Do you know anyone who might be interested in participating in this?
Please help circulate to possible candidates.
Best wishes,



To spend three months a year, for three years in a Palestinian village
support local efforts toward non-violent peacemaking respond to any
instances of injustice witnessed record and report abuses of human
rights to the international community live and work in an
international women's community alongside Palestinian people.

This is a 3 year project to set up and run an International Women's
House in Haris, Salfit, Palestine from August 2002. It will provide
trained women from the international community to: witness, monitor,
document and publicize human rights abuses; to peacefully intervene to
try to stop such abuses from occurring and to support the growth in
non-violent resistance to the illegal and brutal Military Occupation of
Palestinian lands in the West Bank and Gaza.

Women will live communally in a house in a village with basic
facilities and under the restrictions enforced by the illegal Israeli
military occupation. Each member of the team, of at least 16 women,
will agree to stay for 3 months a year. Thus there will always be a
presence of a minimum of four women, which will be supplemented by
others staying for shorter periods.

It is essential that applicants have been to Palestine and been
involved in non-violent direct action somewhere. The minimum age is 21
years. The decision making will be largely by consensus and women
should have some skills such as human rights monitoring or
accompaniment, report writing, photography, computing, group process,
or a willingness to learn. The working language will be English and it
will be necessary to learn basic Arabic.

The following costs will be met by the project:

Full board and lodging in the International Women's House

Travelling expenses to and from your home country

Medical insurance

A stipend of $275/£185 per month whilst in Palestine

For an application pack please contact one of the people below:

Josephine Jaffray Tel: +44-1539-732583

Angie Zelter
Valley Farmhouse, East Runton,
Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9PN, UK
Tel: +44-1263-512049

Nadya Waziri Tel: +1-720-564-1462

If you are interested in the project but cannot apply for this post,
please let us know as we shall be looking for volunteers at home and
in Palestine and will also welcome visitors to the project.

Mission Statement of IWPS

The IWPS (International Women's Peace Service) wishes to develop
projects where there are massive, violent, human rights abuses
occurring. IWPS seeks to develop non-violent skills, training and
support for intervention in such conflict situations. IWPS is an
independent nongovernmental organisation that is supported by
donations, grants and volunteers from global civil society. IWPS is
run by women from different countries around the world and is
intentionally diverse in recruiting support from a wide range of
differing racial, age, religious, and cultural backgrounds.

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