“In my weekly meetings with DOJ [the Department of Justice] we often
discussed DOD [Department of Defense] techniques and how they were not
effective or producing [intelligence] that was reliable,” the e-mail
reads. The agent then listed a number of Justice Department Criminal
Division officials who attended the meetings, including Fisher, who
between July 2001 and September 2003, was deputy assistant attorney
general in charge of the division. “We all agreed DOD tactics were
going to be an issue in the military commission cases. I know [senior
Criminal Division lawyer Bruce Swartz] brought this to the attention
of DOD OGC [Office of General Counsel].”


Void at Justice

Does a Senate Democrat’s desire for answers about alleged Gitmo abuse
trump the Justice Department’s need to fill an important post?

By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
Updated: 5:49 p.m. ET Aug. 3, 2005

Aug. 3, 2005 - A last-minute lobbying push by Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales last week failed to dislodge a senator’s “hold” on the
nominee to take over the Justice Department’s Criminal Division,
leaving what some department officials say is a decision-making void
during a critical period in major international terror investigations.

Gonzales aides had been counting on Alice Fisher, President George W.
Bush’s pick to head the Criminal Division, getting confirmed before
the Senate went out of town last week for summer recess. But Michigan
Democratic Sen. Carl Levin rebuffed a personal plea from the attorney
general last Friday night to permit a vote on Fisher’s confirmation.
His reason: continued questions about what Fisher knew regarding FBI
complaints about allegedly abusive interrogation techniques by the
U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Levin’s refusal to lift his hold on Fisher, which sources say had
support from at least one and possibly two other Democratic senators,
upset Gonzales aides. They say that at a time when the Justice
Department must deal with the fallout from the London subway and bus
bombings, the attack in Egypt and heightened anxiety about another
terror incident, there is now about to be a serious vacuum at the
upper levels of the department. Not only is there no confirmed chief
of the Criminal Division to make major decisions for the rest of the
summer, department officials note that Deputy Attorney General James
Comey, who had previously announced his resignation, is due to leave
office at the end of next week. President Bush’s nominee to replace
Comey, former deputy White House counsel Tim Flanigan, just had his
confirmation hearing last week and won’t be voted on until after the
Senate returns on Sept. 6â€"and only then when the Judiciary Committee
can find the time in the midst of its the far more intense hearings
for Supreme Court nominee John Roberts.

“We feel like this is playing politics with national security,” said
one senior Justice Department official, about the Senate’s failure to
vote on Fisher’s confirmation. The official, who asked not to be
identified because of the political sensitivity of the issue, noted
that Fisher, who had previously served as the chief deputy to Homeland
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff when he was chief of the Criminal
Division, had easily cleared the Judiciary Committee without serious

Moreover, some Justice officials say they have sought to address
Levin’s concerns by releasing additional information about the
Guantanamo issueâ€"all to no avail. “We’ve bent over backward to make
information available to the Senate,” said the department official.

But apparently not enough, at least for Levin. The senator has raised
questions about Fisher ever since he obtained a more complete copy of
a May 10, 2004, internal FBI e-mail outlining bureau concerns about
interrogation practices at Guantanamo. The e-mail to senior FBI
counterterrorism official T. J. Harringtonâ€"sent by an agent whose name
remains redactedâ€"reported on earlier disputes between FBI agents and
top generals overseeing Guantanamo about “the effectiveness (or lack
thereof)” of aggressive Defense Department interrogation techniques
being used at the U.S. detention facility.

“In my weekly meetings with DOJ [the Department of Justice] we often
discussed DOD [Department of Defense] techniques and how they were not
effective or producing [intelligence] that was reliable,” the e-mail
reads. The agent then listed a number of Justice Department Criminal
Division officials who attended the meetings, including Fisher, who
between July 2001 and September 2003, was deputy assistant attorney
general in charge of the division. “We all agreed DOD tactics were
going to be an issue in the military commission cases. I know [senior
Criminal Division lawyer Bruce Swartz] brought this to the attention
of DOD OGC [Office of General Counsel].”

To some Senate Democrats, the FBI e-mail suggested that Fisher had
detailed knowledge of FBI complaints about the military interrogation
practices that have since become the subject of intense controversy.
Some of the techniques, proposed for one particularly high-value Al
Qaeda detainee, included exposure to cold weather or water and the use
of a wet towel and dripping water “to induce the misperception of
drowning;” tactics that one FBI agent assigned to Guantanamo thought
might be in violation of a federal torture statute, according to
another November 2002 FBI document, entitled “Legal Analysis of
Interrogation Techniques,” that was reported on in the Aug. 8 edition
of NEWSWEEK. (The Pentagon has denied that any approved techniques at
Guantanamo violated the law.)

But in written responses to the Judiciary Committee, Fisher denied
having heard about such complaints. While acknowledging that she
attended the weekly meetings referred to in the e-mail, Fisher wrote:
“I do not recall that interrogation techniques were discussed at these
meetings.” Fisher said she did recall becoming aware of “FBI concerns”
about interrogations, “but I cannot recall the content of specific
meetings … I do not recall the FBI expressing to me concerns about
illegal activity at Guantanamo Bay regarding detainee treatment or

After receiving her responses, Levin as well as Sen. Edward Kennedy
and Sen. Dick Durbin, told Justice officials that they wanted to
question the FBI agent who wrote the May 10, 2004, e-mail to resolve
what they saw as a conflict. Justice refused, citing longstanding
policy, thereby leading to Levin’s hold on Fisher’s nomination. (Under
longstanding custom, any individual senator can place such a hold and
delay confirmation votes.) In an effort to break the logjam, Justice
officials then interviewed the FBI agent on their own and then
reported back that the Democratic senators were misconstruing his
e-mail, according to a July 26 letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
chairman Sen. Arlen Specter by William E. Moschella, assistant
attorney general for legislative affairs.

Moschella said that the unnamed FBI author of the May 10 e-mail
reported that the sentence referring to weekly meetings with Fisher
should be “decoupled” from the sentences before and after it, which
refer to discussions about the ineffectiveness of Defense Department
tactics and the agreement among participants that “DOD tactics were
going to be an issue in the military commission cases.” In fact,
according to Moschella’s letter, the FBI agent only remembered
discussions with Fisher about one particular detainee and his links to
law-enforcement investigations; “he does not recall any conversation
with or in the presence of Ms. Fisher regarding interrogation
techniques or the treatment of detainees.”

The answer didn’t satisfy Levin who still insists on speaking directly
to the FBI agent, not relying on the Justice representation of what he
said, according to a Senate source who asked not to be identified
because of the political sensitivity of the matter. A spokeswoman for
Levin confirmed that the senator still maintained his hold on Fisher
even after receiving Gonzales’s phone call Friday night. But the
spokeswoman said the senator was off hiking with his wife Wednesday
and was unavailable for comment.

In the meantime, John Richter, a little-known former chief of staff to
the former chief of the Criminal Division, Christopher Wray, will
serve as acting assistant attorney general in charge of the division.
The impasse, Justice officials say, couldn’t come at a worse time. In
a letter last Friday night to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid
seeking to dislodge the Fisher holdup, Gonzales cited "the recent
terrorist bombings in London and Egypt as a reminder of the "clear and
present danger that terrorism continues to pose." The State Department
this week issued a new worldwide caution on terrorism, warning
Americans who are traveling that “current information” indicates that
Al Qaeda and affiliated groups are planning attacks against U.S.
interests in “multiple regions” around the world.

In London, police and other security agencies have also remained on
unusually high alert after receiving what U.S. and U.K.
counterterrorism officials described as fresh and alarming
intelligence suggesting further suicide attacks in central London
might be imminent. The intelligence suggested that terrorists might be
planning multiple simultaneous attacks, like the ones which killed
more than 50 people in a wave of public transport bombings in London
on July 7.

There is, as usual, little way of evaluating these reports, and one
senior Justice official said today there was not undue alarm. Still,
the British are taking it seriously. The intelligence information
arrived shortly before last Thursday, causing Scotland Yard to order a
massive uniformed police presence in and around manyâ€"if not
mostâ€"London subway stations as well as busy business and shopping
districts in central London. Police have maintained their
high-visibility patrols and stakeouts since then.

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