Dear Friends,G'day All

This is something that you may wish to know is happening. To the best of my 
knowledge anyone is welcome to listen in to a Plexus Call.
And there is often a transcript available later on

I find this heartening evidence of the growing recognition of the value of OST. 

Being tucked away in the part of our little planet where the day starts :-) 1pm 
EST in the US is 2.30am the next day here. It's a tough
decision to either stay up or set the alarm! 

With love


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Plexus Institute 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 4:14 AM
Subject: (PlexusNews) Plexuscalls Announcement - Harrison Owen ( February 13 




PlexusCalls Announcement!



Dear Plexus Friends, 



Please join us for the next PlexusCalls, scheduled for:


Friday, February 13, 2004, 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST



Join us in our next PlexusCalls with Harrison Owen as he talks about On Open 
Space Technology and Complexity.  He will be joined by Keith McCandless and 
Larry Peterson.






Simply dial 641-594-7500 and then enter PIN number 85392#




"Open Space Technology" is a meeting approach that enables emergent agenda, 
self-organizing work groups and energized dialogue. Developed in the late 
eighties by Harrison Owen of Maryland, this meeting methodology is now being 
used around the world as an effective process for facilitating change in both 
organizational and community settings. OST is best used when there is an 
important issue to be addressed; there is a diversity of people involved; there 
is complexity; and when decisions need to be made quickly.

Open Space Technology meetings are simple to organize, require little lead 
time, are effective for any sized group from five to two thousand, are 
effective for established groups such as corporations, private sector and 
public sector organizations, government and non-government organizations, 
coalitions, teams or communities. They enable the building of energy and 
participation in ways that few other processes do, while creating the kinds of 
conditions for interactive processes that allow leadership to surface 
naturally.  OST is a way to practice living well in complex adaptive systems.

Speaking about one of the first OST meetings, Harrison reflects: "At the point 
of arrival, the participants knew only when things would start, when it would 
conclude, and generally what the theme might be. There was no agenda, no 
planning committee, no management committee, and the only facilitator in 
evidence essentially disappeared after several hours."  This all happens 
through simple rules and self-organization.  It is complexity in motion.  Join 
us to find out more...

Here is a little background about each of our featured guests and 


  a.. Harrison Owen is President of H.H. Owen and Company. His academic 
background and training centered on the nature and function of myth, ritual and 
culture. In the mid-60s, he left academe to work with a variety of 
organizations including small West African villages, urban (American and 
African) community organizations, Peace Corps, Regional Medical Programs, 
National Institutes of Health, and Veterans Administration. Along the way he 
discovered that his study of myth, ritual and culture had direct application to 
these social systems. He created his company in 1979 in order to explore the 
culture of organizations in transformation as a theorist and practicing 
consultant. Harrison convened the First International Symposium on Organization 
Transformation, and is the originator of Open Space Technology. He is the 
author of Spirit: Transformation and Development in Organizations, Leadership 
Is, Open Space Technology: A Users Guide, Tales From Open Space (editor), 
Expanding Our Now: The Story of Open Space Technology, The Spirit of Leadership 
and The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform. 

·         Keith McCandless, Principal of Seattle-based Oblique Strategy, helps 
organizations innovate and manage complexity by working with groups to unleash 
creativity, discover opportunities and build on momentum. His eclectic 
facilitation skills are grounded in organizational development, systems 
dynamics, complexity science, simulation, strategy development and graphic 
facilitation. He specializes in imaginative solutions to challenges without 
easy answers. Keith led the executive learning initiatives for the Health Forum 
in San Francisco, where he was responsible for discovering, communicating and 
rewarding best practices in health care and working with field-based learning 
collaboratives to advance strategic thinking and innovative practice.  

·         Larry Peterson brings 30 years of experience in facilitating meetings 
and transformational change in Canada and the US. He has led Open Space 
Technology meetings since 1990, and has led over 200 Open Space events. He is a 
founder of the Open Space Institute of Canada and active in the WorldWide Open 
Space network. He has led Open Space Technology Events in the corporate, 
government, health, education and non-profit sectors.  In his work, OST has 
been part of strategic planning or implementation, employee engagement, 
cultural change, innovation, executive teamwork, whole system change, 
conferences, IT system design and implementation, accelerating projects and 
business results.  He leads training workshops and has published articles on 


February 27, 2004

Michael Gold - Organizational Play: Jazz and the Work Place

Jazz improvisation and the corporate business model have more in common than 
you may realize. Jazz uses a system that enables collaborative improvisation to 
thrive - the very same skills that many corporations rely on for success. Gold 
has been helping others to see these insights, connecting the worlds of 
business and jazz. In an environment where the only constant is change, they 
have found that the improvisational techniques of jazz go beyond metaphorical 
inspiration with techniques that can have immediate effects for business 
organizations.  Michael will be joining us at Mayo Clinic this year at our 2nd 
Annual Plexus Institute Summit - tune into this conversation for a bit of a 
pre-conference teaser!




If you would like to pose a question or share an observation, either before or 
during a PlexusCalls simply email it to  It 
will be shared with your moderators and an effort will be made to incorporate 
it into the conversation.  


To help us plan and improve future PlexusCalls, share your suggestions, topic 
ideas, technical advice, and help of any kind. Just send us a note to or call Curt Lindberg or Darren Stanley at 




Darren and Curt

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