I thought this course based on "Spiral Dynamics" might be of interest to some 
of you on the list.  A similar developmental, integrated model to that used by 
Ken Wilber, which of course has been inspiration for Harrison in The Power of 

Here's the question: Has anybody out there taken training in Spiral Dynamics, 
used it as complement/ in conjunction with Open Space? I'm really intrigued by 
their concepts, but do wonder if their model on how to implement large scale 
change is a bit too "controlling".

many thanks

Meg Salter

MegaSpace Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Petra Pieterse 
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Cc: drb...@attglobal.net 
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 7:28 PM
Subject: The Macro*Memetics Project

From: Dr. Don Beck
To: The Spiral Dynamics community

I'm pleased to announce the dates for the upcoming Spiral Dynamics/ 
Integral Technology Level II program entitled The Macro*Memetics 
Project: The Design, Leadership, and Transformation of Large Scale, 
Complex Systems and Resolution of Major Conflict situations. 

The first session will be held in Boulder, Colorado, October 28-30, and 
a second  is scheduled for Washington DC on December 14-16. An SD-I 
will precede the SD-II in Boulder (October 26-28). Boulder is fast becoming the 
"epicenter of the global integral movement," and the M*M Project is being 
co-sponsored by Ken Wilber's Integral Institute, John Petersen's Arlington 
Institute, and the Adizes Graduate School. The information below describes 
this new initiative in more detail. 

Rather than being a more traditional "training" program, M*M is a three 
day simulation/scenario that will apply Spiral Dynamics thinking in addressing 
large scale problems, systems, and situations. These may include the 
future of Cuba, the design of integral community-wide initiatives, fresh 
approaches to dealing with sensitive race issues, and "side-views" of such 
historic conflicts as the Middle East, Northern Ireland, and southern 
Africa. Also, we hope to explore new ways to create responses to global 
inequities and the management of large corporate entities.

Each session will be limited to only 32 participants. The cost of the 
five-day package (SD-I and SD-II) will be $1,500.  Individually, the SD-I will 
be $950 and the M*M is priced at $750.

Please let us know if you are interested. The M*M Project will introduce 
a number of new concepts and processes that will push all of our envelops 
in this macro-scale application of Spiral Dynamics and Integral Strategies.



The Design, Leadership, and Transformation of Large-Scale,
Complex Systems and Resolution of Major Conflict Situations

A number of forces are now converging to put even a greater emphasis on finding 
new and fresh ways to deal with problems and challenges of a large scale. These 
"macro" groupings range from whole communities to emerging city-states to  
multi-layered cultures to far-reaching corporate entities and, of course, to 
the global meshwork itself. Attempts to apply micro-scale (personal) and 
meso-scale (organizational) solutions to these interconnected and dynamic 
macro-scale environments have been "weighed in the balance and found to be 

This is not to discount the efforts on the part of so many to find "common 
ground," or negotiate a "consensus," or celebrate "communitarian" impulses, or 
even work on behalf of peace and progress. The intent of the M*M Project is not 
to duplicate or compete with these problem resolution processes. Rather, it 
intends to offer them new and deeper insights, a new set of tools that have 
been field-tested literally around the world, and a fresh perspective on how to 
mobilize the necessary resources to create a better world. Further, it will 
demonstrate how all of the positive initiatives  the foundations, think tanks, 
institutes, associations, government and private entities, religious and 
educational groups and others  can be integrated, aligned, and synergized to 
have maximum impact so more gets done, for more people, using lower costs and 
fewer resources.
In short, the complexity levels and global demands within our 21st Century 
problems and conditions of human existence have out-stripped our collective 
capacities to deal with them.  When this happens to bacteria colonies and virus 
clusters, they recalibrate their informational and instructional codes to 
outsmart, outmaneuver, and outperform their external threats. So must we.

Here are some practical examples:

*In spite of so many genuine efforts at closing the developmental gaps between 
the prosperous and poor on the planet, many think the gulfs are actually 
getting wider. Rather than get to the core of the problem, the issues are 
fought out in street battles at meetings of the World Trade Organization, World 
Bank, and the European Union, and many are fearing serious disruptions in the 
upcoming Winter Olympics in Utah.

*We continue to be plagued by racial and ethnic divides at a time when many 
think we should have outgrown these artificial and demeaning stereotypes based 
on skin pigmentation and places of origin. Racial cards continue to exist in 
political decks and are played for self-serving and divisive reasons.

*Historical explosive conflicts in the Middle East, the Balkans, Northern 
Ireland, much of the African subcontinent, and Indonesia threaten to break out 
of their narrow confines to engage larger combatants in the destructive
violence. Attempts at long-term peacemaking, while noble and useful, appear to 
fall short as the "hot spots" flare up with every thrown rock, exploded bomb, 
act of martyrdom, or "strategic" assassination.
*Our materialistic accomplishments and technological wizardry have had the 
sweet-sour effect of raising standards of living while endangering our fragile 
habitats. Our often frantic search for sustainability and balance leads to 
feelings of dismay and betrayal on the part of many who sense that life itself 
is under serious threat.

* HIV-AIDS, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, is finally recognized as pandemic 
after many years of warnings about its potential dire consequences. Yet, the 
global efforts to stem the tide and deal with the symptoms of the disease have 
been erratic, political, fragmented, selfish and inept. These efforts continue 
to fail, in spite of the huge expenditure of funds and claims of commitment, 
because they do not address the primary decision-making systems that drive the 
plague. Alas, as the virus is now spreading across China and other Asian 
countries at the same time that individual assertiveness is growing, one can 
sense a major global disaster just ahead.  The world of microbes might just be 
smarter than we humans are.

No doubt you can add to the litany of issues that confront us daily. Because we 
have become so interdependent, these issues play through our human institutions 
at superfast speeds. As long as our efforts are competitive, piecemeal, 
fragmented, cosmetic, short-term, ad hoc, and superficial, we will remain 
victim to the repetitive cycles of fear, anger, deprivation, and conflict.

We can do better than this, but how?

Large-scale systems and situations requires large-scale thinking with large- 
scale systemics, strategics, and tactics. 

The M*M Project is designed to provide a gateway into the emerging and critical 
large-scale world where complexity, rapid change, sudden wild cards, and 
quantum leaps are the order of the day.

M*M will be co-sponsored by the Ken Wilber Integral Institute Worldwide, the 
Arlington Institute (Virginia, USA) and the Adizes Graduate School (Santa 
Barbara, California) .

The dates for M*M are Sunday, October 28-30, 2001 in Boulder, Colorado and 
December 14-16, 2002 in Washington, DC. In Boulder, the program starts at 5:00 
PM on Sunday and concludes the following Tuesday at 5:00 PM. 

A simulation more than a formal workshop or seminar, the M*M Project includes a 
new Spiral Dynamics Scenario program, to be designed and implemented by John 
Petersen of AI. Participants will work through a specific case-study in 
large-scale systems  whether a community-wide initiative, transformation of a 
large corporation or school system, major changes in conflicts within a complex 
culture, or even profound shifts in an entire society. In addition to the 
simulation/scenario activity, participants will be introduced to such concepts 
as vMemetic Codes and their emergence; the design of Vital Sign Monitors using 
GIS technology
to "measure" and "monitor" large-scale systems, as well as a number of 
conceptual models calibrated to wrap around or overlay onto complex situations.

Alan "Tex" Harris, a thirty-five-year veteran of the US State Department, will 
be the invited guest at both sessions because of his distinguished record in 
"second track" diplomacy, major conflict and crisis management, and a wide 
range of other competencies. The State Department has named an annual award 
after him: "The Harris Award for Constructive Dissent." During his career, Tex 
held posts-of-duty literally all over the world, and served two terms as 
President of the American Foreign Services Association.

Other members of the Integral Institute and senior Spiral Dynamics staff will 
be involved in the various aspects of the project. The cost will be $750 which 
will include all materials and  refreshments. The M*M Project event also counts 
as a Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies experience in the certification 
Contact Information:

Dr. Don Beck, National Values Center/The Spiral Dynamics Group. Box 797, 
Denton, TX 76202. Tel: 940.383.1209 or 940.300.6363. drb...@attglobal.net or 
d...@spiraldynamics.com.    www.spiraldynamics.net, .com  and 

Petra Pieterse, The Spiral Dynamics Group, 6211 W. NW. Hwy., Suite G610, 
Dallas, TX. Tel: 214.365.0390 or 214.395.0340.  pe...@spiraldynamics.net. 
www.spiraldynamics.net, .com and www.globalvaluesnetwork.com


September 15- October 7, 2001    SPIRALS OVER OZ AND SINGAPORE 
Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies Level One. In conjunction with Spiral 
Dynamics Asia-Pacific and the Australian Institute of  Management. For details, 
venues, specific dates and registration,  contact Evan Flower at  

A three-day event on Societal Innovation, Sustainable Development and Societal 
Well-Being  A Workshop for National Leadership. Contact Alida de Jong, Zin in 
Werk, Boxtelseweg 58, PObox 123, 5260 AC Vught  Tel. 073-6588000  

Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies  Level One. Augsburg, Germany. Contact 
Leland Johnson at livingn...@aol.com
December 14-16        SPIRALS OVER THE POTOMAC 
Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies Level Two. Washington, DC. See 
Macro*Memetics Project above.

January 18-20, 2002           SPIRALS OVER THE GOLDEN GATE
Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies Level One. San Francisco, CA 

February 1-8            SPIRALS OVER BRITANNIA
February 1-3:  Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies Level One. February 5-6: 
Two-day  SDi-II and Confab. February 7-8: Integral Education Workshop. For more 
information and  registration, contact Christopher Cooke at  01924 270786 or  

May 21-26                SPIRALS OVER TEXAS
May 21-23:  Spiral Dynamics/Integral Technologies Level Ones. May 24-26: 
Two-day  SDi-II and Confab. Dallas, TX.


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