Thanks to Birgitt for the clarification.  In my effort to be obtuse about  the 
names and locations to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent, I realize that 
my comments may have offended some of the many excellent OS practitioners in 
the province of Ontario.  My apologies if so.  

I appreciate the replies.  Some thoughts on "Whatever happens is the only thing 
that could have."  There are many interpretations.  I do not look at the 
principle as fatalistic.  Rather, I see it as freeing us up from dwelling on 
processes that did not, from our perspective, go well and to help us detach 
from the outcomes.  My interpretation is that it is still important to look at 
the events and their results, see what we learn from them and then move on.  
Reflection is integral to my learning, growth and evolution of my "style" as a 
facilitator as I believe it is to the evolution of the applications of Open 
Space.  Some of my learning has enabled me to apply some of the ideas and 
essence of Open Space in other facilitation, but I do not call it Open Space.

I too continue to focus my energies into opening as much space as possible.   

Kind regards;

Michelle Cooper
The Cooper Group Consultants
200 Crestview  Avenue
Ancaster, Ontario
Canada L9G1E2  
Telephone -     (905) 648- 4633
Fax -           (905) 648-1763


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