Dear colleagues!
As I gleaned through  Murlis updated list  of 170 colleagues from all
over the world I recognized that 5 of you are coming to Potsdam to
the Future Search Learning Exchange with Marvin Weisbord and Sandra
Janoff this September.....and a half dozen more that expressed
interest in coming.....and several that spread the word about this
Great and Thanks!!!
There are now 55 participants, including 5 Austrians, 2 Swiss, one
each from the USA, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Azerbaidjan, 2
Siberians, 2 Hungarians and, of course, a whole bunch of Germans both
East and West and some Berliners.
Since up to 64 people can participate there is still room for 9
The international mix combined with the fields represented
(automobile, banking, church, software, university, consulting firms,
NGOs, unions, municipal and other governmental organisations)
promises spirited learning and playing.
See you at OSonOS in Chicago!

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON: +49 - 30-772 8000   FAX: +49 - 30-773 92 464

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