Dear Colleagues -

The OSLIST Poetry Contest is open once again!  If you feel so inspired,
please create an original poem using these three guidelines:

1) The poem is about Open Space
2) The poem consists of 8 lines or less.
3) The poem contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet (or all the
letters of the language you write the poem in) at least once.  If your
language does not have an alphabet, then you can skip/ignore this guideline.

*Send your poetry directly to me (not to the whole list) at <> before the end of Sunday, November

I will collect the poems and then show them back to you anonymously, dear
readers - so you may indicate your favorites - even though this is not a
game of favorites. It is a gift of riches.  It will, however, tell us who
our new Poet Laureate of the OSLIST will be - someone who will hold the
space for poetry by sharing and/or inviting poetry on our list for the next
six months.

All of you OSLIST members, including past Poet Laureates, are invited to
participate.  If you write your poem in your own language which may not be
English, please do add a translation in English.

I welcome all your fierce and quiet words,

Lucas Cioffi
Current OSLIST Poet Laureate
Charlottesville, VA, USA
- with a deep bow to my fellow Poet Laureates

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A little history, from Chris Corrigan:

> “For all those who might be curious, the OSLIST Biannual Restricted Form
> Poetry Contest started in the spring of 2000 when I issued the challenge to
> the list.  Ralph Copleman actually began the whole thing with a contest in
> the fall of 1999 (which I won) and so he is the “Poetry King” for all
> time.  I just claimed the “Poet Laureate” title in an effort to have some
> fun.  It was something of a one martini idea, and I was out of gin at the
> time...”
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