. Very noble goals indeed, but the way they are
handling communal differences between various strains of Islam is absolutely
murderous. A Caliphate being conceived on orgies of blood!! It absolutely
took two wars with Mamluk and Saffvid armies to unite the Caliphate the last
time. No universal Caliphate is possible, going by what happened to the
'Ottoman Caliphate' under the name of Arab revolt. The Ottoman family, the
House of Osman of Turkish origin, was not a member of the Prophet's family.
They were always considered as usurpers by the Arabs. Blood is thicker than
ties of Islam, 1400 years of history is living proof.

Hamas and Palestinians Fatah cannot even handle a barren strip of Gaza and
West Bank. For the sake of their people, why can common sense not prevail,
why education and prosperity cannot become the clarion call for these
demagogues? In what way is God's purpose being served when human limbs are
shattered? According to Islamic tradition, a caliph had to trace his lineage
to Prophet Mohammed (Umayyads and Abbasids are examples of this). The
treacherous battle of Shiite and Sunni Islam in the heartland of Iraq is
another unique example of this hysterical exposition of internecine
abhorrence. Zarqawi's detestation of Shiites in Iraq and his war of freedom
for Iraq by mass elimination of Shiites resulted in emergence of the equally
ruthless Sadr; the two are fighting for the freedom of Iraq and freeing Iraq
of Iraqis at Godspeed. People of peace and advocates of inter-sectarian
unity have been totally sidelined. The mass frenzy of carnage has overtaken
the hotspots of the Islamic world, and no one seems to notice that this is
actually the consequence of continuous chastisement of 'hatred against
mankind' that is now revealing its full impact on fledgling societies. The
so-called blood-infested freedom struggles have come to a full circle and
are now consuming the children of Jihad; the first victim of misplaced
revolutions, rather, all revolutions, has been its own children.

Such naked and barefaced vengeance has seen very few parallels in modern
history. Medieval world had seen Protestants and Catholics war on the lines
of Shiite and Sunni war between Iraq and Iran. But within the Middle East,
where these communities are so intermingled in modern day and age, the
spectre of inter-sectarian violence at this height is a new threat to
regional balance and economic stability of the world as far as energy goes.

For the consumption of these bloodthirsty tyrants who want to claim
universal 'Caliphate' by waging a war against their own brethren, let us
take a whirlwind tour of history; let us see how bloody and forceful it was
the last time when Selim I united the Caliphate of Islam. The Ottomans under
Selim at the Battles of Marj Dabiq and al-Raydaniyya destroyed the Mamluk
Sultanate, which led to the annexation of Syria, Palestine and Egypt. It was
he who extended Ottoman power to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The
holiest sites of the Islamic world - the Great Mosque in Mecca and the
Mosque of the Prophet in Medina - fell under his dominion when the Turks
took Egypt and her Arabian provinces from the Mamluks. The title which 'King
Fahd' took in the 80's, that of Khadim ul Haremeyn, or The Servant of The
Two Holy Shrines, was originally instituted by Selim I. Instead of styling
'Hakim ul Haremeyn,' or The Ruler of The Two Holy Shrines, he accepted the
more pious title Khadim ul Haremeyn, or The Servant of The Two Holy Shrines.

It was after the conquest of Egypt and the Holy Cities, Al-Mutawakkil III
(1509 -17), the last Abbasid Caliph in Cairo, formally surrendered the title
of Caliph and its emblems, the sword and the mantle of Muhammad to Selim.
Once cementing his claim to the position of the "Guardian of the Faithful",
Selim waged a war against Persia, whose ruler Shah Ismail I claimed to be
Caliph as well. The triumphant crusade which followed was a victory for
Selim, whose determination and bravery overcame the insubordination of the
Janissaries, the household troops of the Ottoman dynasty.

After assuming the Caliphate, Selim assumed the title Malik ul-Barayn, wa
KhaKhan ul-Bahrayn, was Kasir ul-Jayshayn, wa Khadim ul-Haramayn - that is,
King of the Two Deserts, KhaKhan of the Two Seas, Conqueror of the Two
Armies, and Servant of the Two Holy Shrines. This designation alludes to his
dominions in Africa and Asia (namely, Egypt, Anatolia, and much of the
Fertile Crescent), his rule over the Mediterranean and Black seas, his
conquest over the Mamluk and Safavid armies, and his guardianship of the
shrines of Mecca and Medina. It was Selim who expanded the 2,500,000 km of
Ottoman land to 6,500,000 km. After completely filling the royal treasury,
he reportedly locked it with his own seal and decreed that "he who will fill
the treasury more than this, may use his seal to lock it." The treasury
remained locked with Selim's seal until the collapse of the Empire 400 years

One problem that is faced by the Islamic world is the distrust and
infighting between them; the violence within communities is extensive. In
the face of huge diversity of religious and political systems in the Middle
East today, no such 'messianic' figures are on the scene. Selim-kind of
power and figures do not exist anymore; it is decentralizing of authority
where every state within the Arab world wants respect and authority. The
massive schism between Sunni and Shiite Muslims who argue bitterly over the
first four caliphs (632-661 AD) to succeed the Prophet (PBUH) makes this
dream of a universal caliphate even more part of a fairy tale.

Shiite Iran has its own form of Islamic government where supreme authority
lies with an Islamic jurist chosen by a body of senior clerics to rule in
the place of a disappeared line of descendents of the Prophet (PBUH). In
Saudi Arabia, the adherents of an austere school of Sunni Islam, known as
Wahhabism, give their allegiance to the Saudi family to rule as kings in
return for wide latitude to enforce their version of sharia, or Islamic law.
"I can see the whole Arab world falling into sectarian violence, so I can't
see this caliphate happening," said London-based anthropologist Madawi
Al-Rasheed, referring to Sunni-Shiite tensions in Iraq and Lebanon. "This is
just part of (Al-Qaeda's) war of slogans."

These brewing struggles are suggestive of a roadmap of insecurity, all
through the crescent of volatility from Morocco to Afghanistan. The
internecine wars have to be stopped. Continuous fanning of the message of
'Jihad' against the infidels have to be revisited and abolished once for
all; sowing hatred breeds hatred, sowing bullets leads to a harvest of
bullets. Eventually the Muslim world should wake up to realize that this
'Jihad' is being fed by the blood of its own children. Guns, dynamite, venom
and poison have no boundaries. They flourish on the easiest of preys, and
when these guns fail to find the 'infidels,' they can easily find unarmed
civilians in their own neighbourhood with whom they don't agree
ideologically and they become the new target. Hamas and Hezbollah and
Alqaeda deliver messages of poison that need continuous feeding of blood to
sustain their efforts. The best antidote is 'peace.' That means death to
them; if they are contained they start gulping their own children with equal
ferocity. It is their brand of ideology that matters and in absence of their
brand being accepted, every other shade of human thinking is discarded.

That is what is exactly happening. Unable to launch their global campaigns
of terror, the fangs of terror are now demanding new blood to sustain its
tentacles. In Gaza, the Palestinians are now victims of the Hamas or the
Palestinian security forces, political expression bastardised to the highest
level of corruption. When politics are at the back stage and guns in the
front, naturally every dispute is handled by guns, even a shoddy attempt of
formation of a bipartisan government. Last week they were talking of a
coalition government; yesterday they were killing each other like nobody's
business. The problem is that when a 'gun' is relied on for so much, even a
family feud, then it becomes a gun-based feud. The family of Islam is
tearing each other apart; the message of tolerance and communal coexistence
has been lost. It is important it searches from the moments of history where
tolerance led to peaceful eras.

Hezbollah should avoid making any further attempts to plunge Lebanon into
the ignominies of bloodstained days. Al Fatah and Hamas, ready to get on to
each other's throats to bury the facade of brotherhood and unity once and
for all, should avoid the dance of death amidst them. Mature societies
respect life and respect law. These signs of medieval immaturity need to be
buried; the Middle Eastern media should join hands to denounce this vain
violence all around us. It is not the enemies who are killing Muslims, once
again, it is the Muslims killing each other and if unchecked it will be the
biggest unfolding tragedy. There are hundreds of regions where fragile
balance between communities can dribble over to bloodshed.

It was not an Arab like Arafat or Osama bin Laden, but Lawrence who as a
great military leader and strategist got them freed from the 'yoke of
Caliphate.' Today's demands of Caliphate are an expedient tool to find the
cannon fodder of Islamic Jihad, find new suicide bombers in the hope of a
vast Caliphate land. Islamic global unity brings out a lot of emotion and a
lot of anger. Lawrence of Arabia organized the national rebellion of the
Arab peoples and gave them the first opening in 400 years to become a
significant Middle Eastern power. It was overthrown by the French with
considerable bloodshed. Feisal, having been robbed and deposed of his
kingdom in Syria was awarded with Iraq. On his death, Sheikh Hamoudi of
Aleppo exclaimed in his grief: "It is as if I had lost a son. Tell them in
England what I say. Of manhood, the man; in freedom free; a mind without
equal; I can see no flaw in him."

A lesson from history where coexistence, even in wars, was most important
has to be revisited; sensibilities and rejection of hatred should take the
front seat. The best caliphate would be respect of the territorial integrity
of bigger and smaller states and respect of life and property with the
tolerance of opposing strains of ideas that is a possible goal. Radicals who
are destroying peace and security and demanding the promotion of universal
Islamic unity amidst this carnage of bloodletting under the name of
'caliphate and Islam' is nothing but a visa for elimination and cleansing
the minority thought. Governance is about inclusion not exclusion. The
atrocities in the hotspots within the fringes of the Islamic world demand
removal of this toxic thinking of self-righteousness associated with

Iqbal Latif-Paris writes for the Global Politician about Islam and related
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