Today16 folks returned to Community Mediation Services in Jamaica, NY to
learn how to facilitate Open Space.
I/we did a minified training today compared to the week of training I went
through with Harrison and Lisa in Bar Harbor back in '98. Everybody got a
chance to deliver and speak to the group as we patch quilted a shared
delivery. Even though the conversational rounds were short on time, content
discussion depth reinforced the possibilities of what can occur when people
join together to share ideas and their commitment to change.

Back on March 22, 2013, approximately 75 people joined together as a
response to to the tragic Sandy Hill School
loss in Connecticut; to Stop the Violence in Queens. Groups of our
attendees have continued meeting and discussing what they can do in this
community about guns, violence and alternative choices.
A link below that highlights some of the March 22nd Open Space.

Below is the link to the video which is on Community Mediation Services
(CMS) Facebook page.****

** **


Best to all and to those gathering in Florida this month.


Scott Gassman
(917) 951 - 0258

America Speaks on Scott:
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