Dear friends..

I forward this to you with love.

It is from my teachers RainbowHawk and WindEagle who hold the space for us
all through the EHAMA Institute (Earth Wisdom Teachings).

There is clearly much reflection here of the words that are being spoken on
our list right now.

we here at Roffey Park in England (Birgitt, Romy and our great group), join
you in thoughts and prayers at this time

with love



                                A Delicate Balance

Dear Friends and Family,
    This morning I awoke after taking in the images our television coverage
offered in the evening aftermath of this tragedy here in New York.   We flew
into New York a few days ago and have spent the last few days in ceremony
about an hour and a half outside of the city.  During the last two days, we
have been in a healing ceremony and at the time of the airplane crashes into
the World Trade Center, eight of us were dancing nine rounds of the Tslagi.
We were offering prayers for peace, harmony, oneness and forgiveness.  We
called for the illusion of separateness to be dissolved.   We called for deep
listening among humans all over the planet.  We needed those prayers then and
need them even more now.  A young man of twelve years shared his prayer for
the vision of peace in the next seven years.
    This morning as I came into the forest to begin my morning practice I
found myself still struggling with the sense of shock and unreality.  My
biggest fear is what our collective fear and reactive thought can create in
this moment of our history.  I asked myself, "What can we do?"  "What can we
offer?"  "How can we help in this situation?"
    As I opened my eyes after completing my practice I looked upon a branch
that had fallen and was hanging on a limb of the tree.  There was a small
extension of the fallen branch that held itself in place and a much longer
piece touching the ground already.  I saw it as a metaphor.  There is a
chance, albeit a small one,  that we can find a way to change our past
experience of attack, counterattack, war, escalation, evolving into
tremendous hatred and incalculable loss of life.
    As human beings on this planet we have a responsibility to care for all
peoples and this Mother Earth.  We need to remember what it takes to hold the
torch of freedom.  True freedom comes with responsibility.  We have esteened
examples of those who fought for freedom using non violence- they had a
vision.  A vision of a world where all beings, regardless of race, color, or
religion could live in peace and have the right to breathe clean air and have
food to eat;  a right to have a family and live in a sustainable world.
    We cannot forget it is all of us that want these basic human rights.
    In the past, as a collective we have forgotten these thoughts when we are
threatened.  We forget how to love, listen, understand and forgive.  We
resort to fear, hate and retalliation.
    We must find another way.  We know the results to the old way.  The hell
of war consumes life and destroys the human spirit.
    This is a time for all of us to come together - to remember what kind of
a world we want to live in.  To recognize that everything we do and say and
think is creating that world.   We need to ask ourselves, do we choose a
world of hate, fear and retalliation or will we find a way to love,
understanding and listening.  It is up to each of us.  We can indeed change
the consciousness of our time.  Let us create the consciousness of peace.
    It takes a discipline, a vigilance, that is equal to that which is called
into being by war.  In war we fight to stay alive.  In peace, we must also
fight, but the fight is to stay awake to our discipline of caring, listening,
compassion, and understanding.  We must call upon the deepest source of our
wisdom to change our history.
    It is my belief that inside each human heart there is a dream.   And
within each heart, hope is still alive that our dreams can become reality.
These are the seeds of what can come into being.  We can build with these
seeds.  We must.  And we must do it now.
    With healing prayers,
Dear All,
    These thoughts must be nourished by each of us.  They are the foundation
of a new and higher consciousness that can be built upon.  Each of us can be
a still and stable center in the middle of these moments of turmoil.  We
share this message from the voice of Mother Life in each of us.  This Kachina
of horror can be an awakening to build the new towers of a higher
consciousness that we humans are being called to.
    During this time we ask to join together from where ever we are to send
prayers for the afflicted and support for the grief stricken, and above all
for calmness in the time ahead as thoughts are turned to what is needed in
this time.  The time is here for quiet and thoughtful council from the people
among the understandable anger and frustration.
    Every center of calmness and balance is vital at this time.  Let each of
us be one of those as we send out our thoughts in this time to connect
together.  Hold firm the dream of peace.
    With love,
We ask that this letter be shared with others as you see appropriate.

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