Thanks so much to everyone who responded for the helpful input. I'm very 
mindful of "whoever comes are the right people" and "when it's over, it's 
over".  I guess maybe I was just trying too hard (story of my life!!). The 
motto, once again, is to let go!

It is also so great to know  that one is participating in a larger community - 
the universe feels warmer and friendlier as a result!

On a final note, I second Harrison's observation about the Cluetrain Manifesto. 
A great read (from one who has read far too many business books - a habit I am 
beginning to successfully kick) wonderfully subversive prose, and no Virginia, 
there really is no such thing as total control!!

Once again - thanks to all!

Meg Salter
MegaSpace Consulting

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