The Open Space Institute (US) invites you to share your experiences in Open 
Space via our online newsletter. The newsletter goes to the OSList, members of 
the Open Space Institute (US) and an extended e-mail list of people who have 
expressed an interest in Open Space. If you'd like to have your story 
published, keep reading. 

To celebrate the coming of spring, a time of change and new beginnings, the 
theme of this issue will be:  "Is the world changing?  Am I?--Stories From Open 

To have your story in the next issue, please contact Joelle Everett,

email or phone 360-426-8517 by March 10, and let us know 
what you are writing. 

We are looking for first-hand accounts of Open Space conferences that you have 
facilitated or taken part in. Your stories may be short and simple. The 
guidelines below can serve as a checklist.


March 10 or sooner--Let us know if you want your story in this issue.

March 18 or sooner--Send all materials for this issue by this date.

Materials may be submitted at any time, clearly marked "OSI Online Newsletter." 
Submitted material may be published immediately or held for a future issue. 
Stories may receive minor editing.


What:   Theme of your Open Space?

Process. Was it a "by-the-book" OS? OS combined with other processes?

Who:    Client.  If your client is willing to be identified, great! If not, we 
will keep the name confidential. Please get permission to publish the 
client's name.  People Involved.  Your Open Space may include a whole 
corporation, a single department, a community group--let us know.

When:   Anything about the schedule or timing which made a special contribution?

Where:  In what country, community, type of organization did this take place?

Why:     did you and your client say "yes" to an Open Space event?

Summary:  the rest of the story. This could be Outcomes, Special Moments, What 
Made It Successful for Your Client, or . . .


The focus of the newsletter will be stories from Open Space, but we'd also like 
to include some shorter pieces: poems, short essays, vignettes
(mini-stories that relate an anecdote or observation from Open Space).

Original materials, please. Call or email if you have questions.


We want to list your Open Space events, including training and public 
conferences  We will put a short listing in the newsletter and, if you send
a piece with more detail, we will post it on the website.


We will publish stories in languages other than English.  Please provide an 
English translation of the title. If a translation of the whole story is
available, send it and we will put it on the website, with a reference from the 
newsletter. We may be able to help you find a translator--email us to ask about 
this.  I'm an unreliable editor in languages I don't know, so please ask a 
friend to check your story for small errors.


Rights to materials belong to their authors. Because the newsletter is online, 
we expect stories to be copied. We will request that readers include the 
author's name and source information when they copy a piece. If there are 
constraints on copying a particular story, let us know that.


If you are willing and able to do an occasional translation, let me know.

We'd like to hear your thoughts and ideas about this online newsletter.

Please email all materials for the newsletter to, marking 
"OSI Online Newsletter" on the subject line.

Joelle Lyons Everett
Phone/FAX  360-426-8517 (PST)

Reply via email to