Re: Facilitator must be part of the conversations

2007-08-08 Thread can uludag
Hi Doug, I like this : For the listener, who listens in the snow, And nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and nothing that is.. - Wallace Stevens well Doug i really don't know if i live life or life lives me :-) something is actual and moving. Our thoughts help us in many

Re: Facilitator must be part of the conversations

2007-08-08 Thread douglas germann
Alan-- Thanks for this twist on the subject, Alan! Open Space as Opera as Open Space! I like this phrase, changed as you suggest: "That's what's so liberating about open space, because nobody can do it alone. The soprano is dependent on the oboe player, who is dependent o

Re: Living in OS...My Inquiry!

2007-08-08 Thread douglas germann
Anne-- Your phrases, "Yes opens space" and "Goodbye is an opening" are evocative. What is my practice? 1. A good portion is in the conversations on this OSlist: I see this as a way of putting into the world, through this community of practice, the glimpses and insights I get. I might not be abl

Re: "Process Expert"

2007-08-08 Thread douglas germann
Harrison-- Well, I was a bit nervous about using that phrase myself. It was not used to give credentials to anyone, but it was a way of saying how Elwin or others might be perceived by "clients" interested in "hiring" them. It was also a bit of a rif off Chris Corrigan's "process artist." Yes it

Re: Facilitator must be part of the conversations

2007-08-08 Thread douglas germann
Can-- What a powerful pair of stories, Can! Thank you for telling us. These were perhaps life living you, and new way to understand Whatever happens...: as something that (continues to) happen without regard to the passage of time. Not sure if that makes sense, but your "will be with me all the ti

Re: OSLIST Digest - 6 Aug 2007 to 7 Aug 2007 (#2007-204)

2007-08-08 Thread anne stadler
Thank you HHO for those two lovely postings. I am alerting my Portland family about the OS! Is it Portland OR?? And thanks for your welcoming message. You know me...I'm kind of an Internet avoider. But I am really committed to learning how to be fully comfortable in this medium. At my age!!

Re: OSLIST Digest - 6 Aug 2007 to 7 Aug 2007 (#2007-204)

2007-08-08 Thread Diana Larsen
Yes, Anne, it's Portland OR. And for anyone who missed my correction about the URL, the real URL is: title=Rewild_Camp_Portland_2007 You should end up at a webpage titled, Rewild Camp. (or you could google it.) Anne, I remember meeting you sever

ReSEND: OSLIST Digest - 6 Aug 2007 to 7 Aug 2007 (#2007-204)

2007-08-08 Thread anne stadler
Thank you HHO for those two lovely postings. I have tried the url you listed Diane, and I cannot get to Rewild Camp Portland 2007 anyway. Is that the correct listing?? I am alerting my Portland OR family about the OS! It IS Portland OR?? And thanks for your welcoming message. You know me...I'