"After the "Downing Street Memo" was revealed in Great Britain in
2005, Bush's spokesmen heatedly denied its claims and major  U.S. news
outlets dismissed its significance. But in the upcoming issue of
Foreign Affairs magazine, Pillar offers a matching account. He wrote
that the administration didn't just play games with the traditional
notion that objective analysis should inform responsible policy, but
"turned the entire model upside down."
"The administration used intelligence not to inform decision-making,
but to justify a decision already made," Pillar wrote. "The Bush
administration deviated from the professional standard not only in
using policy to drive intelligence, but also in aggressively using
intelligence to win public support for its decision to go to war. This
meant selectively adducing data -- 'cherry-picking' -- rather than
using the intelligence community's own analytic judgments."
These two accounts -- which are further bolstered by first-hand
statements from former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke, former
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Colin Powell's former chief of
staff Lawrence Wilkerson -- reveal an administration long determined
to invade Iraq and assembling reasons that would scare the American
people into supporting an unprovoked war."
"Time and again, Bush and his administration have replaced the
principle that good intelligence makes for good policy with the
near-opposite approach: you start with a conclusion and then distort
all available information to sell the pre-ordained policy to a
gullible, ill-informed or frightened public."

The first meeting in the White House to discuss Iraq regime change
occurred the first Tuesday in January, 2001 less than a week after
CICBush43's inauguration. Cheney's energy policy group requested all
Energy Dept documents concerning Iraq's oil reserves and oil
infrastructure in April, 2001, according to Judicial Watch, a
conservative law firm that sued to have the group's membership
revealed.  Thus 9/11 was not the catalyst that generated CICBush43's
determination to invade Iraq, it was merely an excuse.  Intelligence
did not make any strong case for Iraq being an imminent danger to the
U.S. because of WMD and Hussein let UN inspectors return several
months before our invasion forced them to evacuate to avoid being
bombed...by us. Nor did Hussein support al Qaeda while Iran provided
sanctuary for al Qaeda fleeing Afghanistan and was ignored by
CICBush43 even though the 2001 Congressional authorization for use of
force addressed al Qaeda and nations or groups that supported it.  And
the lame CICBush43 excuse that invasion of Iraq was necessary because
Hussein had an "ideology of hatred" is directed at the more gullible
of his true believers constituency who fail to note that vague concept
is a wonderful, if bogus, excuse for invading almost every Muslim
nation since they hate infidels. CICBush43 wanted to invade Iraq for
oil and ego, not to block any Hussein threat or stamp out ideological
hatred; which has certainly blossomed, along with al Qaeda, in Iraq
since 2003...fully focused...at us.

David Bier

 Why U.S. Intelligence Failed, Redux

By Robert Parry
February 13, 2006

Paul Pillar, the CIA's senior intelligence analyst for the Middle East
from 2000 to 2005, has written a critique of the Bush administration's
handling of pre-war intelligence on Iraq that, in effect, corroborates
the British "Downing Street Memo" in accusing the Bush administration
of rigging the evidence to justify the invasion.

The British memo recounted a July 23, 2002, meeting in which Richard
Dearlove, chief of the British intelligence agency MI6, told Prime
Minister Tony Blair about discussions in Washington with George W.
Bush's top national security officials. "Bush wanted to remove Saddam,
through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and
WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the
policy," Dearlove said, according to the minutes.

After the "Downing Street Memo" was revealed in Great Britain in 2005,
Bush's spokesmen heatedly denied its claims and major  U.S. news
outlets dismissed its significance. But in the upcoming issue of
Foreign Affairs magazine, Pillar offers a matching account. He wrote
that the administration didn't just play games with the traditional
notion that objective analysis should inform responsible policy, but
"turned the entire model upside down."

"The administration used intelligence not to inform decision-making,
but to justify a decision already made," Pillar wrote. "The Bush
administration deviated from the professional standard not only in
using policy to drive intelligence, but also in aggressively using
intelligence to win public support for its decision to go to war. This
meant selectively adducing data -- 'cherry-picking' -- rather than
using the intelligence community's own analytic judgments."

These two accounts -- which are further bolstered by first-hand
statements from former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke, former
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and Colin Powell's former chief of
staff Lawrence Wilkerson -- reveal an administration long determined
to invade Iraq and assembling reasons that would scare the American
people into supporting an unprovoked war.

Yet, while the American public has a right to be furious about getting
tricked into a war that has killed nearly 2,300 U.S. soldiers and tens
of thousands of Iraqis, there are other concerns about why the U.S.
intelligence community let itself be so manipulated, staying silent
when a strong protest to Congress might have derailed Bush's scheme.

On Oct. 23, 2003, Consortiumnews.com addressed this longer-range
question of why U.S. intelligence failed. That story, which is
reprinted in an updated form below, shows that the politicization of
intelligence has been a goal of neoconservative operatives for three
decades. They have long understood the value of turning the principle
of objective analysis on its head:

In Tom Clancy's political thriller "Sum of All Fears," the United
States and Russia are being pushed to the brink of nuclear war by
neo-Nazi terrorists who have detonated a nuclear explosion in
Baltimore and want the Americans to blame the Russians.

CIA analysts have pieced together the real story but can't get it to
the president. "The president is basing his decisions on some really
bad information," analyst Jack Ryan (Ben Affleck) pleads to a U.S.
general. "My orders are to get the right information to the people who
make the decisions."

Though a bit corny, Ryan's dialogue captures the credo of professional
intelligence analysts. Solid information, they believe, must be the
foundation for sound decisions, especially when lives and the national
security are at stake. The battle over that principle is the real back
story to the dispute over Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction.
It is a story of how the CIA's vaunted analytical division has been
corrupted – or "politicized" – by right-wing ideologues over the past
quarter century.

Some key officials in George W. Bush's administration – from former
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz to Vice President Dick Cheney
– have long been part of this trend toward seeing intelligence as an
ideological weapon, rather than a way to inform a full debate. Other
figures in Bush's circle of advisers, including his father, the former
president and CIA director, have played perhaps even more central
roles in this transformation. [More on this below. Also see Robert
Parry's Secrecy & Privilege.]

For his part, the younger George Bush has shown little but disdain for
any information that puts his policies or "gut" judgments in a
negative light. In that sense, Bush's thin skin toward contradiction
can't be separated from the White House campaign, beginning in July
2003, to discredit retired Ambassador Joseph Wilson for publicly
debunking the Bush administration's claim that Iraq had tried to buy
yellowcake uranium from Niger. That retaliation included the exposure
of Wilson's wife as an undercover CIA officer.

Dating Back to Watergate

Though one cost of corrupting U.S. intelligence can now be counted in
the growing U.S. death toll in Iraq, the origins of the current
problem can be traced back to the mid-1970s, when conservatives were
engaged in fierce rear-guard defenses after the twin debacles of the
Vietnam War and Watergate. In 1974, after Republican President Richard
Nixon was driven from office over the Watergate political-spying
scandal, the Republicans suffered heavy losses in congressional races.
The next year, the U.S. –backed government in South Vietnam fell.

At this crucial juncture, a group of influential conservatives
coalesced around a strategy of accusing the CIA's analytical division
of growing soft on communism. These conservatives – led by the likes
of Richard Pipes, Paul Nitze, William Van Cleave, Max Kampelman,
Eugene Rostow, Elmo Zumwalt and Richard Allen – claimed that the CIA's
Soviet analysts were ignoring Moscow's aggressive strategy for world
domination. This political assault put in play one of the CIA's
founding principles – objective analysis.

Since its creation in 1947, the CIA had taken pride in maintaining an
analytical division that stayed above the political fray. The CIA
analysts – confident if not arrogant about their intellectual skills –
prided themselves in bringing unwanted news to the president's door.
Those reports included an analysis of Soviet missile strength that
contradicted John F. Kennedy's "missile gap" rhetoric or the debunking
of Lyndon Johnson's assumptions about the effectiveness of bombing in
Vietnam. While the CIA's operational division got itself into trouble
with risky schemes, the analytical division maintained a fairly good
record of scholarship and objectivity.

But that tradition came under attack in 1976 when conservative
outsiders demanded and were granted access to the CIA's strategic
intelligence on the Soviet Union. Their goal was to contest the
analytical division's assessments of Soviet capabilities and
intentions. The conservatives saw the CIA's tempered analysis of
Soviet behavior as the underpinning of then-Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger's strategy of détente, the gradual normalizing of relations
with the Soviet Union. Détente was, in effect, a plan to negotiate an
end to the Cold War or at least its most dangerous elements.

This CIA view of a tamer Soviet Union had enemies inside Gerald Ford's
administration. Hard-liners, such as William J. Casey, John Connally,
Clare Booth Luce and Edward Teller, sat on the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board. Another young hard-liner, Dick Cheney,
was Ford's chief of staff. Donald Rumsfeld was then – as he is today –
the secretary of defense.

Team B

The concept of a conservative counter-analysis, which became known as
"Team B," had been opposed by the previous CIA director, William
Colby, as in inappropriate intrusion into the integrity of the CIA's
analytical product. But the new CIA director, a politically ambitious
George H.W. Bush, was ready to acquiesce to the right-wing pressure.

"Although his top analysts argued against such an undertaking, Bush
checked with the White House, obtained an O.K., and by May 26 [1976]
signed off on the experiment with the notation, `Let her fly!!," wrote
Anne Hessing Cahn after reviewing "Team B" documents that were
released more than a decade ago. [See "Team B: The Trillion Dollar
Experiment," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.]

The senior George Bush offered the rationale that Team B would simply
be an intellectual challenge to the CIA's official assessments. The
elder Bush's rationale, however, assumed that Team B didn't have a
pre-set agenda to fashion a worst-case scenario for launching a new
and intensified Cold War. What was sometimes called Cold War II would
demand hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayers' money for
military projects, including big-ticket items like a missile-defense
system. [One member of Team B, retired Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham, would
become the father of Ronald Reagan "Star Wars" missile defense system.]

Not surprisingly, Team B did produce a worst-case scenario of Soviet
power and intentions. Gaining credibility from its access to secret
CIA data, Team B challenged the assessment of the CIA's professional
analysts who held a less alarmist view of Moscow's capabilities and
intentions. "The principal threat to our nation, to world peace and to
the cause of human freedom is the Soviet drive for dominance based
upon an unparalleled military buildup," wrote three Team B members
Pipes, Nitze and Van Cleave.

Team B also brought to prominence another young neo-conservative, Paul
Wolfowitz. A quarter century later, Wolfowitz would pioneer the
post-Cold War strategy of U.S. preemptive wars against countries
deemed  potential threats by using the same technique of filtering the
available intelligence to build a worst-case scenario. In 2001, George
W. Bush made Wolfowitz deputy secretary of defense under Rumsfeld.

Though Team B's analysis of the Soviet Union as a rising power on the
verge of overwhelming the United States is now recognized by
intelligence professionals and many historians as a ludicrous fantasy,
it helped shape the national security debate in the late 1970s.
American conservatives and neo-conservatives wielded the analysis like
a club to bludgeon more moderate Republicans and Democrats, who saw a
declining Soviet Union desperate for arms control and other negotiations.

Reagan's Rise

Scary assessments of Soviet power and U.S. weakness also fueled Ronald
Reagan's campaign in 1980, and after his election, the Team B
hard-liners had the keys to power. As Reagan and his vice presidential
running mate, George H.W. Bush, prepared to take office, the
hard-liners wrote Reagan's transition team report, which suggested
that the CIA analytical division was not simply obtuse in its supposed
failure to perceive Soviet ascendancy, but treasonous.

"These failures are of such enormity," the transition team report
said, "that they cannot help but suggest to any objective observer
that the agency itself is compromised to an unprecedented extent and
that its paralysis is attributable to causes more sinister than
incompetence." [For details, see Mark Perry's Eclipse.]

With Reagan in power, the Team B analysis of Soviet capabilities and
intentions became the basis for a massive U.S. military buildup. It
also was the justification for U.S. support of brutal right-wing
governments in Central America and elsewhere.

Since Soviet power was supposedly on the rise and rapidly eclipsing
the United States, it followed that even peasant uprisings against
"death squad" regimes in El Salvador or Guatemala must be part of a
larger Soviet strategy of world conquest, an assault on the "soft
underbelly" of the U.S. southern border. Any analysis of these civil
wars as primarily local conflicts arising from long-standing social
grievances was dismissed as fuzzy thinking or worse.

In the first few months of the Reagan administration, the hard-liners'
animosity toward the CIA's analytical division intensified as it
resisted a series of accusations against the Soviet Union. The CIA
analysts were obstacles to the administration's campaign to depict
Moscow as responsible for virtually all acts of international
terrorism, including the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II
in Rome in 1981.

With William Casey installed as CIA director and also serving in
Reagan's Cabinet, the assault on the analytical division moved into
high gear. Casey put the analytical division under the control of his
protégé, Robert Gates, who had made his name as an anti-Soviet
hard-liner. Gates then installed a new bureaucracy within the DI, or
Directorate of Intelligence, with his loyalists in key positions.

"The CIA's objectivity on the Soviet Union ended abruptly in 1981,
when Casey became the DCI [director of central intelligence] – and the
first one to be a member of the president's Cabinet. Gates became
Casey's deputy director for intelligence in 1982 and chaired the
National Intelligence Council," wrote former CIA senior analyst Melvyn
Goodman. [See Foreign Policy magazine, summer 1997.]

Analysts Under Fire

Under Gates, CIA intelligence analysts found themselves the victims of
bureaucratic pummeling. According to several former CIA analysts whom
I interviewed, analysts faced job threats; some were berated or even
had their analytical papers thrown in their faces; some were subjected
to allegations of psychiatric unfitness.

The Gates leadership team proved itself responsive to White House
demands, giving serious attention to right-wing press reports from
around the world. The Reagan administration, for instance, wanted
evidence to support right-wing media claims that pinned European
terrorism on the Soviets. The CIA analysts, however, knew the charges
were bogus partly because they were based on "black" or false
propaganda that the CIA's operations division had been planting in the
European media.

The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981 was viewed as
another opportunity to make propaganda points against what Reagan
called the "evil empire." Though the attack had been carried out by a
neo-fascist extremist from Turkey, conservative U.S. writers and
journalists began to promote allegations of a secret KGB role. In this
case, CIA analysts knew the charges were false because of the CIA's
penetration of East Bloc intelligence services.

But responding to White House pressure in 1985, Gates closeted a
special team to push through an administration-desired paper linking
the KGB to the attack. Though the analysts opposed what they believed
to be a dishonest intelligence report, they couldn't stop the paper
from leaving CIA and being circulated around Washington.

As the CIA's traditions of analytical objectivity continued to erode
in the 1980s, analysts who raised unwelcome questions in politically
sensitive areas found their jobs on the line.

For instance, analysts were pressured to back off an assessment that
Pakistan was violating nuclear proliferation safeguards with the goal
of building an atomic bomb. At the time, Pakistan was assisting the
Reagan administration's covert operation in Afghanistan, which was
considered a higher priority than stopping the spread of nuclear
weapons. In Afghanistan, the CIA's operations division and the
Pakistani intelligence service were helping Islamic fundamentalists,
including Osama bin Laden, battle Soviet troops.

One analyst involved in the Pakistan nuclear-bomb assessment told me
that the CIA higher-ups applied almost the opposite standards that
were used two decades later in alleging an Iraqi nuclear program. In
the Pakistani case, the Reagan administration blocked warnings about a
Pakistani bomb "until the last bolt was turned" while more recently on
Iraq, speculative worst-case scenarios were applied, the analyst said.

One consequence of giving Pakistan a pass on proliferation was that
Pakistan did succeed in developing nuclear weapons, which have
contributed to an escalating arms race with India in South Asia. It
also has created the potential for Islamic extremists to gain control
of the Bomb by taking power in Pakistan.

Missing the Fall

The politicization of intelligence in the 1980s had other effects.
Under pressure always to exaggerate the Soviet threat, analysts had no
incentive to point out the truth, which was that the Soviet Union was
a decaying, corrupt and inefficient regime tottering on the brink of
collapse. To justify soaring military budgets and interventions in
Third World conflicts, the Reagan administration wanted the Soviets
always to be depicted as 10 feet tall.

Ironically, this systematic distortion of the CIA's Soviet
intelligence assessments turned out to be a political win-win for
Reagan and his supporters.

Not only did Congress appropriate hundreds of billions of dollars for
military projects favored by the conservatives, the U.S. news media
largely gave Reagan the credit when the Soviet Union "suddenly"
collapsed in 1991. The CIA did take some lumps for "missing" one of
the most significant political events of the century, but Reagan's
success in "winning the Cold War" is now enshrined as conventional wisdom.

The accepted version of events goes this way: the Soviets were on the
ascendance before Reagan took office, but thanks to Reagan's strategic
missile defense program and his support for right-wing insurgencies,
such as arming contra rebels in Nicaragua and Islamic fundamentalists
in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union fell apart.

A more realistic assessment would point out that the Soviets had been
in decline for decades, largely from the devastation caused by World
War II and the effective containment strategies followed by presidents
from Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower to Gerald Ford and Jimmy
Carter. The rapid development of technology in the West and the lure
of Western consumer goods accelerated this Soviet collapse.

But the U.S. news media never mounted a serious assessment of how the
Cold War really was won. The conservative press corps naturally
pressed its favored theme of Reagan turning the tide, while a
complacent mainstream press offered little additional context.


The plight of the CIA analysts in the 1980s also received little
attention in Washington amid the triumphalism of the early 1990s. The
story did surface briefly in 1991 during Gates's confirmation hearings
to become President George H.W. Bush's CIA director. Then, a group of
CIA analysts braved the administration's wrath by protesting the
"politicization of intelligence."

Led by Soviet specialist Mel Goodman, the dissidents fingered Gates as
the key "politicization" culprit. Their testimony added to doubts
about Gates, who was under a cloud for his dubious testimony on the
Iran-Contra scandal and allegations that he had played a role in
another covert scheme to assist Saddam Hussein's Iraq. But the elder
George Bush lined up solid Republican backing and enough accommodating
Democrats – particularly Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman David
Boren – to push Gates through.

Boren's key staff aide who limited the investigation of Gates was
George Tenet, whose behind-the-scenes maneuvering on Gates's behalf
won the personal appreciation of the senior George Bush. Those
political chits would serve Tenet well a decade later when the younger
George Bush protected Tenet as his own CIA director, even after the
intelligence failure of Sept. 11, 2001, and embarrassing revelations
about faulty intelligence on Iraq's WMD.

In the early 1990s. with the Cold War over, the need for objective
intelligence also seemed less pressing. Political leaders apparently
didn't grasp the potential danger of allowing a corrupted U.S.
intelligence process to remain in place. There was a brief window for
action with Bill Clinton's election in 1992, but the incoming
Democrats lacked the political will to demand serious reform.

The "politicization" issue was put squarely before Clinton's incoming
national security team by former CIA analyst Peter Dickson, who wrote
a two-page memo on Dec. 10, 1992, to Samuel "Sandy" Berger, a top
Clinton national security aide. Dickson was an analyst who suffered
retaliation after refusing to rewrite a 1983 assessment that noted
Soviet restraint on nuclear proliferation. His CIA superiors didn't
want to give the Soviets any credit for demonstrating caution on the
nuclear technology front. When Dickson stood by his evidence, he soon
found himself facing accusations about his psychological fitness.

Dickson urged Clinton to appoint a new CIA director who understood
"the deeper internal problems relating to the politicization of
intelligence and the festering morale problem within the CIA." In
urging a housecleaning, Dickson wrote, "This problem of intellectual
corruption will not disappear overnight, even with vigorous remedial
action. However, the new CIA director will be wise if he realizes from
the start the dangers in relying on advice of senior CIA office
managers who during the past 12 years advanced and prospered in their
careers precisely because they had no qualms about suppressing
intelligence or slanting analysis to suit the interest of Casey and

The appeals from Dickson and other CIA veterans were largely ignored
by Clinton and his top aides, who were more interested in turning
around the U.S. economy and enacting some modest social programs.
Although Gates was removed as CIA director, Clinton appointed James
Woolsey, a neo-conservative Democrat who had worked closely with the
Reagan-Bush administrations. Under Woolsey and Clinton's subsequent
CIA directors, the Gates team sans Gates consolidated its bureaucratic

The old ideal of intelligence analysis free from political taint was
never restored. Clinton's final CIA director was George Tenet, who was
kept on by George W. Bush in 2001. In violation of the CIA's
long-standing tradition of avoiding even the appearance of
partisanship, Tenet happily presided over the ceremony that renamed
the CIA's Langley, Va., headquarters the George Bush Center for
Intelligence, after George Bush senior.

The Iraq Debacle

Tenet also has proved himself a loyal bureaucrat to the second Bush
administration. For instance, in February 2003 when Secretary of State
Colin Powell addressed the United Nations Security Council about
Iraq's alleged WMD program, Tenet was prominently seated behind
Powell, giving the CIA's imprimatur to Powell's assertions that turned
out to be a mixture of unproved assertions, exaggerations and outright
lies. At one point in his speech, Powell even altered the text of
intercepted conversations between Iraqi officials to make their
comments appear incriminating. [For details, see Consortiumnews.com's
"Bush's Alderaan."]

"If one goes back to that very long presentation [by Powell], point by
point, one finds that this was not a very honest explanation," said
Greg Thielmann, a former senior official in the State Department's
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, in an interview with PBS
Frontline. "I have to conclude Secretary Powell was being a loyal
secretary of state, a `good soldier' as it were, building the
administration's case before the international community." [For
details, see Frontline's "Truth, War and Consequences."]

In the Foreign Affairs article, Pillar noted that Powell's U.N. speech
also compromised the objectivity of the CIA on Iraq because "the
intelligence community was pulled over the line into policy advocacy
-- not so much by what it said as by its conspicuous role in the
administration's public case for war. This was especially true when
the intelligence community was made highly visible (with the director
of central intelligence literally in the camera frame) in [Powell's]
intelligence-laden presentation."

Pillar added that the CIA also was compromised "in the fall of 2002,
when, at the administration's behest, the intelligence community
published a white paper on Iraq's WMD programs -- but without
including any of the community's judgments about the likelihood of
those weapons' being used."

Though Tenet's primary responsibility should have been to the
integrity of the intelligence product, he was helping Powell and the
White House present a largely bogus case before the U.N.

After the March 2003 invasion, as the case for Iraq's possession of
trigger-ready WMD fell apart, the Washington debate turned to who was
at fault for the shoddy intelligence.

In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on June 25,
2003, Army Lt. Gen. John Abizaid offered a clue when he compared the
accuracy of tactical intelligence in the Iraq war versus the faulty
strategic intelligence.

"Intelligence was the most accurate that I have ever seen on the
tactical level, probably the best I've ever seen on the operational
level, and perplexingly incomplete on the strategic level with regard
to weapons of mass destruction," said Abizaid, who heads the U.S.
Central Command, which is responsible for Iraq.

In other words, the intelligence handled by low-level personnel was
excellent. It was the intelligence that went through senior levels of
the Bush administration that failed.

The WMD issue really came down to two questions: Was the CIA's
intelligence analysis that bad or did the White House cherry-pick the
intelligence that it wanted to march the country off to war? The
answer appears to be that both points were true. A thoroughly
politicized CIA slanted the intelligence in the direction that Bush
wanted and the White House then trimmed off any caveats the CIA may
have included.

The CIA's internal complaint that it was just the victim of
administration ideologues was undercut by its own analytical products,
including a post-invasion report claiming that two captured Iraqi
trailers were labs to produce chemical or biological weapons. That
claim later collapsed as evidence emerged to show that the labs were
for making hydrogen for artillery weather balloons. [For an early
critique of this CIA report, see Consortiumnews.com's "America's Matrix."]

Plus, while Tenet and other CIA officials noted that they objected to
other bogus administration claims, such as the assertion that Iraq was
seeking yellowcake uranium from Niger, those protests were mostly
half-hearted and made behind closed doors. Bush was only forced to
back off the yellowcake claim, which he cited in his 2003 State of the
Union Address, after former Ambassador Wilson went public with
evidence that the allegation was a fraud.


Yet it's also true that the Bush administration didn't want to chance
having its Iraqi WMD allegations vetted by any serious intelligence
professionals. So, at the State Department, Pentagon and White House,
senior political officials created their own channels for accessing
raw or untested intelligence that was then used to buttress the charges.

In a New Yorker article about CIA analysts on the defensive,
journalist Seymour Hersh described this "stovepiping" process of
sending raw intelligence to the top. Intelligence agencies have
historically objected to this technique because policy makers will
tend to select unvetted information that serves their purposes and use
it to discredit the more measured assessments of intelligence

 "The analysts at the CIA were beaten down defending their
assessments," a former CIA official told Hersh. "And they blame Tenet
for not protecting them. I've never seen a government like this." [See
Hersh's "The Stovepipe," The New Yorker, Oct. 27, 2003]

Pillar wrote that the battle between the intelligence analysts and the
policymakers came to a head over the White House desire to assert that
Saddam Hussein was connected to al-Qaeda, a claim that the
intelligence analysts had rejected despite repetitious demands from
Vice President Cheney's office that the CIA corroborate the supposed link.

"The administration's rejection of the intelligence community's
judgments became especially clear with the formation of a special
Pentagon unit, the Policy Counterterrorism Evaluation Group," Pillar
wrote. "The unit, which reported to Undersecretary of Defense Douglas
Feith, was dedicated to finding every possible link between Saddam and
al-Qaeda, and its briefing accused the intelligence community of
faulty analysis for failing to see the supposed alliance."

But the intelligence analysts weren't the only ones coming under
attack for pointing out evidence that didn't conform to the Bush
administration's propaganda. From the start of its drive to invade
Iraq, the administration treated going to war like a giant public
relations game, with the goal of manufacturing consent or at least
silencing any meaningful opposition.

Evidence that undermined Bush's conclusions was minimized or
discarded. People who revealed unwanted evidence were personally
discredited or intimidated. When former Ambassador Wilson reported
that he had been assigned by the CIA to investigate the Niger
yellowcake claims and found them bogus, administration officials
leaked the fact that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was an undercover
CIA officer. The leak destroyed Plame's career and may have put at
risk agents who worked with her.

'Slime and Defend'

Though Bush publicly denounced the leak, an unnamed Republican aide on
Capitol Hill told the New York Times that the underlying White House
strategy was to "slime and defend," that is to "slime" Wilson and
"defend" Bush. [NYT, Oct. 2, 2003]

The "slime and defend" strategy has been carried forward by
conservative news outlets with the Wall Street Journal editorial page
and Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times attacking Wilson's motives,
even as Wilson's debunking of the Niger allegations has been borne out
by other investigations.

"Joseph C. Wilson IV, the man accusing the White House of a vendetta
against his wife, is an ex-diplomat turned Democratic partisan,"
declared a front-page article in the Washington Times. "Mr. Wilson
told the Washington Post he and his wife are already discussing who
will play them in the movie." [Washington Times, Oct. 2, 2003]

The Washington Times returned to its anti-Wilson campaign several days
later. "As for Mr. Wilson himself, his hatred of Mr. Bush's policies
borders on the pathological," wrote Washington Times columnist Donald
Lambro on Oct. 6, 2003. "This is a far-left Democrat who has been
relentlessly bashing the president's Iraq war policies. … The mystery
behind this dubious investigation is why this Bush-hater was chosen
for so sensitive a mission."

The Wall Street Journal also raised questions about Wilson's motives.
"Joe Wilson (Ms. Plame's husband) has made no secret of his broad
disagreement with Bush policy since outing himself with an op-ed," the
Journal wrote in a lead editorial on Oct. 3, 2003.

Strangely, these attacks on Wilson's alleged bias (which he denies)
continued even as Bush's hand-picked Iraqi weapons inspector David Kay
was confirming Wilson's findings. In his report to the CIA and
Congress, Kay acknowledged that no evidence has been found to support
the stories about Iraq seeking African uranium.

"To date we have not uncovered evidence that Iraq undertook
significant post-1998 steps to actually build nuclear weapons or
produce fissile material," Kay said.

The disconnect between fact and spin apparently has grown so complete
among Bush's allies that they can't stop attacking Wilson's findings
as biased even when the facts he uncovered are being confirmed by one
of Bush's own investigators.

The clumsy attempt to discredit or punish Wilson eventually led to
disclosures that Bush's chief political adviser Karl Rove and Cheney's
chief of staff Lewis Libby took part in revealing Plame's identity to
reporters. In 2005, Libby was indicted on charges of obstructing
justice and lying to investigators about the leak. Rove apparently
remains under investigation.

'Freedom Fries'

But the attacks on Wilson do not stand alone. In the drive to limit
debate about Bush's case for war, his allies ostracized virtually all
major critics of the administration's WMD claims, including the U.N.'s
chief weapons inspector Hans Blix and former U.N. weapons inspector
Scott Ritter.

Blacklisting campaigns also were mounted against celebrities, such as
actor Sean Penn and the music group Dixie Chicks, for criticizing
Bush's rush to war. When France urged more time for U.N. weapons
inspections, Bush's supporters organized boycotts of French products,
poured French wine in gutters and renamed "French fries" as "Freedom

As with the Wilson case, Bush and his supporters didn't let the
failure to find the alleged trigger-ready WMD stop their efforts to
discredit these critics. Instead of apologies, for instance, Ritter
continued to suffer from conservative smears about his patriotism.

In one particularly smarmy performance on June 12, 2003, Fox News
anchor Bill O'Reilly teamed up with Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., to air
suspicions that Ritter had been bribed by the Iraqis to help them
cover up their illegal weapons. Neither O'Reilly nor Pence had any
evidence that Ritter accepted a bribe, so they framed the segment as a
demand that the FBI investigate Ritter with the purported goal of
clearing him of any suspicion of treason.

The segment noted that a London newspaper reporter had found Iraqi
documents showing that Ritter had been offered some gold as gifts for
his family. "I turned down the gifts and reported it to the FBI when I
came back," Ritter said in an interview with Fox News.

Though Ritter's statement stood uncontradicted, O'Reilly and Pence
demanded that the FBI disclose what it knew about Ritter's denial.
"Now, we want to know whether that was true," said O'Reilly about
whether Ritter had reported the alleged bribe. "The FBI wouldn't tell
us." O'Reilly then asked Pence what he had done to get the FBI to
investigate Ritter.

"After that report in the British newspaper, many of us on Capitol
Hill were very concerned," Pence said. "Candidly, Bill, there's no one
who's done more damage to the argument of the United States that Iraq
was in possession of large stores of weapons of mass destruction
leading up to Operation Iraqi Freedom other than Scott Ritter, and so
the very suggestion that … there's evidence of treasonous activity or
even bribery, I believe, merits an investigation. I contacted the
attorney general about that directly."

Pence's point was clear – that Ritter's role as a skeptic about Bush's
WMD claims made him an appropriate target for a treason investigation.
[Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," June 12, 2003]

Backward Filter

Time and again, Bush and his administration have replaced the
principle that good intelligence makes for good policy with the
near-opposite approach: you start with a conclusion and then distort
all available information to sell the pre-ordained policy to a
gullible, ill-informed or frightened public.

The WMD intelligence was pushed through a kind of backward filter.
Instead of removing the imprecision that comes with raw intelligence,
the Bush administration's intelligence process shoved through the
dross as long as it fit with Bush's goal of bolstering political
support for the war and removed the refined intelligence that undercut
his desired actions.

Unlike the fictional president in Tom Clancy's "Sum of All Fears" –
who was tricked into that "really bad information" – Bush and his team
have actively sought out the bad information and assembled it as
justification for going to war. This administration, which can
sometimes act in a manner stranger-than-fiction, didn't just peer into
the fog of war. It set up the fog machine.

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Brooks Isoldi, editor


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