Hello, all -
Esther wrote:
< I would be glad to offer the singing of a song of my choice,
unaccompanied, as an item for the auction. Some of you may know that I
used to be a professional singer and I sometimes break into song at the
drop of a hat! >
Esther my creative friend that will be FABulous! (I know there are some
other people I have known in past for whom I would pay money for them
*not* to sing ...!   ;o)) And it will be so delightful to hear your
wonderful voice!  And perhaps you'll see people dropping their hats left
and right to get you to sing some more.perhaps we will even share songs
during one of the evenings so that some of us can sing and some can
harmonize and some can appreciate (and some may be bringing instruments
with which to play music - you never know.)
For any of you considering bringing something to the OSonOS (or sending
something with someone) either to sell at the Global Village Marketplace
tables (to raise money for yourself or your organization or for the
Access Queen Fund) or for the Silent Auction (to raise money for the
Access Queen Fund), you need simply to bring them in your luggage and
walk in with them and we'll find a place for your items on one of those
two tables.  
If you are selling something in the Global Village Marketplace, you will
want to perhaps make a nice little sign saying what it is and how much
(in Canadian dollars?) you wish folks to buy it for.  And that sign
perhaps can be on or with an envelope that people put their money into
as they buy your item (that way you do not have to stand at the table
with your item but can play and work in Open Space during our several
days together).
For the Silent Auction table we will have little cards where you (or the
person carrying this item to the OSonOS for you) can write what the item
is, who is donating it to the auction and how much you feel the starting
bid should be.  If it is not an item which is placed on the table (if it
is a service or a concept or something not physically evident) you may
wish to bring along a photo or illustration to show what it is and lay
that next to the bid card.
Think of whatever you think your colleagues would find delightful: a
book or poem you have written, jewelry you or friends have made,
home-made food or a special tea or local delicacies or a bottle of wine
from your country, art such as handmade scarves or knitting or cards, or
even something you have owned which you feel someone else may like to
buy.  Some of us have just a little money to buy things with and some
have been saving money to buy things of higher prices at these tables,
and everything is welcome!
And thanks to all of you for supporting the Access Queen Fund
Cheers from Berkeley, California,
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449

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