[osint] Re: Ports deal to close by Monday: official

2006-03-02 Thread David Bier
The URL for this story is: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060302/ts_nm/security_ports_deal_dc David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dubai Ports World's $6.85 billion acquisition of Britain's PO will close on Friday or Monday, despite an additional 45-day

[osint] Lobbyist's Credit Card Bill Outs DeLay Trip

2006-03-02 Thread David Bier
for the Republican leadership in the House to assign to the Appropriations Committee, where he replaced Rep. Cunningham, who resigned after being convicted of receiving bribes. Guess that committee slot is reserved for a certain type of guy... David Bier http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=1679189page

[osint] Saudi Group Alleges Wiretapping by U.S.

2006-03-02 Thread David Bier
because many were probably guilty but that does not justify prosecutory wrongdoing to convict. Rule of law, you know. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/01/AR2006030102585_pf.html Saudi Group Alleges Wiretapping by U.S. Defunct Charity's Suit Details

[osint] It's Do-It-Yourself Security

2006-03-02 Thread David Bier
, to be the Commander, Northern Command charged with protecting us all against: terrorist attacks. One wonders... David Bier http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1167765,00.html Monday, Feb. 27, 2006 It's Do-It-Yourself Security By DOUGLAS WALLER, MARK THOMPSON The furor over the now

[osint] The Breakaway Republicans

2006-03-02 Thread David Bier
A White House misstep on port security has the G.O.P. running away from its President Trust me is no longer a viable political strategy. That's because nervous Republicans don't--at least not when their futures are at stake. With Bush's bungling of the ports controversy, they are starting to say

[osint] Levee fixes falling short, experts warn

2006-03-06 Thread David Bier
appointed to monitor the rebuilding... Gambling again that NO won't get hit again this year or in the next 3 years with a Cat 3+ storm. Pray they are not two time losers. David Bier URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11689626/ Levee fixes falling short, experts warn Army Corps of Engineers

[osint] White House Trains Efforts on Media Leaks

2006-03-06 Thread David Bier
There's a tone of gleeful relish in the way they talk about dragging reporters before grand juries, their appetite for withholding information, and the hints that reporters who look too hard into the public's business risk being branded traitors, said New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller,

[osint] A Chill Has Crept over US-Pakistani Relations

2006-03-06 Thread David Bier
movement helping the Taliban and killing infidels. David Bier http://www.debka.com/article.php?aid=1145 A Chill Has Crept over US-Pakistani Relations DEBKAfile's Special Pakistan Correspondent March 5, 2006, 2:31 PM (GMT+02:00) Every effort was made to end President George W. Bush's visit

[osint] Al Qaeda Leader Catches Jerusalem, Hamas and Fatah - All at Crossroads

2006-03-06 Thread David Bier
Entering the same parliament as the lay people, recognizing their legitimacy and the accords they have signed is contrary to Islam. The al Qaeda leader called those agreements surrender accords and said the Hamas must continue the armed struggle. If Hamas does head a government, it must impose


2006-03-06 Thread David Bier
at all. David Bier http://www.freemarketnews.com/Analysis/52/3971/2006-03-03k.asp?nid=3971wid=52 CAN YOU IMAGINE?: HUSSEIN WAS RIGHT BUSH WAS WRONG Friday, March 03, 2006 Originally posted Monday, January 17, 2005 You may remember that in 2002, the year before the Iraq War began, the United

[osint] Louisiana Faces an Exodus From the Coast

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
/o maps folks companies can't get flood insurance. Uninsured = no rebuilding SBA loans, or grants. David Bier http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/H/HURRICANES_THE_EMPTYING_COAST?SITE=DCUSNSECTION=HOMETEMPLATE=DEFAULT Mar 18, 7:44 PM EST Louisiana Faces an Exodus From the Coast By CAIN BURDEAU

[osint] Votes to Impeach Bush Drawn Anger from Bush Fans

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
with people from across the country who are very methodically laying the groundwork to make this a reality, to make it not just a little pipe dream of a few wishful thinkers, he said. (Additional reporting by Adam Tanner in San Francisco) Posted by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr http

[osint] Before and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
American participation in the Int'l Criminal Court. War crimes: prisoner abuse torture, get tried there. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/19/international/middleeast/19abuse.html?_r=1adxnnl=1oref=sloginadxnnlx=1142733736-f7uMp7wpwCZ5U+Fi2WRNxQ March 19, 2006 Task Force 6-26 Before

[osint] Predictions of a better Middle East have evaporated three years after invasion

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
. ... This is a very complex region with legacies of sectarian violence and religious strife. The Law of Unintended Consequence works constantly against CICBush43. Par for a combatless CIC w/o experience in war consequences. David Bier http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/14115859.htm Posted on Thu, Mar

[osint] Death Squads Terrorize Baghdad

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
yes, U.S. officials say unlikely to be a civil war. Few believe them. Least of all: Sunni in Baghdad. And very few U.S. folks either. David Bier SPIEGEL ONLINE - March 16, 2006, 03:58 PM URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,406342,00.html Iraq Woes Death Squads Terrorize

[osint] Trouble in Kurdistan

2006-03-18 Thread David Bier
as an excuse to crack down on opponents and independent civil organizations, according to these groups. And yet, the Kurds are most likely to be U.S. long term allies and permit us permanent bases and buy oil in a vastly larger Kurdistan. David Bier http://www.time.com/time/world/article

[osint] Hamas is not waiting for Abu Mazen, sets up new Palestinian government solo

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
. But Hamas is not daunted... Unilateral and unconstitutional. Sounds almost familiar... David Bier Hamas is not waiting for Abu Mazen, sets up new Palestinian government solo in Gaza March 18, 2006, 1:53 PM (GMT+02:00) The Islamic terror organization which came out of the January general

[osint] US Vice President Dick Cheney challenges former Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi’s statement

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
said Sunday: We are implementing strategy that will lead to victory in Iraq and lay the foundation of peace for generations to come. Allawi's Sunni are dying, Shiites are killing them that sounds like civil war. CICBush43/DEDCheney are whistling past the graveyard. David Bier http

[osint] Tanks Indispensable Part of Defense

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
for troop support. David Bier http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?idr=530id=657902 Mar. 16, 2006 Tanks Indispensable Part of Defense // The Defense Industry Not long ago, military experts were predicting the end of armored forces as no longer part of modern warfare. However, armored vehicles

[osint] Change of heartland

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
because they were the ones who voted him in. He's their boy. Posted by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr http://groups.google.com/group/publicintel Most men would rather believe than know (Ben Franklin) Cargo Security: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/msnbc/Sections/Newsweek/Components/Photos/Mag

[osint] GOP Senator: 'Low grade' civil war going on in Iraq for at least last six months

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
. Remember, the first two quotes above are from a REPUBLICAN Senator, and the last, from a Democrat, shows the failure of U.S. Iraq plans. David Bier http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/GOP_Sen_Low_grade_civil_war_0319.html GOP Senator: 'Low grade' civil war going on in Iraq for at least last six

[osint] Libby's new filing: Hadley and Armitage named, press ignores Hadley

2006-03-19 Thread David Bier
will leave the WH very soon. David Bier http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Libbys_new_filing_0319.html Libby's new filing: Hadley and Armitage named, press ignores Hadley 03/19/2006 @ 3:00 pm Filed by Larisa Alexandrovna In a late night Friday filing (made available by RAW STORY here,) (http

[osint] IRAQ SCORECARD: Cordesman Picture Bleak

2006-03-20 Thread David Bier
the chickenhawk CICBush43's disasterous Iraq policies not optimistic about salvaging anything strategically. David Bier http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/001293.php Anthony Cordesman http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/cordesman.jpg IRAQ SCORECARD: Cordesman Picture Bleak My own views were

[osint] Conversations with Machiavelli's ghost: Denials mark neoconservative's account

2006-03-20 Thread David Bier
as head of the rogue Contra operation via the Special Situations Committee he chaired at the WH why Bush43 blocked release of dad's VP Prez. papers. David Bier http://rawstory.com/news/2006/Conversations_with_Machiavellis_ghost_Denials_mark_0307.html Conversations with Machiavelli's ghost

[osint] Conversations with Machiavelli's Ghost, Part 3

2006-03-20 Thread David Bier
independently, said Ledeen. Ledeen tries to both heavily criticize Iraq failures and protect CICBush43 from any personal responsibility for Iraq and the growth of al Qaeda as a result. David Bier http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Conversations_with_Machiavellis_Ghost_Part_3_0320.html Conversations

[osint] The Letter of the Law

2006-03-20 Thread David Bier
is a concession that it is an illegal surveillance. Mueller is keeping himself and the FBI clean, officially, as he is aware paybacks are hell and judges do file criminal contempt charges. David Bier http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/060327/27fbi.htm The Letter of the Law The White House says

[osint] UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar

2006-03-21 Thread David Bier
. Paybacks are hell. But a move to euros would tend to devalue the $ but that makes our exports cheaper so more will be sold. Not bad... David Bier http://www.middleeastforex.com/index.php?section=147 UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar WASHINGTON — A number of Middle

[osint] Agent: FBI Ignored Moussaoui Warnings

2006-03-21 Thread David Bier
no. He confirmed under questioning that he had attributed FBI inaction to obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism in an earlier report. Govt case that M. silence contributed to 9/11 success is on shaky ground. He plead guilty to terror assn. but denied 9/11 participation. David Bier http

[osint] After Three Years of Iraqi War, Middle East Terrorists Are on the March

2006-03-21 Thread David Bier
into every town in Germany; tens of thousands of troops to govern. By not doing the same in Iraq, we DID give it back to the Baathists and opportunist terrorists. David Bier After Three Years of Iraqi War, Middle East Terrorists Are on the March DEBKAfile Special Analysis March 20, 2006, 11:45 AM

[osint] Re: Saudi men can't sell bras

2006-03-22 Thread David Bier
Saudi men were quite skilled at penetrating airport security and piloting large aircraft on 9/11. Wrong to underestimate an enemy. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Unsurprising...it's not apparent that they can do much of anything. Yet another

[osint] Bush Says U.S. in Iraq for Long Haul

2006-03-22 Thread David Bier
there. He put kids in Iraq for bogus reasons, didn't send the 350K+ kids to win, occupy AND change Iraq, now he foists the kids fate off to another president. David Bier http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-bush22mar22,0,6003163.story?coll=la-home-headlines From the Los Angeles Times

[osint] Iraq: Permanent US Colony

2006-03-22 Thread David Bier
access is all that is required, officials say. On his watch, CICBush43 intends hegemony over the mideast from Iraq bases but both Iraq and Iran may refuse subjugation. Thus kids die. David Bier http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/031306A.shtml Iraq: Permanent US Colony By Dahr Jamail

[osint] Specter Takes Senate Lead on Eavesdropping

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
warrantless surveillance program. I think my position will prevail, Specter said, noting that he will have Democratic support. Appears, from parliaamentarian action, there is a sense in Congress that something needs to be done other than cover CICBush43's tush. David Bier http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap

[osint] Re: Terror Enablers: Lease signed for Muslim youth camp

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
Title of article is Lease signed for Muslim youth camp. Judgemental title precursor, IMHO, better placed in poster's signed comments. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060323/NEWS/603230 03

[osint] Bush uncle benefits from war spending

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
. Glad to see somebody, even a Bush, FINALLY armoring vehicles. David Bier David Bier http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/03-06/03-23-06/11world-nation.htm Bush uncle benefits from war spending By WALTER F. ROCHE JR. , Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON †As President Bush embarks on a new effort

[osint] Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
before hitting the Pentagon. Why was NORAD General promoted to head NORTHCOM after 9/11 instead of court martial? Questions... David Bier http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/200306charliesheen.htm Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story Calls for truly independent

[osint] Former FBI whistleblower files against judge in Libby trial over secrecy issues

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
, declared a State Secret). David Bier http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Former_FBI_whistleblower_files_against_judge_0322.html Former FBI whistleblower files against judge in Libby trial over secrecy issues 03/22/2006 @ 5:54 pm Filed by Ron Brynaert Former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds filed

[osint] Re: Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

2006-03-23 Thread David Bier
The study at http://janedoe0911.tripod.com/BilliardBalls.html, pointed out by an OSINT member after I posted the article, might be of interest regarding Sheen's demolition comments. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, David Bier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Calls for truly independent

[osint] Re: US terrorist-supporting organization CAIR loses law suit

2006-03-24 Thread David Bier
Article Title: Statement By Anti-CAIR's Andrew Whitehead Regarding Dismissal of CAIR Libel Suit instead of the BOGUS headline invented by the poster to express his own opinion. CAIR appears to be just what the poster said, but, IMHO, pointing that out should go in poster's signed COMMENTS. David

[osint] Re: US terrorist-supporting organization CAIR loses law suit

2006-03-24 Thread David Bier
you can say the exact same thing with relative safety in opinion comments. Having said all that, I am darn glad the case noted in the article was dismissed. And, in my opinion, CAIR supports islamists and should be investigated thoroughly. Respectfully, David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com

[osint] Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement

2006-03-24 Thread David Bier
that Congress is not even entitled to get information about anything to do with the war on terrorism, Golove said. Note unitary. CICBush43 asserts he has, as the unitary president, all authority to govern Congress or Judiciary = zero. Down that road lies dictatorship. David Bier http://www.boston.com

[osint] U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
would divert the U.S. from aiding Taiwan. Scanners false alarm a lot at U.S. center 800 mi away, they will soon just ignore alarms. David Bier http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060323/ap_on_go_pr_wh/port_security_bahamas U.S. Hiring Hong Kong Co. to Scan Nukes By TED BRIDIS and JOHN SOLOMON, Associated

[osint] Administration tells Congress (again) - We won't abide by your laws

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
unlimited power and nothing that Congress does can affect that power in any way. CICBush43 has assumed unitary and dictatorial powers over the American people, unfettered by Congress or the Judiciary. King George rules... David Bier Saturday, March 25, 2006 Administration tells Congress

[osint] Tehran is cashing in on Hamas election victory and the US predicament in Iraq as

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
underway between the U.S. and Iran in Europe. Iran is dealing from a position of strength w/our troops in Iraq at risk. David Bier http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=2150 Tehran is cashing in on Hamas election victory and the US predicament in Iraq as prime strategic benefits March 25, 2006, 10:44

[osint] Tehran recruits Iraq’s radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr and Syria for a region

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
. caught in the middle Israel fighting 2 fronts: Hamas and Hizballah. David Bier http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=2152 Tehran recruits Iraq’s radical Shiite cleric Moqtada Sadr and Syria for a regional project of subversion March 25, 2006, 11:51 PM (GMT+02:00) They have started planting

[osint] Judge refuses to give FBI custody of classified document

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
in September 2004 as terrorists. DOJ admitted in responses to Congress that doctor-patient attorney -client communications could be monitored. Can't use data in court. David Bier http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/060324/24oregon.htm Judge refuses to give FBI custody of classified

[osint] Battle for Baghdad 'has already started'

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
for oil fields, pipelines and infrastructure. David Bier http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article353501.ece Battle for Baghdad 'has already started' By Patrick Cockburn in Arbil Published: 25 March 2006 The battle between Sunni and Shia Muslims for control of Baghdad has already

[osint] Bound, Blindfolded and Dead: The Face of Atrocity in Baghdad

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
speeches aside, it sure sounds like civil war plus ethnic cleansing And the U.S. lacks sufficient troops to make any real difference. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/26/international/middleeast/26bodies.html March 26, 2006 Bound, Blindfolded and Dead: The Face of Atrocity in Baghdad

[osint] Afghan Army Not Ready To Go Solo, Minister Says

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
The Afghanistan National Army needs at least another four years before it can function on its own, the country’s defense minister said. Sounds almost like Iraq...and for much the same reason: too few U.S. forces to actually destroy the insurgents so they rebuild and fight. David Bier http

[osint] Unrest in Iraq Could Spread Beyond Borders

2006-03-25 Thread David Bier
to intervene directly. And analysts warn that full-blown civil war could erupt if a leading Shiite figure, such as Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani or cleric and politician Moqtada al-Sadr, were assassinated. • E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Posted by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr http

[osint] Local man enters cutthroat business of defense contracting

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
. Compare that to the Army's standard issue for turret gunners: a nylon strap the width of a car seat belt to balance on, and no safety restraint. What kind of idiots made a seat belt strap standard issue for a gunner to have to sit on for hours at a time w/o safety restraint. Real morons! David Bier

[osint] Probe Against Turk General Signals Tensions

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
, coupled with a disdain for rule of law.” Turkey is yet another example of what happens to a democratic system when a totalitarian group wins control. Generals have a choice: submit or coup. David Bier http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=1600359C=thisweek Posted 03/20/06 12:16 Probe

[osint] Study To Guide U.S. Response to Innovative Foes

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
...before figuring out how to counter current VERY disruptive adversaries. DUH! David Bier http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=1604434C=thisweek Posted 03/20/06 13:01 Study To Guide U.S. Response to Innovative Foes By GOPAL RATNAM The Pentagon’s strategic planning guidance, a classified

[osint] Europe, U.S. Split Over Moves Against Iran

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
years until 2002 likely already has a warhead Korean missile delivery capability. David Bier http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=1606860C=thisweek Posted 03/20/06 12:15 Europe, U.S. Split Over Moves Against Iran By BROOKS TIGNER, BRUSSELS Though Iran may be only months away from

[osint] Setting a New Standard To Guard Nuclear Material

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
. David Bier http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=1598053C=thisweek Setting a New Standard To Guard Nuclear Material By DMITRIY NIKONOV It has finally dawned upon the U.S. administration, as well as the rest of the world, that our current energy dependence on oil and gas has to end. In his

[osint] US forces stage two raids Sunday on Iraqi Shiite locations – a Sadrist mosque in

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
with a Greater Kurdistan including North provinces containing oil fields, pipelines infrastructure. David Bier http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=2157 US forces stage two raids Sunday on Iraqi Shiite locations †a Sadrist mosque in which 20 radical gunmen were killed and another secret interior

[osint] Iran's air force not a threat to IAF

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
and have been seeking to purchase the sophisticated S-300P from Russia. Iranian AF not the problem, it's their missiles which just might have nuclear or chemical warheads. Still using Bush41's Hawks Ollie delivered. David Bier http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1139395675542pagename=JPost

[osint] No One Is Guarding the Back Door

2006-03-26 Thread David Bier
used by Olympics officials. Similar system in the U.S. if you carry the phone, even turned off, your movements trackable. CIA (NSA could have told them) found that out in Iraly. David Bier http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htintel/articles/20060321.aspx No One Is Guarding the Back Door March 21

[osint] Prewar Bush-Blair memo leaked

2006-03-27 Thread David Bier
with that assessment. The memo also shows that the president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq. One out of three assessments right is not a winning track record, especially when the two wrong were WILDLY WRONG and troops are dying. David Bier http

[osint] DoJ's Responses to Congress: The NSA Scandal in Microcosm

2006-03-27 Thread David Bier
are reasonable.) DOJ can't keep its story straight on warrantless spying. New strict constructionist SC judges might rule spying illegal on stare decisis grounds. David Bier http://glenngreenwald.blogspot.com/2006/03/dojs-responses-to-congress-nsa-scandal.html Sunday, March 26, 2006 DoJ's Responses

[osint] FBI Keeps Watch on Activists

2006-03-27 Thread David Bier
are not listed as terrorism by the FBI but bottle throwing is? Really politically biased definitions at FBI. David Bier http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-fbi27mar27,0,5815737.story?coll=la-home-headlines From the Los Angeles Times FBI Keeps Watch on Activists Antiwar, other groups

[osint] Re: Gohel: 'What is going on in Moussaoui's mind?'

2006-03-28 Thread David Bier
Govt case was going badly Moussaoui wants to die: Martyred an Islamic hero in Paradise instead of a living loonytunes moldering in some jail for life. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Not sure who the expert is but what we are seeing from

[osint] US court takes up Guantanamo case

2006-03-28 Thread David Bier
Legal experts say a potential landmark ruling against the trials would curb US President George Bush's expanded powers in punishing suspected terrorists. Interesting to see if Justice Scalia recuses himself after clearly prejudicial statements against the plaintiffs over the weekend. David Bier

[osint] Iraq raid photos show weapons caches: senator

2006-03-28 Thread David Bier
have accused Shi'ite groups of moving the corpses of gunmen killed in battle to encourage such accusations. Al Sadr has joined the Iran-Hamas-Hezballah axis and is quite up to using the incident for inflammatory propaganda. Get those photos out quick. David Bier http://today.reuters.com/news

[osint] The Moussaoui Testimony, the German BND chief, al Qaeda, Hamas and Israel

2006-03-28 Thread David Bier
able to remove the Palestinian fundamentalist group from its integral position in the network of Islamic terrorism referred to by the Germany intelligence chief Urlau and attested to by Zacarias Moussaoui. Posted by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr http://groups.google.com/group/publicintel â

[osint] Re: 9/11 Hijackers Were Also Trained to Hijack Trains

2006-03-29 Thread David Bier
ways. If a major rail terror incident occurs, somebody very high up should end up fired or impeached. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As part of his successful effort to maintain operational security, the summary continued, Abu Turab

[osint] Re: FISA judges say Bush within law

2006-03-29 Thread David Bier
court for an application but unilaterally ordered unwarranted spying. And yes, he does it at his own peril. The headline is misleading because he is acting by executive order, not within the provisions of existing law. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

[osint] Rove said cooperating in CIA leak inquiry

2006-03-29 Thread David Bier
, associates say Rove is increasingly certain he will not be indicted in the case. Tweety Bird Rove sounds like he saved his tail feathers by singing a song of DEDCheney. Lucky the judge hearing the case owes his career to CICBush43. Or that might not help Cheney nowadays. David Bier http

[osint] Bush Wanted War

2006-03-30 Thread David Bier
of history and military affairs so something akin to the U.S. Constabulary in Germany might have been set up in Iraq to win the peace. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/29/AR2006032902057.html Bush Wanted War By Richard Cohen Thursday, March 30, 2006; 12:00 AM

[osint] Insulating Bush

2006-03-30 Thread David Bier
coverup for CICBush43. David Bier http://news.nationaljournal.com/articles/0330nj1.htm PREWAR INTELLIGENCE Insulating Bush By Murray Waas, National Journal © National Journal Group Inc. Thursday, March 30, 2006 Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political adviser, cautioned other White House

[osint] Beleaguered Premier Warns U.S. to Stop Interfering in Iraq's Politics

2006-03-30 Thread David Bier
that are pushing Iraq closer to full-scale civil war. How close depends on how near to being drilled or garroted one is. Mr. Jaafari has made his bed with al Sadr whose allies are Iran, Hamas and Hizballah. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/30/international/middleeast/30iraq.html?_r

[osint] Neo No More

2006-03-30 Thread David Bier
Aftermath. Posted by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr http://groups.google.com/group/publicintel Most men would rather believe than know (Ben Franklin) Cargo Security: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/msnbc/Sections/Newsweek/Components/Photos/Mag/060306_Issue/060225_perspcartoon_wide.hlarge.jpg Notes

[osint] Re: FBI: Hezbollah Busted in Mexican Smuggling Operation

2006-03-31 Thread David Bier
Enroll them in CICBush43's Guest Worker Program to neutralize them. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hizballah, of course, is a fully-owned Iranian proxy allied with al-Qaeda. Bruce http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2006/3/30/223801.shtml

[osint] Abramoff gets payback in gaming bill

2006-03-31 Thread David Bier
states conduct lotteries over the Internet now includes an exemption to protect those lotteries. At least when they are bought, they stay bought. David Bier http://www.thehill.com/thehill/export/TheHill/News/Frontpage/032906/news4.html Abramoff gets payback in gaming bill By Patrick O'Connor

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