In a message dated 10/5/01 2:27:41 AM, writes:

<< This much is certain:  no initiative put in place starting today can have a

substantial effect on the peak production year.  No Caspian Sea exploration,

no drilling in the South China Sea, no SUV replacements, no renewable energy

projects can be brought on at a sufficient rate to avoid a bidding war for

the remaining oil.  At least, let's hope that the war is waged with cash

instead of with nuclear weapons. >>


Don't think I finished the thought about predicted disasters.  One great
example is the writings of that doom-monger who wrote "The Population Bomb",
Paul Erlich.  He has been consistently, massively WRONG!!  Yet, people love
to have the bejeebers scared out of them.  Otherwise, why would anyone give
him a second listen?  And, he continues to spout nonsense.  And people
continue to listen??  How come?  Or, Ravi Batra about the coming economic
implosion in the early 1990's.  What a bad joke.  He laughed all the way to
the bank.

I see the human race as incredibly inventive, very resourceful and very
resilient.  As someone once wrote a very long time ago, "This, too, shall
pass".  Human beings, given the space to create, have always proven the
doom-mongers wrong and we will do so again.  That's my prediction.  Something
will arise that may even now be a glimmer in the eye of the mind of its
creator that will turn the energy equation back on itself.  I guess we'll
see.  Of course, if Hubert? is right, we'd better all invest in oil and other
energy-oriented companies.  :)

As an aside, I see the great strength of the United States as being the
creation of an open climate where one can think freely, and see and benefit
from the outcome of that thought without real fear of being suppressed or
killed for having it.  Exceptions occur but they are just that, exceptions.
We are embarked on a great experiment which the esoteric writings say is our
world mission, viz. "I lead the way"---the way in finding out if an
incredible diversity of people can live together in relative peace and
prosperity.  So far, it is working.  But, there are stresses building which
we need to pay attention to and insure that we develop inclusive domains and
processes for our social interaction rather than narrow group interests.  A
lot of the Politically Correct language now in use is actually divisive, not
inclusive, as just one example of a domain that needs work.

Again, thanks for the viewpoint and the solid references.

Paul Everett, Consultant

World Class Organizational Performance
Innovation and Applied Imagination
Sound Resources
813 E. Leeds Dr.
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-8517

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