[osint] Katrina and America's Race Problems

2005-09-02 Thread David Bier
Of course, it's unfair to blame the president for an act of nature like Katrina. And yet it's irrefutable that this administration's backward policies and politics made this disaster worse than it had to be, and its belated response will do nothing to address the problems that have suddenly been

[osint] Editorials, Including Those at Conservative Papers, Rip Bush's Hurricane Respons

2005-09-02 Thread David Bier
How do you justify cutting $250 million in scheduled spending for crucial pump and levee work in the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA), authorized by Congress in 1995? How do you explain the almost total lack of coordination among federal, state and local officials both in

[osint] President Arrives in Alabama, Briefed on Hurricane Katrina

2005-09-02 Thread David Bier
there can be a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Sure it looked like a weapon of mass destruction. One he helped build by drastically reducing levee renewal and repair funding for New Orleans. A city virtually destroyed and thousands dead. Urban Renewal? David Bier http

[osint] July 2005 article reveals New Orleans told poor: 'You're on your own'

2005-09-02 Thread David Bier
City, state and federal emergency officials are preparing to give the poorest of New Orleans' poor a historically blunt message: In the event of a major hurricane, you're on your own. http://rawstory.com/news/2005/July_2005_article_reveals_Red_Cross_told_poor_Youre_on_your_o_0902.html July 2005

[osint] An Amazed World Watches a Superpower’s Sluggish Response to Disaster at Home

2005-09-03 Thread David Bier
The hurricane victims were not alone in asking how the same America which took on a war on global terror and two foreign conflicts simultaneously fell so short in coping with its own dire disaster. This question will be engraved on the historical memory of the United States and the world – all

[osint] Superdome Evacuations Temporarily Halted

2005-09-03 Thread David Bier
At one point Friday, the evacuation was interrupted briefly when school buses pulled up so some 700 guests and employees from the Hyatt Hotel could move to the head of the evacuation line — much to the amazement of those who had been crammed in the Superdome since last Sunday. How does this work?

[osint] Brown pushed from last job: Horse group: FEMA chief had to be `asked to resign'

2005-09-03 Thread David Bier
``He was asked to resign,'' Bill Pennington, president of the IAHA at the time, confirmed last night. Before joining the Bush administration in 2001, Brown spent 11 years as the commissioner of judges and stewards for the International Arabian Horse Association, a breeders' and horse-show

[osint] Storm's Economic Shock, Job Losses Likely to Rival Worst

2005-09-03 Thread David Bier
Superfund site. And you are wafting eloquent about Katrina removing all the old stuff so we can have a fantastic Gulf Coast. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/02/AR2005090202468.html washingtonpost.com Storm's Economic Shock, Job Losses Likely to Rival Worst

[osint] Katrina Elicits Sympathy, Jeers Worldwide

2005-09-03 Thread David Bier
To see homeless dying of thirst and lack of medical care in the middle of the street escapes comprehension, the paper said. The world asks how [the Americans] were able to take food and water so quickly to remote Indonesia and cannot save New Orleans.

[osint] A federal court in Brooklyn has upheld three lawsuits accusing the Jordan-based

2005-09-04 Thread David Bier
The lawsuits claim the Arab Bank aided terrorism by acting as the administrator of an insurance plan by the Saudi Committee in Support of the Intifada al Quds, which paid $5,300 to the families of Hamas, Jihad Islami and Fatah-al Aqsa Brigades suicide bombers.

[osint] While foreign offers of aid pour into America, al Qaeda's Iraq

2005-09-04 Thread David Bier
to provide a timely response to New Orleans and other Katrina disaster areas. David Bier http://www.debka.com/ While foreign offers of aid pour into America, al Qaeda's Iraq commander makes cynical use of the hurricane disaster for its propaganda. September 4, 2005, 10:10 PM (GMT+02:00) The terrorist

[osint] Opium gold unites US friends and foes

2005-09-04 Thread David Bier
Drugs connect the Taliban and Northern Alliance Top US officials admit that despite sharp differences between the Pashtun Taliban resistance and the Northern Alliance, some groups within these factions are in touch with each other. Although there are no traces of any alliance that would provide

[osint] Hartford Libraries Watch as US Makes Demands

2005-09-04 Thread David Bier
to achieve non-compliance with the Patriot Act and protect their patrons' individual privacy rights, it appears libraries might have to stop low cost out-sourced back office processing by organizations like the Library Connection. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/02/nyregion

[osint] My Pet Goat -- The Sequel

2005-09-05 Thread David Bier
While the 9/11 My Pet Goat episode was certainly illuminating, it's not certain what might have worked out better that day had the president dropped the book and taken action. But his failure to grab the reins in the hurricane catastrophe for three days this week probably doomed hundreds, or more,

[osint] Hurricane Center Director Tells Paper He Briefed Brown and Chertoff on Danger of

2005-09-05 Thread David Bier
that flooded New Orleans. Lies, lies and damn lies. Everybody, including Chertoff, was briefed on Katrina's consequences. Surprise, someone came forward to expose the lie. His job is probably toast... David Bier http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id

[osint] The Downfall of New Orleans

2005-09-05 Thread David Bier
The body of an old man who jumped from a bridge lies on the sidewalk. A grandmother died in her wheelchair during the exodus. Volunteers threw a blanket over the corpse and left it on the side of the road. Another woman sits despondently in a highway median next to the body of her dead husband.

[osint] An Angry Times-Picayune Calls for Firing of FEMA Chief and Others in Open Lett

2005-09-05 Thread David Bier
Every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael Brown especially. In a nationally televised interview Thursday night, he said his agency hadn't known until that day that thousands of storm victims were stranded at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

[osint] Martial Law on the Mississippi

2005-09-05 Thread David Bier
The scenery here looks like the set of a disaster film in which the extras and even the guards have gone home for the night. The windows of stores have been broken. The skyscrapers stretch into the pitch-black heavens and occasionally a helicopter circles them. Other than the flashing of police

[osint] Iraqi Charter Causes Alarm

2005-09-19 Thread David Bier
Bush Allies Raise Concerns Over Role of Islam, Women's Rights http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/0,,SB112708403938544377-QqzC0KkqPQpdgRM2wVLum1Lymso_20060919,00.html Iraqi Charter Causes Alarm Bush Allies Raise Concerns Over Role of Islam, Women's Rights By YOCHI J. DREAZEN Staff

[osint] Bush Aide Will Lead Hurricane Inquiry

2005-09-20 Thread David Bier
by a coalition of Katrina families to build up insurmountable pressure to the point Bush caves in and agrees to an independent review of the Katrina Federal response. No Katrina families effort; no independent review. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/20/national/nationalspecial/20cong.html

[osint] Saddam's Revenge

2005-09-21 Thread David Bier
but to make such a move...or retreat from Iraq entirely which would be a political and economic disaster and set the stage for a real Jihad. The in-country U.S. forces and pesh merga could successfully defend such a limited green zone once populations in it are pacified. David Bier http

[osint] Chasing the Ghosts

2005-09-21 Thread David Bier
Senior U.S. officials say it could take a decade to quell the insurgency, with successful withdrawal years away. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1106333,00.html Sunday, Sep. 18, 2005 Chasing the Ghosts With doubts about Iraq growing at home, U.S. forces are struggling to put

[osint] Plamegate The John Bolton Connection

2005-09-21 Thread David Bier
Bolton's former chief of staff, Fred Fleitz, was at least one of the sources of the classified information about Valerie Plame that flowed through the Bush administration and eventually made its way into Bob Novak's now infamous column.

[osint] Pentagon Bars Military Officers and Analysts From Testifying

2005-09-21 Thread David Bier
We have expressed our security concerns and believe it is simply not possible to discuss Able Danger in any great detail in an open public forum, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/21/politics/21intel.html?pagewanted=all September 21, 2005 Pentagon Bars Military Officers and Analysts From

[osint] On Istanbul Beaches, an Altered Social Fabric

2005-09-21 Thread David Bier
Class Divisions Seen In Swimsuit Uproar The underwear flap reflected class warfare and the country's political realignment. And if some elements were unique to Turkey, others illustrated the cultural dislocations that occur anywhere when much of a countryside picks up and moves, creating a

[osint] After a Disaster, Houses That Feel More Like Home

2005-10-03 Thread David Bier
the locals' expectation there will be a ramp up of crime from the poor in those trailers. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/30/AR2005093001860.html washingtonpost.com After a Disaster, Houses That Feel More Like Home By Linda Hales Washington Post Staff

[osint] Ousting Assad without a backup plan

2005-10-05 Thread David Bier
As the Bush administration focuses its attention on a possible regime change in Syria, Israel gets an enormous sense of invincibility, not just on the basis of its own considerable military power, but also on the perceived weakened state of military prowess of its neighbors. This is a reality that

[osint] How Rotten Are These Guys?

2005-10-05 Thread David Bier
The end result has been a noxious crony capitalism that has seeped into nearly all U.S. government policies, from the War on Terror to the Iraq War to the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort. http://www.consortiumnews.com/2005/100405.html How Rotten Are These Guys? By Robert Parry October 5, 2005

[osint] Ousting Assad without a backup plan

2005-10-05 Thread David Bier
consequences? And who benefits the most, the U.S. or Al Qaeda? David Bier http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/GJ05Ak01.html Ousting Assad without a backup plan By Ehsan Ahrari There are reports in the Western media that the inquiry of special UN investigator Deltev Mehlis

[osint] Ousting Assad without a backup plan

2005-10-05 Thread David Bier
consequences? And who benefits the most, the U.S. or Al Qaeda? David Bier http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/GJ05Ak01.html Ousting Assad without a backup plan By Ehsan Ahrari There are reports in the Western media that the inquiry of special UN investigator Deltev Mehlis

[osint] No Secrets: Eyes on the CIA

2005-03-06 Thread David Bier
Posted 050303 by David Bier, CADRE Intel Mgr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7037720/site/newsweek/ No Secrets: Eyes on the CIA Newsweek March 7 issue - Aviation obsessives with cameras and Internet connections have become a threat to cover stories established by the CIA

[osint] A Rebel in the Emperor's Court

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
will be at ease, and your spirit will shine like a rainbow.'' And a key player in the forced resignation Thursday (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/11/international/asia/11hong.html) of Hong Kong's of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/06/magazine/06HONG.html? March 6, 2005

[osint] Hong Kong Chief Resigns; Deputy Will Assume Post

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
For some interesting background on the pressure that forced out Chief Executive Tung, read A Rebel in the Emperor's Court (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/06/magazine/06HONG.html?). David Bier 03/12/2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/06/magazine/06HONG.html? March 11, 2005 Hong Kong Chief

[osint] A Fine Rendition

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
House. David Bier 03/12/2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/11/opinion/11scheuer.html March 11, 2005 OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR A Fine Rendition By MICHAEL SCHEUER Washington AS Congress and the news media wail about the Central Intelligence Agency's rendition program - its practice of turning suspected

[osint] Army report: U.S. lost control in Iraq three months after invasion

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
that was soon filled by insurgents, terrorists and criminals who created absolute chaos that the U.S. has never been able to push back into the bottle. David Bier 03/12/2005 Army report: U.S. lost control in Iraq three months after invasion SPECIAL TO WORLD

[osint] U.S. Says It Has Withdrawn From World Judicial Body

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
...and then withdrew from the optional protocol. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/10/politics/10death.html March 10, 2005 U.S. Says It Has Withdrawn From World Judicial Body By ADAM LIPTAK Prompted by an international tribunal's decision last year ordering new hearings for 51 Mexicans

[osint] Protection Not In Place For Electric WMD

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
of a fully equipped machine shop. Not as massive and all-encompassing as an airborne EMP burst, but several of them going off simultaneously near critical infrastructure nodes could wreak almost as much havoc. David Bier http://www.spacewar.com/news/terrorwar-05l.html Protection Not In Place

[osint] New Solar-Powered Vehicle Barriers Give Anti-Terrorist Protection To Dam

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
http://www.spacewar.com/news/terrorwar-05k.html New Solar-Powered Vehicle Barriers Give Anti-Terrorist Protection To Dam Dublin OH (SPX) Mar 03, 2005 Intelligent Perimeter Systems (IPS) has announced it has completed installation of an innovative perimeter security system at an undisclosed

[osint] DHS' Kelly casts wary eye toward national IDs

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
Kelly joins Richard Clarke and others in their wariness of a national ID card. David Bier http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/35252-1.html DHS' Kelly casts wary eye toward national IDs 03/09/05 By Alice Lipowicz, PostNewsweek Tech Media The chief privacy officer for the Homeland

[osint] In the ID Wars, the Fakes Gain

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
Yet another reason why ID cards are problematic. Even if we go to ID cards with smart chips, the expertise is out there to generate those too...or steal them. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/06/fashion/06fake.html March 6, 2005 In the ID Wars, the Fakes Gain By WARREN ST. JOHN

[osint] Real ID's, Real Dangers

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
to be investigated in any high level civil rights or privacy scandal. Meanwhile, the PCLOB languishes; a board with no members, good or bad, provides zero oversight. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/06/magazine/06ADVISER.html March 6, 2005 THE SECURITY ADVISER Real ID's, Real Dangers

[osint] Off Track

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
it is probably much too late... David Bier http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2005/0503.wallace-wells1.html Off Track America's economy is losing its competitive edge and Washington hasn't noticed. By Benjamin Wallace-Wells There is a moment in the lifespan of every cool new gadget—two years

[osint] House Ethics Panel in Gridlock

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A25358-2005Mar10?language=printer House Ethics Panel in Gridlock Democrats Refuse to Participate Under New GOP Rules By Mike Allen Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, March 11, 2005; Page A02 The House, facing new controversy about the travel of

[osint] Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-1522978,00.html March 13, 2005 Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant Uzi Mahnaimi ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans for a combined air and ground attack on targets in Iran if diplomacy fails to halt the Iranian nuclear programme.

[osint] Syria 'pledges pullout timetable'

2005-03-12 Thread David Bier
. And Imad Mughniyeh, a key Hezballah terrorist leader (also a key leader in the Al Qaeda hierarchy), is well qualified to apply a campaign of terror preceding a Hezballah coup to restore order. David Bier http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4343119.stm Syria 'pledges pullout timetable

[osint] Washington’s Non-Diplomatic Track for Dealing with Iran’s Nuclear Program

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
by Israel while making moves to support the EU, appear to be the most viable approach for Bush until the large chunk of the Army is freed from its Iraqi mission. David Bier http://www.debka.com/article.php?aid=998 Washington's Non-Diplomatic Track for Dealing with Iran's Nuclear Program

[osint] Chinese president named top military chief, tells army to prepare for war

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/137155/1/... (Re-post of 51437 that ended up a bit garbled during its trip from the Post Message page.) Time is GMT + 8 hours Posted: 13 March 2005 2105 hrs Chinese president named top military chief, tells army to prepare for war

[osint] Looting at Weapons Plants Was Systematic, Iraqi Says

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/international/middleeast/13loot.html?hpex=1110776400en=e7534dd977e6dc08ei=5094partner=homepage March 13, 2005 Looting at Weapons Plants Was Systematic, Iraqi Says By JAMES GLANZ and WILLIAM J. BROAD BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 12 - In the weeks after Baghdad fell in

[osint] Our Currency, Your Problem

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
Another view of the long term problem with the U.S. economy and national planning discussed in post 51424, Off Track. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/magazine/13WWLN.html March 13, 2005 THE WAY WE LIVE NOW Our Currency, Your Problem By NIALL FERGUSON Every congressman knows

[osint] The Deal to Disarm Kadafi

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/front/la-fg-libya13mar13,1,6920638.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpagectrack=2cset=true The Deal to Disarm Kadafi Libya's decision to hand over its banned weapons followed lengthy talks and an equipment seizure. Some see ideas for dealing with Iran. By

[osint] Demand for Public Information Is Surging

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.herald-dispatch.com/2005/March/13/LNspotc.htm NEWS |Sunday, March 13, 2005 Demand for Public Information Is Surging Chuck McCutcheon - 2005 - Newhouse News Service WASHINGTON -- At a time when critics accuse the federal government of excessive secrecy, the public's appetite for

[osint] Turning a Blind Eye Again?

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2005_03/Weiss.asp Arms Control Today March 2005 Turning a Blind Eye Again? The Khan Network's History and Lessons for U.S. Policy Leonard Weiss Alittle more than one year ago, the world learned that Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan had

[osint] India's RD: Reaching for the Top

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
Tends to validate the brain drain and RD offshore migration premises of post 51424, Off Track. David Bier http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/307/5714/1415 GLOBAL VOICES OF SCIENCE: India's RD: Reaching for the Top Raghunath A. Mashelkar India Raghunath A. Mashelkar began

[osint] Ruffling Feathers

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
t is too early to tell who is watching whom as Bolton can be assumed to be a pipeline back to Cheney, and Karen Hughes, likewise, direct to Bush. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7168820/site/newsweek/ Ruffling Feathers An undiplomatic diplomat may tip the balance on Iran Consolation prize:

[osint] Torture: Bush's Nominee May Be 'DOA'

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7169452/site/newsweek/ Torture: Bush's Nominee May Be 'DOA' By Michael Isikoff Newsweek March 21 issue - A pentagon report last week absolved top Defense officials of any blame for abuse of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq. But the inquiries—and the

[osint] Money: So Where Did It Go?

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
Article relates to post 51425, House Ethics Panel in Gridlock. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7169454/site/newsweek/ Money: So Where Did It Go? Newsweek March 21 issue - The FBI is trying to trace what happened to $2.5 million in payments to a conservative Washington think tank that were routed

[osint] As DeLay's Woes Mount, So Does Money

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
Article relates to post 51425, House Ethics Panel in Gridlock. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/politics/13delay.html March 13, 2005 As DeLay's Woes Mount, So Does Money By PHILIP SHENON and ROBERT PEAR WASHINGTON, March 12 - A legal defense fund established by Tom DeLay, the House majority

[osint] China to Limit Term of Hong Kong's Next Leader

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
See also posts 51401 and 51402. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/international/asia/13hong.html March 13, 2005 China to Limit Term of Hong Kong's Next Leader By KEITH BRADSHER HONG KONG, March 13 - - A decision by the Hong Kong government to shorten the term of the territory's next chief

[osint] The Two Faces of Rising China

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
See also post 51491. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/weekinreview/13kahn.html?pagewanted=all March 13, 2005 The Two Faces of Rising China By JOSEPH KAHN BEIJING CHINA'S leaders announced last week at the annual National People's Congress that they will give themselves legal authority to

[osint] A World of Ways to Say 'Islamic Law'

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/weekinreview/13rohd.html?pagewanted=all March 13, 2005 A World of Ways to Say 'Islamic Law' By DAVID ROHDE IRAQ'S new government will have a fateful question to address when it begins meeting later this month. What role will Islam have in the constitution? The

[osint] Judge Blocks the Transfer of 13 Detainees From Guantánamo

2005-03-13 Thread David Bier
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/politics/13gitmo.html March 13, 2005 Judge Blocks the Transfer of 13 Detainees From Guantánamo By SCOTT SHANE WASHINGTON, March 12 - A federal judge on Saturday prohibited the government from transferring 13 Yemeni prisoners from the military's detention

[osint] China threat to attack Taiwan alarms U.S., Asia

2005-03-14 Thread David Bier
http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2005-03-14-china-threat_x.htm Posted 3/14/2005 10:42 AM Updated 3/14/2005 4:23 PM China threat to attack Taiwan alarms U.S., Asia TOKYO (AP) — China's threat Monday to oppose Taiwanese independence with military force triggered measured words from

[osint] Witness Protection Program Lacks Marshals

2005-03-14 Thread David Bier
The Marshals Service is very short on funding and staffing for the program to protect courts as well. http://breakingnews.nypost.com/dynamic/stories/W/WITNESS_PROTECTION?SITE=NYNYPSECTION=HOMETEMPLATE=DEFAULT Mar 14, 9:08 PM EST Witness Protection Program Lacks Marshals By MARK SHERMAN

[osint] DeLay Ethics Allegations Now Cause of GOP Concern

2005-03-14 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32389-2005Mar13.html washingtonpost.com DeLay Ethics Allegations Now Cause of GOP Concern By Mike Allen Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, March 14, 2005; Page A01 House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) has dismissed questions about his

[osint] Administration Rejects Ruling On PR Videos

2005-03-15 Thread David Bier
ever as a countervailing force to official attempts to propagandize the news. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35010-2005Mar14.html washingtonpost.com Administration Rejects Ruling On PR Videos GAO Called Tapes Illegal Propaganda By Christopher Lee Washington Post Staff

[osint] UN finds evidence of official cover-up in Hariri assassination

2005-03-15 Thread David Bier
http://fairuse.1accesshost.com/news3/fisk2.htm Independent UN finds evidence of official cover-up in Hariri assassination By Robert Fisk in Beirut 14 March 2005 As the United Nations' Irish-led special investigation team here prepares to report that the Lebanese authorities have covered up

[osint] Army Ignored Broker on Arms Deal

2005-03-15 Thread David Bier
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/la-fg-contract15mar15,0,739718,print.story?coll=la-home-headlines THE CONFLICT IN IRAQ Army Ignored Broker on Arms Deal U.S. general supervised an Iraq contract that a slain American said was tangled in kickbacks. By Ken Silverstein and T.

[osint] Hezbollah's deadly record

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtontimes.com/functions/print.php?StoryID=20050314-090221-6481r The Washington Times www.washingtontimes.com Hezbollah's deadly record By Joel Himelfarb Published March 15, 2005 In the wake of the March 8 demonstrations in which Hezbollah brought as many as half-a-million

[osint] U.S. search for bin Laden intensifies

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtontimes.com/functions/print.php?StoryID=20040223-012312-3087r The Washington Times www.washingtontimes.com U.S. search for bin Laden intensifies By Rowan Scarborough THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published February 23, 2004 The Pentagon is moving elements of a supersecret

[osint] Brits warned US of detainee abuse in 2002

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20050314-072824-5309r Brits warned US of detainee abuse in 2002 By Shaun Waterman UPI Homeland and National Security Editor Published 3/15/2005 5:11 PM WASHINGTON, March 15 (UPI) -- In January 2002, one day after the British Secret Intelligence Service was

[osint] White House Acknowledges Iran Intel 'Hard to Come By'

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNewsstoryID=7885692 White House Acknowledges Iran Intel 'Hard to Come By' Sun Mar 13, 2005 04:03 PM ET By Adam Entous WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House acknowledged on Sunday the difficulty of gathering good intelligence in Iran but said

[osint] Why I can’t be Iraqi again!!

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://home.cogeco.ca/~kurdistan6/16-3-05-opinion-ahmad-mirawdely-why-im-not-irqi.html Why I can't be Iraqi again!! By: Dr. Ahmad Mirawdaly [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mar 15, 2005 Aziza: was a teen Kurdish girl who survived the attack on her

[osint] Lebanon a Battle of Crowds and Cameras for Now

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
The author may be a bit naive to assume that the Hezballah leadership, regardless of what the street level Shiites may want, will be willing to trade terror and blood for the ballot box. David Bier http://www.strategypage.com/onpoint/articles/2005315.asp Lebanon a Battle of Crowds

[osint] Panel calls for secured border perimeter with U.S., Canada, Mexico

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/35269-1.html 03/14/05 Panel calls for secured border perimeter with U.S., Canada, Mexico By Alice Lipowicz PostNewsweek Tech Media The United States, Canada and Mexico should create a common North American security perimeter by 2010 with combined

[osint] Customs automation project still troubled, GAO says

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.gcn.com/vol1_no1/daily-updates/35278-1.html 03/15/05 Customs automation project still troubled, GAO says By Wilson P. Dizard III GCN Staff The Homeland Security Department's Automated Commercial Environment project to build a new trade processing system faces further cost and

[osint] Wolfowitz Picked for World Bank

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
such as the rocker, Bono, whose name has already come up in deliberations. Let us hope, in this era of a somewhat shaky dollar, that, for once, Bush has not acted unilaterally and has done the homework behind the scenes to ensure there is no organized opposition to Wolfowitz. David Bier http


2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
It becomes clearer why the Bush Administration is moving special forces back into the Afghan zone to find Bin Laden. Pakistani troops appear to have their hands full with these allies of al Qaeda and the Taliban and have little time to pursue Bin Laden. David Bier http://www.eurasianet.net

[osint] Eye on Eurasia: FSB makes Muslim enemies:

2005-03-16 Thread David Bier
http://www.newkerala.com/news-daily/news/features.php?action=fullnewsid=86378 Eye on Eurasia: FSB makes Muslim enemies: [World News]: By PAUL GOBLE TARTU, Estonia, March 15 : The typically Soviet approach of the Russian Federation's security agencies is alienating ever more Muslims in that

[osint] Abramoff Said to Claim Close Ties to Rove

2006-02-14 Thread David Bier
raisers are...what with the stress of the Plame case. David Bier http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060214/ap_on_go_pr_wh/rove_abramoff Abramoff Said to Claim Close Ties to Rove By JOHN SOLOMON and PETE YOST, Associated Press WritersTue Feb 14, 2:45 AM ET Three former associates of Jack Abramoff say

[osint] Supreme Court Justice Mishael Heshin defines the Palestinian Authority as an ene

2006-02-14 Thread David Bier
Just listen to daily declarations made by Hamas, Heshin said. The Palestinian people chose Hamas, which seeks to destroy Israel, and they are citizens of an enemy state. http://www.debka.com/headline.php?hid=1908 Supreme Court Justice Mishael Heshin defines the Palestinian Authority as an enemy

[osint] Pinning Dubious Hopes for a Hamas Ouster on Sanctions and Abu Mazen

2006-02-14 Thread David Bier
Hamas, as its leaders say out loud, will not bow to sanctions, which makes the prospect of an Israeli military operation to unseat them more probable than the efficacy of sanctions. ...because admitting to an improvised joint scheme for regime change in Ramallah would imply the bankruptcy of their

[osint] While Kurds enjoy new influence in Baghdad, divisions dog unification attempts

2006-02-14 Thread David Bier
Iraqi Kurds have emerged as the powerbrokers holding this country together. The leaders of the two main Kurdish political parties, dismissed not that long ago as mere warlords, are courted by the Americans, and they have been key mediators between Iraq's bickering Sunni and Shiite Muslim Arabs in

[osint] Moscow's Mideast Challenge to America

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
By supporting Hamas, Russia might be hoping to signal to a number of groups in the Middle East that there is an option against the powerful hegemony of the United States in the region. It's also part of Russia's long-term bet since the country has a growing number of Muslims within its borders --

[osint] Cartoon Conflict Shows Cracks in the EU

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
Ever since a Danish newspaper published 12 caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and triggered sometimes violent protests against Denmark and the West in the Muslim world, the European Union has been casting about for a common position. So far, though, without success -- and as the EU lack of action

[osint] Egypt unofficially blockades Palestinian transit to and from Gaza Strip

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
Cairo has suspended permits for Palestinians to enter Egypt from Gaza or enter Gaza from northern Sinai. DEBKAfile's military sources report Cairo's warning to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas that the blockade would remain in force until they surrendered the abductors to Egypt. The Egyptian

[osint] Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
The administration has obviously gotten the message that they need to be more forthcoming, Snowe said. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/14/AR2006021401812.html Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt White House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers By Charles Babington

[osint] Nine Condemned in Chemical Terror Plot

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
Al-Zarqawi and three others received the death penalty in absentia. But the plot's alleged mastermind, Azmi al-Jayousi, and four co-defendants were in the courtroom when the judge handed down the sentence for the 2004 plot, which security officials foiled before it could be carried out. Bin

[osint] Afghan Suicide Bombings, Tied to Taliban, Point to Pakistan

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
The tape appears to confirm Afghan officials' suspicions that the suicide bombings, which are largely a recent phenomenon in Afghanistan, were generated outside Afghanistan, and in particular from neighboring Pakistan. The interrogations also indicated that the network behind the men was made up

[osint] U.S. Has Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/14/business/14oil.html February 14, 2006 U.S. Has Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies By EDMUND L. ANDREWS WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 — The federal government is on the verge of one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in American history, worth

[osint] Quick Rise for Purveyors of Propaganda in Iraq

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
Although Lincoln Group's work in Iraq is now under scrutiny in two Pentagon investigations, the firm is hunting for more government work. Last month, Mr. Bailey attended a going-away reception at the Virginia condominium of a mid-level government employee on her way to a new job at the American

[osint] The politics of fear (or how Tony Blair misled us over the war on terror)

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
with that tactic. David Bier http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/article345502.ece The politics of fear (or how Tony Blair misled us over the war on terror) By Peter Oborne Published: 15 February 2006 HOW TONY BLAIR MISLED THE NATION On 28 February 2005, with the Prevention of Terrorism Bill being

[osint] Afghan gas pipeline nears reality

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
...but more risky now that the Taliban is augmented by al Qaeda veterans of Iraq, skilled in IED tactics and use of suicide bombers. David Bier http://abcnews.go.com/International/CSM/story?id=1619370 Afghan gas pipeline nears reality After years of waiting, the project could be a welcome source

[osint] Breaking Ranks

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
with New Mexico's attorney general--Wilson has received more than 500 letters about the controversial program. Last week she started getting ones thanking her for taking on Bush. Possible trouble in Bushland. They might have to actually follow the law... David Bier http://www.time.com/time

[osint] Will Someone Please Lend This Guy a Hand?

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
destroying oil production for a long time in the entire region. Impact here of a regional conflict:$5 gasoline? $10? None? Depression? Unintended consequences... David Bier http://www.time.com/time/columnist/klein/article/0,9565,1158918,00.html Saturday, Feb. 11, 2006 Will Someone Please Lend

[osint] 325,000 Names on Terrorism List

2006-02-15 Thread David Bier
. citzens who have been, or are being monitored. David Bier 325,000 Names on Terrorism List Rights Groups Say Database May Include Innocent People By Walter Pincus and Dan Eggen Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, February 15, 2006; A01 The National Counterterrorism Center maintains

[osint] EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Tapes -- Inside Saddam's Palace

2006-02-16 Thread David Bier
Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans a long time before Aug. 2 and told the British as well ... that in the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction. Saddam goes on to say such attacks would be difficult to stop. In the future, what would prevent a booby-trapped car

[osint] Tapes Show Son-in-Law Admitted WMD Deception

2006-02-16 Thread David Bier
the U.S. invasion aerial bombardment started. David Bier http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/Investigation/story?id=1623307page=1 Tapes Show Son-in-Law Admitted WMD Deception In Recording, Iraqi Dictator Is Briefed on Efforts to Hide Weapons Programs Feb. 15, 2006 †- The following is a translation

[osint] EXCLUSIVE: Saddam Transcript -- 'Terrorism Is Coming'

2006-02-16 Thread David Bier
the demonized Saddam portrayed before. David Bier http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/Investigation/story?id=1624442 EXCLUSIVE: Saddam Transcript -- 'Terrorism Is Coming' Ruler Said Anti-U.S. Terror Attacks Inevitable, But That Iraq Would Not Be Behind Them Feb. 15, 2006 †- The following

[osint] Cheney Mishap Takes Focus Off CIA Leak

2006-02-16 Thread David Bier
, as he definitely has a coyote named Libby in the Plame hunt. David Bier http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=1625750 Cheney Mishap Takes Focus Off CIA Leak Hunting Mishap Pushes Cheney's Bigger Problem From Public View - for Now By RON FOURNIER The Associated Press WASHINGTON - It's not Dick

[osint] France: Iran Nuke Program a Military Cover

2006-02-16 Thread David Bier
No civilian nuclear program can explain the Iranian nuclear program. It is a clandestine military nuclear program, Douste-Blazy said on France-2 television. The international community has sent a very firm message in telling the Iranians to return to reason and suspend all nuclear activity and the

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