I know OS has been used extensively in faith communities...please respond if 
you have a story to share.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bridgecast 
To: pe...@opencirclecompany.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: Call for Appreciative Inquiry Cases

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            Reply to the sender    
                  Billie Alban & Loren Mead Seek Cases/Stories
                        Billie Alban & Loren Mead Seek Cases / Stories for New 
                        Billie Alban and Loren Mead are looking for stories and 
cases from people who have used Future Search, Open Space, Appreciative 
Inquiry, or other Large Group Methods to work with Faith Communities i.e. 
Congregations: (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish) Judicatory bodies: Dioceses, 
Regional Headquarters, National Headquarters, and Theological Seminaries. 
                        Their purpose is to write a book about the use of Large 
Group Methods, specifically in working with faith based organizations. 

                        If you have done work using large group methods with 
any of the above faith related organizations, please contact Billie Alban by 
email: alb...@aol.com 

                        Please provide your phone number so that Alban or Mead 
can contact you by phone and learn more about your work.

                        Click here for more...  
                  About Consultants/Authors Billie Alban & Loren Mead

                  Billie Alban is President of Alban & Williams, Ltd. She 
teaches in executive development programs at Columbia, and other Universities. 
She has served on the board of the Organizational Development Network and the 
Board of Advisors of the Yale Divinity School. She has consulted in Latin 
America, Europe, the UK and New Zealand.  Her recent books include:  Large 
Group Interventions: Engaging the Whole System for Rapid Change (1996) and The 
Handbook of Large Group Methods: Creating Systemic Change in Organizations and 
Communities (2006).

                  Loren Mead, an ordained Episcopal priest, is an educator, 
consultant, author and founder of the Alban Institute, who works to strengthen 
religious institutions, especially local congregations.  Loren has collaborated 
with lay people, clergy, executives and bishops, teachers and others committed 
to ministry. A pioneer in congregational studies, he brought together the 
methods of organization development consultation and applied research for 
working with congregations.  As author, he published three best selling books 
on the future of the church, The Once and Future Church (1991), Transforming 
Congregations for the Future (1994), and Five Challenges for the Once and 
Future Church (1996).

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