"Such familiarity is what the Marines and Army believe they need if 
they are to keep their ranks replenished. As the conflict in Iraq 
entered its third year, the Marines missed their monthly recruiting 
goals in January through March for the first time in a decade, and 
the Army and the National Guard also fell short of their needs. This 
year, the Army and the Marines plan not only to increase the number 
of recruiters, but also to penetrate high schools more deeply, 
especially those least likely to send graduates to college. 

For Carloss and other recruiters, part of the way has been cleared 
by the No Child Left Behind education law of 2002, which provides 
the military with students' home addresses and telephone numbers. It 
also guarantees that any school that allows college or job 
recruiters on campus must make the same provision for the military.

Once in the door, lining up enlistees means becoming part of the 
school culture. 

Carloss spent seven weeks in recruiting classes to hone his 
marketing and communication skills. His techniques are similar to 
those in the Army's "School Recruiting Program Handbook," published 
last year." 

Interesting that the Bush NCLB 2002 law has been consistently 
underfunded and is due for further reductions in the proposed budget 
for next year.  Could it be that a stealth reason for the law was to 
open the doors for military recruiters in anticipation of a 
shortfall in recruitment as Bush's wars expanded and Bush merely 
gives lip service to the law's stated objective?

David Bier


They're Talking Up Arms

Military recruiters are fortifying their outposts at high schools, 
hoping a chummy familiarity will entice students to enlist. Some 
decry the tactics.
By Erika Hayasaki
Times Staff Writer

April 5, 2005

Marine Sgt. Rick Carloss is as familiar to students as some teachers 
at Downey High School. He does push-ups with students during PE 
classes and plays in faculty basketball games. During lunch, he 
hands out key chains, T-shirts and posters that proclaim: "Think of 
Me As Your New Guidance Counselor." 

On a recent morning, Carloss drove his silver 1996 Mercedes-Benz 
from his recruiting station to the school two blocks away. A parking 
attendant waved him into the lot, saying, "Hi, dear."

Inside the attendance office, Carloss kissed two secretaries on 
their foreheads.

"I need you to summon a young man out of class for me," he told one.

"OK," she replied. "What's his name?"

The young man, Gilbert Rodriguez, was an 18-year-old senior. He was 
enlisting in the Marines the next day. Carloss needed go over 
paperwork with him.

Walking through corridors, Carloss pounded a student's fist in 
greeting, chatted with another about a novel she was reading, shook 
hands with administrators.

The sergeant entered the library and a student shouted: "Hey, 

Such familiarity is what the Marines and Army believe they need if 
they are to keep their ranks replenished. As the conflict in Iraq 
entered its third year, the Marines missed their monthly recruiting 
goals in January through March for the first time in a decade, and 
the Army and the National Guard also fell short of their needs. This 
year, the Army and the Marines plan not only to increase the number 
of recruiters, but also to penetrate high schools more deeply, 
especially those least likely to send graduates to college. 

For Carloss and other recruiters, part of the way has been cleared 
by the No Child Left Behind education law of 2002, which provides 
the military with students' home addresses and telephone numbers. It 
also guarantees that any school that allows college or job 
recruiters on campus must make the same provision for the military.

Once in the door, lining up enlistees means becoming part of the 
school culture. 

Carloss spent seven weeks in recruiting classes to hone his 
marketing and communication skills. His techniques are similar to 
those in the Army's "School Recruiting Program Handbook," published 
last year. 

The guide instructs recruiters to deliver doughnuts and coffee for 
the school staff once a month; attend faculty and parent meetings; 
chaperon dances; participate in Black History Month and Hispanic 
Heritage Month events; meet with the student government, newspaper 
editors and athletes; and lead the football team in calisthenics. It 
lays out a month-by-month plan to make recruiters "indispensable" on 
campus. The booklet states: "Be so helpful and so much a part of the 
school scene that you are in constant demand."

It advises recruiters to get to know young leaders because "some 
influential students such as the student president or the captain of 
the football team may not enlist; however, they can and will provide 
you with referrals who will enlist."

Some teachers, parents and students are complaining about what they 
consider to be overly aggressive recruitment tactics, especially at 
schools with low-income and minority students. That criticism has 
prompted some schools, such as Roosevelt High in Boyle Heights, to 
curb military recruiting. 

But at others, like Downey, which serves mostly Latino students from 
working-class families, recruiters like Carloss are welcomed. 

Carloss, 33, one of the Marines' best recruiters, has the kind of 
charm and outgoing personality that enables him to relate to 
students. After graduating from Dorsey High School in South Los 
Angeles, he studied radio broadcasting at Santa Monica College for 
two years. In 1991, he joined the Marines because he wanted 
leadership skills and to earn money for college. The military paid 
for his education at Howard University in Washington, D.C. 

Inside a lunch room, Carloss sat with Rodriguez and another Marine 
recruit, Matthew Tovar, an 18-year-old senior who will leave for 
boot camp in July.

Rodriguez had planned to attend Rio Hondo College's police academy 
in Whittier, but several months ago he learned after talking to 
Carloss that he could receive training in the Marines to prepare him 
for his dream career as a police detective. 

At Rio Hondo, "the training they were going to give him is something 
he has to pay for," Carloss said. 

"This option will be better for the future," said Rodriguez, who has 
spent much of his life supporting himself. While attending Downey 
High, he worked full time as a store manager.

Sitting in the lunch room, Carloss told both young men that with 
money he earned in the military, he bought a motorcycle and a house, 
in addition to his Mercedes.

His cellphone rang. It played a 50 Cent rap tune. 

The sergeant took off his Rolex watch and handed it to Tovar. Tovar 
examined it and smiled: "That could be me one day."

Tovar relates to Carloss. Both like nice cars and Sean John 
clothing. Both lost best friends in shootings, in neighborhoods 
where they were both "at the wrong place at the wrong time." Both 
chose the Marines over the streets of South Los Angeles.

"He's a very good role model," said Tovar, who wanted to be a Marine 
even before meeting Carloss. "He knows how the kids are."

Carloss professes not to pay attention to recruiting quotas. "Do I 
really look at this as a numbers game?" he said. "I don't. The kids 
are going to come [to the military] regardless of how I carry 

But Allen Kanner, a Berkeley child psychologist and the author 
of "Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in 
a Materialistic World," who has tracked military recruitment in 
schools, said teenagers are easily influenced. 

"They are less sophisticated in terms of analyzing the purpose of an 
advertisement, and the strategies and manipulation being used to 
convince them to buy into joining the Army," Kanner said.

University High School student Jose Dubon recently wrote an 
editorial for the campus newspaper in which he stated: "The Army 
managed to get a Hummer rolling on 24-inch dubs, blasting rap, lined 
with flames on the side, outside of Room C161." 

He continued: "Dressed in Army uniforms, recruiters stood outside 
telling people that if they signed up, they [would] receive a T-
shirt that said, in Spanish, "YO SOY EL ARMY." 

Karen Magee, who has taught history for 22 years at the Downtown 
Business Magnet School, said her students have complained that 
recruiters have offered to buy their prom tickets if they sign up 
for information about enlisting. Recruiters have attended dances and 
faculty meetings, she said, and offered to take students to dinner. 

In December, recruiters approached her in the hall and asked if they 
could visit her classroom, Magee said. She refused. Other teachers 
did not.

At Sylmar High School, which has mostly low-income Latino students, 
recruiters walk around in groups of two or three during lunch and 
approach students at bus stops, said Erika Herran, 16. 

She added: "I can't even remember a time when I have seen a college 
recruiter on campus."

At Bell High School, parents and students wanted to know why 
administrators recently required 500 juniors to take the 3 1/2 -hour 
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test.

The test is designed by the Department of Defense as a prime 
recruitment tool providing the military with "pre-qualified" leads, 
according to the Army handbook. Recruiters pitch the test to 
principals and counselors as a "career exploration and assessment 

Yesenia Mojarro, career counselor at Bell, said the school gave the 
test to the junior class for the first time this year to assess 
career strengths. She said proctors told students that if they were 
not interested in a military career, they could withhold their home 
address or phone number.

Itzuri Villa, 16, a junior at Bell, said that when a teacher told 
her that it had not been not mandatory, she said students began 
yelling: " 'What?' Everyone was bothered. Why were we testing? Most 
of us didn't want to test because we were afraid they were going to 
try to recruit us."

Her father, Gustavo Villa, said the school never asked for 
permission to give the test.

Recruiters call his daughter weekly, Villa said. Like many parents, 
he did not know that under No Child Left Behind, his daughter 
could "opt out" of providing contact information to military 

In the Downey Marine office, five recruiters spend about two to 
three hours a day calling students. Those they cannot reach by phone 
they sometimes visit at home.

Master Sgt. John Bertolette, the Marine recruiting director in 
Downey, said his staffers know their limits. "We know not everyone 
is cut out to be a Marine," he said. "We don't get on the phone and 
badger or beat the issue."

Inside the office, a white board on the wall lists 25 "target" high 

For each campus, recruiters had listed the number of male students, 
visits to the campus and total signed contracts for 2005. 

Dave Griesmer, a spokesman for the Marine Corps Recruiting Command, 
said the military seeks diverse candidates, regardless of income 

But he added: "You're not going to waste your resources if you're in 
sales in a market that is not going to produce. 

"We certainly don't discount any school," he said. "But if 95% of 
kids in that area go on to college, a recruiter is going to decide 
where the best market is. Recruiters need to prioritize."

At San Marino High School, in an affluent San Gabriel Valley 
neighborhood, career center director Shanna Soltis said she has seen 
one military recruiter so far this school year. They rarely stop by, 
she said, because about 98% of San Marino graduates attend college. 

A group called the Coalition Against Militarism in Schools, composed 
of Los Angeles teachers, recently began keeping track of recruiting 
on high school campuses. The group has joined with the American 
Civil Liberties Union to file public records requests to gain access 
to recruiters' records and information they distribute to students.

In the East Los Angeles Army office, recruiters sense the backlash. 

Two of the recruiters, both sergeants, recently arrived during lunch 
hour at Jefferson High in South-Central L.A., checking in at the 
front office. The school does not allow them to wander the halls or 
make pitches to students passing by. Instead, they are required to 
stay in the career center or the Junior Reserve Officers' Training 
Corps classroom.

"Two years ago, we could walk around on campus and say, 'Hi, I'm 
with the military,' " said Sgt. Eldhen Fajardo. "Now we can't do 

On the way to JROTC, they passed students on the basketball court 
and the football field. Some stared. One laughed at their uniforms. 
Another called Fajardo a derogatory name.

He brushed it off, saying: "They want to make you mad." 

Later, they visited the career center. Two Air Force recruiters were 
already sitting at a table, pamphlets spread out. The four 
recruiters spent the rest of the lunch period there. No students 
showed up to meet them.

Meanwhile, during lunch at Downey High on a recent afternoon, 
Carloss and another Marine recruiter presided over a festive scene.

They set up a metal exercise bar on the quad and put up poster 
boards decorated with colorful pictures and slogans. They challenged 
students to a pull-up contest, offering freebies to those who 

Carloss solicited students like a game booth vendor. A crowd of 
curious youths gathered around him. They shouted and laughed, 
cheering on students who accepted the pull-up challenge. 

Students held pamphlets and key chains from an Army recruiting table 
several yards away. They picked up T-shirts and hats from the 

Carloss asked them to fill out cards with their name, address, phone 
number, age and grade. Students must be at least 17 to enlist. Those 
younger than 18 need parental consent.

"Are you scared?" Carloss said jokingly to one boy. 

Carloss waved down a girl: "Go to one of these boys over here who 
you think is cute and tell him to do it."

"Who?" she replied. 

"I don't care," Carloss said, "as long as he's 17." 

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