I received a few requests for more info on the OT16 in
India, so I decided to post it to the list.

The theme of the conference is: enjoy the difference.
Wrestling with differences has alwas been an important
aspect in OT conferences. Rising tensions, seemingly
unbridgeable differences... frequently followed by those
magical moments when suddely everyone understands each
other again. Resulting in a deeply felt agreement,
welling up from the inside. This seems to be the secret:
in acknowledging the differences that exist in the present
moment, we can work toward unity. Thus realising real,
sustainable, multi-level change: transformation.

The conference is in Auroville, near Pondicherry, south
of Madras on the east coast of Southern India.
Participants are expected to arrive in Madras on the
24th or the 25th of July. The conference starts on the
evening of the 26th and ends on the evening of August 2.
Departure in the morning of Monday, August 3rd. There is
a possibility to participate in a post-conference tour of
Southern India untill August 10.

You will need a tourist visa and probably some vaccinations.
The conference is not full yet, so you can still sign up.
The cheap flights are full, so finding transportation might
be a bit of a problem.

More info on the location:

More info and registration:
Huib Roelants
Willemslaan 20
NL-1406 LX  Bussum
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 35 691 5579
Fax: +31 35 692 1622
email: roela...@wxs.nl

Hope to see you there!

koos de heer
auryn management advies
utrecht, nl

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