Hello Harrison:

At 08:34 16-01-2001 -0500, you wrote:

I confess I too get a little nervous with the notion of Open Space as a
"movement." And certainly at its point of genesis (in the bottom of two
Martinis) it was anything but. Having said all that, I find myself rather
awe struck by  what we have learned and accomplished with the gift of two

Look at what 2 Martinis can do. Imagine you had 3 Martinis ;-)

As we approach the 16th year of this ongoing natural, and therefore
serendipitous, experiment, I think the learning (certainly my learning)
has been much more related to the enormous (and generally under-utilized)
potential of Homo sapiens, than about serving clients and facilitating
gatherings. For me, Open Space has become a blinding flash of the obvious
-- if we can do so much and feel so good -- why not do it all the time?
And if we are of mind to do just that Open Space Technology can help --
not by adding something new, but rather by confronting us with what we
already are. So if being fully what we already are represents a "movement"
-- then I guess Open Space is guilty. On the other hand, it may simply be
a matter of stopping long enough to appreciate what is. Just the
antithesis of movement.

You have been learning with the Oracles or are becoming one:
Is it a movement or its antithesis? Now we need someone to
"interpret" your profecy ;-)

Just jocking...

Best wishes


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