Hi Thomas,

I'm forwarding to you a message from one of our OS colleagues in Taiwan who
is looking at using open space in Taiwan following our recent earthquake


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Huck Lin huck...@gmail.com [OpenSpaceTechnologyTaiwan] <
Subject: Re: [OpenSpaceTechnologyTaiwan] How to shift a destructive
"information-meeting" to a constructive dialogue meeting?

Dear Gail and all
About Tainan earthquake, it occurs to me whether OS could be helpful in
these traumas. Since disaster control leader might also not knowing best a
swer, perhaps rescue center can benefit from learning/using OS in their
routine training or during  emergency events.
Suppose someone inviting fireman, architectures, medical, administration,
army, survivor……etc to prepare or review an trauma like 921 or Tainan

I also have some suggestion to Thomas. Could you help forward to him ?

Hi, Thomas

I‘d suggest you to try informal approaches to connect domestic citizen and
refugees. Governments or enterprises might be too stubborn or bureaucratic
to change adequately.

Perhaps NGOs will be more open and flexible. Even could you consider
initiating new NGOs responding to current refugees situation.
Once in 2005 I attend a meeting with structure similar to OS, the topic is
about Taiwan Independence
nd Unite with China, most conflictive issue in Taiwan. Hold by a
​to ​
focus on Peace.
Besides, the information-meetings or usual OS may be too rational to these
inter-cultures, inter-religion, multi-language (?) immigration dialogues.
The conversations or gatherings focusing more on emotion, companion,
sympathy, mutual understanding, and basic life needs…etc. might be more
suitable at this first stage.

Warm Regards

​Huck Lin, ​


Dear friends in Open Spac​e,​
I have decided to focus my time and energy, as much as possible, to
contributing in a critical area here in Sweden. Last year we received
160 000 asylum seekers. Of course this means some challenges but also lots
of fantastic opportunities. Many many people are engaging as volunteers,
villages who have “been sleeping” for decades wake up etc etc

One of the challenges is that neighbours often become afraid when new
asylum camps are opened near where they live. Or homes for lonely refugee
children (35 000 came last year). There are so many rumours going on, and
shit is spread on social media – so many “normal” people are very much
afraid from stories they heard – often false ones but also that single
events create pictures in people’s heads.

In my hometown one school which was being rebuilt to house lonely refugee
children was burnt down L and we had many fires like that all over the
country L

What the authorities usually do when a new housing is to open is to invite
the public to a “information-meeting” where they put some politicians, the
CEO of the company running the camp, some officials from the municipality
in front of a crowd of people who are worried and some are even outright
hostile with racist ideas. You can imagine what usually happens… I was in
one of those meetings a couple of weeks ago, it was horrible.
I think the usual impact is:
·       Increased fear and hostility towards people coming to our country
from war zones.
·       Increased mistrust to the politicians and municipality.
·       People at the front get more or less badly hurt.
Not a very good result. In fact it’s outright dangerous to arrange these
kind of meetings. But mostly they don’t know better. Which is quite
surprising to me as there are thousands of trained facilitators in our

Since some time I have been working with colleagues in our Open Space and
Genuine Contact communities to create alternative ways to have such
meetings. We have some good ideas but would also like to hear what comes up
for you? Normally these meetings are conducted in the evening, length of
2-3 hours. Normally they are not well planned and not facilitated other
than trying to control them. They are called “information meetings” which
says a lot.

So I’d love to hear your experiences, ideas, suggestions…

Thomas Herrmann
Good Go Thomas....! And if you want to connect with folks who have done
what you are proposing to do, talk to Tova and Avner in Israel and or Carol
who happens to be here in the US. All are on OSLIST... but not regular. I
could wake them up, I think. Bottom line is just open space with whoever
cares – and get out of the way. It does work! J And of course there are lot
of others to consult with around the globe.


> ​**************​
> Dear Thomas,
> I would very much like to hear the ideas that you and your colleagues have
> come up with. I believe you, who live there and are deep in your cultural
> reality, have probably already found the best ideas.
> None of the issues you mention are new…fear, hostility, mistrust to
> politicians and municipality, and people being hurt. All of these are
> coming to the forefront instead of being buried behind illusion, including
> the effects of prejudice and racism. These same issues come up in just
> about any country I have been in, with the catalysts to bring them to the
> forefront different in different circumstances. I don’t think any of us can
> forget the extreme of genocide in various countries like Rwanda and
> Tasmania. And so you, in Sweden, are contending with what is always under
> the surface. Fear, fear of loss, fear of the unknown…and all of the faces
> that such fear takes.
> Thomas, you have stood here at our Harmony Circle, in which those of us
> who gather commit to holding space for our whole lifetime for opportunities
> for harmony in the world. Before anyone makes that commitment, we caution
> you not to do so unless you can do what every really good facilitator of OS
> must do…to be completely neutral to outcome, no attachment to outcome, no
> taking of sides, no judging anyone as good or bad. We talked about how it
> is possible to hold this stance of being what I refer to as a ‘resonant
> energy field generator’, holding a frequency of love….for a lifetime, in
> times of war, in times of fear, pain, challenge and how to hold this stance
> even when it might be more ‘natural’ to want to take action to fix
> something. And thus, my only suggestion is rooted in this. If the
> facilitators can do their inner work and stay in genuine contact with their
> self and with Spirit, it is possible to be helpful. If the foundation for
> acting comes from panic, or judgment, or inner conflict of any kind, it is
> likely to make a mess.
> Blessings to you all,
> Birgitt
> *************
> --
*Gail West, ICA*

*3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou W RdTaipei, Taiwan 111Ph) 8862) 2871-3150*
email) icat...@gmail.com
Skype) gwestica
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