Re. Music:

We have music all the time at Spirited Work (a continuing open space
learning community).  AND it arises spontaneously: in the marketplace, in
the closing or opening circle, in our evenings--as does art work, movement,
and other expressions of our many forms of intelligence.

We use the "less is more" principle: NO regular ritual except for opening
meditation and the usual Open Space circles and marketplace. AND we
encourage people to bring their gifts, including musical instruments, and
share them.

Also, as Convenors we encourage everyone to DO the practice of opening space
so that if anyone is bothered or the space gets closed by someone who just
wants the whole group for an audience, we mindfully "tell the truth without
blame of judgment" either directly to that person, or in the whole circle.
The field seems to organize around loving reminders to "keep it simple, less
is more".  It seems to work.

> From: Automatic digest processor <>
> Reply-To: OSLIST <>
> Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 00:00:03 -0700
> To: Recipients of OSLIST digests <>
> Subject: OSLIST Digest - 22 Mar 2003 to 23 Mar 2003 (#2003-80)
> There are 13 messages totalling 1918 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
> 1. Music (2)
> 2. another (successful) OS and sooo many questions (not short; probably
>    qualifies as "long")
> 3. more convergence talk
> 4. For Jo Toepfer
> 6. Call for waging peace
> 7. One more thing not to do....
> 8. Goodwill and community by Etienne Wenger
> 9. Wage Peace (2)
> 10. Help with invitation for teenagers? I'm coming to the US to play this
>    summer (2)
> *
> *
> ==========================================================
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 09:47:36 -0500
> From:    Harrison Owen <>
> Subject: Re: Music
> --Boundary_(ID_9Lg9sT1oDG2zGBNUkMjgGA)
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> At 12:10 PM 3/20/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>> HI
>> I was wondering if anyone ever used music in on Open Space event. Not just
>> in one session, but use music during the whole event. Thinking of trying it
>> with a client next month.
> Actually, I always think of an OS event as a dance with its own music. So
> music would certainly be no stranger to the space we open. A  caution:
> Remember that my music can be your noise, and if the music is overwhelming,
> it is very hard to exercise the Law of Two Feet, except by total departure.
> And speaking of dance... having a few good CDs with a solid beat available
> can be a wonderful assistance should a party (celebration) break out -- as
> it often seems to do.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854 USA
> phone 301-365-2093
> Open Space Training
> Open Space Institute
> Personal website
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> --Boundary_(ID_9Lg9sT1oDG2zGBNUkMjgGA)
> Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> <html>
> At 12:10 PM 3/20/2003 +0100, you wrote:<br>
> <blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>HI<br><br>
> I was wondering if anyone ever used music in on Open Space event. Not
> just<br>
> in one session, but use music during the whole event. Thinking of trying
> it<br>
> with a client next month.</blockquote><br>
> Actually, I always think of an OS event as a dance with its own music. So
> music would certainly be no stranger to the space we open. A&nbsp;
> caution: Remember that my music can be your noise, and if the music is
> overwhelming, it is very hard to exercise the Law of Two Feet, except by
> total departure. And speaking of dance... having a few good CDs with a
> solid beat available can be a wonderful assistance should a party
> (celebration) break out -- as it often seems to do.<br><br>
> Harrison<br><br>
> <x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep>
> <div align="center">Harrison Owen<br>
> 7808 River Falls Drive<br>
> Potomac, MD 20854 USA<br>
> phone 301-365-2093<br>
> Open Space Training
> <a href="";
> eudora="autourl"></a>
> <br>
> Open Space Institute <a href="";
> eudora="autourl"></a><br>
> Personal website <a href="";
> eudora="autourl"><font
> color="#0000FF"></a><br><br>
> <u><br>
> </u></font>To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,<br>
> view the archives of <font
> color="#0000FF"><u><br>
> </u></font>Visit: <a
> href="";
> eudora="autourl"><font
> color="#0000FF"><u></a><br>
> <br>
> <br><br>
> </font></u></div>
> </html>
> *
> *
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> --Boundary_(ID_9Lg9sT1oDG2zGBNUkMjgGA)--
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 17:32:04 +0100
> From:    "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
> Subject: Re: another (successful) OS and sooo many questions (not short;
> probably qualifies as "long")
> Dear Raffi,
> to your questions:
>> My questions:
>> 1. What do I do about my conflictedness about OS?
> Keep this question alive as long as you want to be an
> os-practitioner.
>> 2. What do I do after opening space?
> Drop the notion of "opening space".
> Best, you might "caress" it.
> And keep doing that after you introduce ost.
>> 3. Has anybody ever tried just leaving where the OS was happening for the
>> day and come back for closing circle?
> I heard of people doing that and still being present.
> Not a good idea for me but I keep trying.
>> 4. At what point do you leave the room after opening the circle?
> I stick around till after the point where I said a few things about
> the market place. Yes, I stay till everyone has posted their topics
> because it is then that I say a few words about the market place. At
> that point, I also exchange the black markers with red markers so
> that the "late" or "new" topics that emerge but can not be announced
> to the whole group at that point are plainly identifiable as being
> added when people visit the bulletin  board.
>> Was this a "boo boo" that I sat in circle while people posted their
>> topics, announced them?
> My practice is to not sit in the circle at all but to leave it at the
> point where I invite people to post their issues....hanging out a
> distance from the circle and later, when market is getting ready,
> approaching again.
>> Should I have left immediately after having given the opening talk?
> No.
>> By having sat around waiting until everyone has posted their topics am
>> I preventing the space from fully opening? Unintentionally making the
>> group dependent on me because I am sitting waiting for potential
>> questions and wanting to be "available, just in case..."?
> No, the space is "fully" open, your presence is not a very important
> factor in regard to the "size" of the space even you or I would think
> we are pretty important for such things.
> Not sticking too close is more of a signal to yourself on what you
> believe that the potential of selforganisation of the group is. That
> is it has more to do with you or me than with the group.
>> 5. How do you say, "offer a topic which you have passion about" in
>> Russian?
> Try "issue" rather than "topic" (in German this makes a difference
> that makes a difference: the german word for topic is usually "Thema"
> and for issue "Anliegen", which translates back into "something I am
> concerned about")
> And: whats wrong with eros?
>> This is one thing I'll put to the Russian listserv. I have
>> not yet figured out a way to say this simply and succinctly in
>> Russian. What you suggested, Elena, is ok, but I think it needs
>> something. The word for "passion" in Russian ("strast") has an
>> erotic connotation, so it's a little awkward to use.
>> 6. What to do if you ring the bells for the closing circle and people
>> don't come?
> If nobody comes....hmmm?
> Usually, most or all come.
> I just start with those that are there.
>> When I rang those delicious bells (thanks again Michael Pannewitz!) for
>> closing circle, a participant asked if she could continue working in
>> session. I answered, "my job is to let you know that it is time for
>> close circle. What you do with that information is up to you."
> Maybe I would have said: Time for working session is over,  if you
> are not finished (when its not over its not over) you might want to
> reconvene at another time.
>> And people didn't regroup until an hour later. Is that ok? Would it
>> have been better to say something else/do something else?
> Hmmm, was there a timeplan? Did you get paid for overtime? Did people
> have to catch a train (you)?
>> 7. To those who do peace work, conflict resolution work, and work in
>> sister fields: What other tools, training, (spiritual) practices have been
>> helpful in making
>> you a better facilitator and trainer?
> Well, I think I answered that question in an earlier mail but here
> goes (again):
> "Faciliating the Whole System in the Room" with Marvin Weisbord and
> Sandra Janoff, this year in Berlin in September.
>> Also, I see that I would like to develop further in how I design
>> workshops (to learn how to design better). And to understand adult
>> education principles better.
> Start a Moscow regional osonos (come and visit the one in Berlin for
> a taste of a regional exchange, stay at my house)
>> 8. Anybody out there trained in processwork? Familiar with it?
>> I'd be curious to learn what this kind of work has done for you and
>> others. Your doubts about this kind of work would also interest me.
>> Mindell writes that "conflict work without reference to altered states
>> of consciousness is like a flu shot for someone in a manic or
>> depressed state of consciousness. Most groups and social problems
>> cannot be well facilitated or resolved without access to the dreamlike
>> and mystical atmosphere in the background".
> To me, the "dreamlike and mystical atmosphere" is not in the
> background but fully present when groups/systems/organisations/...
> meet/process/breathe/live/transform/...there must be trillions of
> approaches to this phenomenon. And, I suspect, its not something you
> "learn" but rather remember in a  life long journey.
>> That strong statement would seem to challenge OS. Yes, in principle OS
>> does not disallow processwork from happening. But the likelihood I
>> think of processwork happening in an OS without processworkers present
>> is pretty small.
> The opposite might also be observable.
>> Is OS necessarily always the best tool for conflict work, then?
> Is war always the best way or love or hiding or praying or , or , or?
>> I am sure I still have more questions but nothing else comes to mind
>> right now!
> Great questions, keep them coming.
> peace
> mmp
> Michael M Pannwitz
> boscop
> Draisweg 1
> 12209 Berlin, Germany
> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
> An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open
> space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich.
> *
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> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 16:49:16 +0100
> From:    "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
> Subject: Re: more convergence talk
> --_=_=_=IMA.BOUNDARY.HTML_7748140=_=_=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Dear Joelle, dear Tova and you others out there:
> if  I in any way felt responsible, in charge or instrumental in
> -modelling open space
> -finding out if the sponsor really means business
> -creating fertile wombs
> I would immediately "toss the towel" as they say in Germany and quit
> my facilitation work.
> What I could perhaps,  under good conditions and fortune on my side
> and some other help achieve in some way is:
> - introduce ost in a way that reminds people that this is what they
> always thought to be the  best way of doing business
> -not stand in the way of the sponsor while he is reflecting whether
> this is the proper approach for him
> -remind myself that fertile wombs abound.
> Peace
> mmp
> On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:59:48 EST, Joelle Lyons Everett wrote:
>> Tova, you have captured this thought beautifully!  I will remember that the
>> pre-OS work needs to create a fertile womb for the baby to be.
>> Joelle
>> In a message dated 3/18/03 10:05:30 PM, writes:
>> << from my perspective now I believe this way to give three opportunities:
>> 1/ to model opening space by you inviting people and opening space for the
>> creation of the theme (a lot of learning is done at this stage)
>> 2/ to have the opportunity to find out if the sponsor really "means
>> Business"
>> 3/ to create fertile womb for the baby to be
>> Peace
>> Tova
>> *
>> *
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>> Visit:
> Michael M Pannwitz
> boscop
> Draisweg 1
> 12209 Berlin, Germany
> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
> An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open
> space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich.
> *
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> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> <HTML>
> DEFAULT="SIZE">Dear Joelle, dear Tova and you others out there:<BR>
> if  I in any way felt responsible, in charge or instrumental in<BR>
> -modelling open space<BR>
> -finding out if the sponsor really means business<BR>
> -creating fertile wombs<BR>
> I would immediately "toss the towel" as they say in Germany and quit my
> facilitation work.<BR>
> What I could perhaps,  under good conditions and fortune on my side and some
> other help achieve in some way is:<BR>
> - introduce ost in a way that reminds people that this is what they always
> thought to be the  best way of doing business<BR>
> -not stand in the way of the sponsor while he is reflecting whether this is
> the proper approach for him<BR>
> -remind myself that fertile wombs abound.<BR>
> Peace<BR>
> mmp<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:59:48 EST, Joelle Lyons Everett wrote:<BR>
> <BR>
> &gt;Tova, you have captured this thought beautifully!  I will remember that
> the<BR>
> &gt;pre-OS work needs to create a fertile womb for the baby to be.<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Joelle<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;In a message dated 3/18/03 10:05:30 PM, <FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>
> writes:<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&lt;&lt; from my perspective now I believe this way to give three
> opportunities:<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;1/ to model opening space by you inviting people and opening space for
> the<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;creation of the theme (a lot of learning is done at this stage)<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;2/ to have the opportunity to find out if the sponsor really "means<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Business"<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;3/ to create fertile womb for the baby to be<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Peace<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Tova<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt; &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;*<BR>
> &gt;*<BR>
> &gt;==========================================================<BR>
> &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;------------------------------<BR>
> &gt;To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,<BR>
> &gt;view the archives of <FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;Visit:<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;<FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> <BR>
> </HTML>
> <HTML>
> <LEFT>
> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="#000001" SIZE="3" POINTSIZE="12"
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> Michael&nbsp;M&nbsp;Pannwitz<br>
> boscop<br>
> Draisweg&nbsp;1<br>
> 12209&nbsp;Berlin,&nbsp;Germany<br>
> FON&nbsp;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-772&nbsp;8000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FAX&nbs
> p;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-773&nbsp;92&nbsp;464<br>
> <br>
> An&nbsp;der&nbsp;E-Gruppe&nbsp;"openspacedeutsch"&nbsp;für&nbsp;deutschspreche
> nde&nbsp;open&nbsp;space-PraktikerInnen&nbsp;interessiert?&nbsp;Enfach&nbsp;ei
> ne&nbsp;mail&nbsp;an&nbsp;mich.</HTML>
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 16:37:18 +0100
> From:    "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
> Subject: Re: For Jo Toepfer
> --_=_=_=IMA.BOUNDARY.HTML_7748140=_=_=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Dear Dragana,
> a few days ago the sponsors of the Berlin-osonos in fact decided to
> go ahead with this gathering on June 27,28 and 29.
> Of the 70 plus os-practitioners in the Berlin area (a few people
> living in such places as Warscaw, Wuerzburg, Salzburg for whatever
> reason consider themselves also  part of the "Berlin area") some 40
> indicated that they are coming or consider coming.
> Basically, the Berlin-osonos is just like any other osonos: a full,
> 2,5 day gathering of os-practitioner, want-to-be practitioners,
> otherwise in os-interested, clients, sponsors, husbands and wifes of
> os-practitioners (sometimes parents or grandchildren who have wanted
> to understand what this is all about but never got a straight answer
> from their kids or grandparents) and people who just happen to drop
> learn, exchange, discover, ....more/deeper about os and its
> mysterious quality of promoting productive and peaceful gatherings.
> So, Berliners, wherever you reside, consider yourselves invited.
> Now, the Berliner osonos has not taken place yet, mind you.
> Twenty years from now with thousands of practitioners in the Berlin
> area it might have turned into a monthly event to accomodate the
> crowds and have some 85 year-olds like me dropping by to see how
> terribly old some of my contemporaries have grown.
> Still, it will of course not have replaced the grand worldwide OSonOS
> of the kind that our Danish colleagues are setting up this year
> (August 23-26). A wonderful opportunity for us working in Europe to
> meet the rest of the world.
> peace
> mmp
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:18:02 +0100, Srma Consulting wrote:
>> Dear Jo
>> Thanks for information. Every time when I read that someone
>> has done OS successfully I am on some way proud. That's
>> the reason why I am so happy when I herd that OS was
>> already done here in Serbia.
>> I am planning to spread OS here, and know I talk to people
>> and company what is OS and why it is good to use them.
>> I don't have information about Berlin OS on OS. It would be
>> great to send me some information about that. I would be
>> glad to participate in such event.
>> Thanks, smile, sun and lot of positive energy from Belgrade
>> Dragana
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Jo Toepfer <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: 19 March 2003 10:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: For Jo Toepfer
>>> Hi Dragana,
>>> the open space was in Kursumlia and the context was community development.
>>> The theme was ''How the Roma and other actors from community can actively
>>> be involved in resolving problems, achieving aims with best possible
>>> results?'' It was a 2,5-day "standard" open space with 7 time slots and 72
>>> participants showed up. Most of them Roma from the local community. 42
>>> issues were posted, 18 reports produced, 12 projects created at day 3 in
>>> the action planning part. The follow-up meeting is on 9. May 2003 10:00
>>> a.m. in the local Red Cross building.
>>> My opinion is: open space always works, even in Serbia!  I hope to see you
>>> here in Berlin for our Berlin OS on OS!!!
>>> cheers
>>> Jo
>>> *******************
>>> At 10:57 18.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe
>>>> I would like to get more information about your OS in Serbia.
>>>> I live in Belgrade and I had my first OS before two weeks.
>>>> It would be great to share with you your experience and opinion.
>>>> Hug and sun from Belgrade
>>>> Dragana Tomic
>>>> Training Consultant
>>>> Srma Consulting
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> * selection * training * headhunting *
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Belgrade, Kneza Milosa 58
>>>> phone/fax    +381 11 36 11 972
>>>> mobile         +381 64 16 24 669
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: Pannwitz, Michael M
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: 17 March 2003 10:49 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: OST-principles etc in spanish language
>>>> Dear colleagues,
>>>> also, have a look at the polish os-site that Piotr Banach has up in
>> Warszaw.
>>>> There is also a picture of Jo and old me to marvel at
>>>> peace
>>>> mmp
>>>> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 15:18:51 +0100, Jo Toepfer wrote:
>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>> a week ago I had the chance to facilitate an open space in Serbia. So,
>> I
>>>>> can offer the Serbian translation of the principles, law, etc. in case
>> you
>>>>> are interested in. Polish is also available as *.pdf file on my
>> website:
>>>>> -> download.
>>>>> cheers
>>>>> Jo
>>>>> ****************
>>>>> At 12:48 16.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>>>>> dear friends,
>>>>>> I remember a time ago weªve got step by step
>>>>>> translations of the 4 principles etc.from english into a lot of
>>>>>> languages.
>>>>>> I don't find it neither in my database nor in the website
>>>>>> www.openspaceworld.
>>>>>> I'm looking for the
>>>>>> spanish version, before translating it myself for an upcoming sponsor
>>>>>> in my andalusian region.
>>>>>> please give me help.
>>>>>> saludos
>>>>>> florian
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> florian fischer
>>>>>> begleitung im wandel
>>>>>> c/sta.bárbara 18
>>>>>> E 04115 rodalquilar / nijar
>>>>>> fon/fax 0034.950.389819
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> ==========================================================
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Jo Toepfer, boscop
>>>>> Tel: +49-30-42018000
>>>>> Fax: +49-30-69088159
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
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>>>>> Visit:
>>>> Michael M Pannwitz
>>>> boscop
>>>> Draisweg 1
>>>> 12209 Berlin, Germany
>>>> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
>>>> An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open
>>>> space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich. * *
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>>>> subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of
>>>>, Visit:
>>> --
>>> Jo Toepfer, boscop
>>> Tel: +49-30-42018000
>>> Fax: +49-30-69088159
>>> *
>>> *
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>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,
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>> Visit:
> Michael M Pannwitz
> boscop
> Draisweg 1
> 12209 Berlin, Germany
> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
> An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open
> space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich.
> *
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> --_=_=_=IMA.BOUNDARY.HTML_7748140=_=_=_
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> <HTML>
> DEFAULT="SIZE">Dear Dragana,<BR>
> a few days ago the sponsors of the Berlin-osonos in fact decided to go ahead
> with this gathering on June 27,28 and 29.<BR>
> Of the 70 plus os-practitioners in the Berlin area (a few people living in
> such places as Warscaw, Wuerzburg, Salzburg for whatever reason consider
> themselves also  part of the "Berlin area") some 40 indicated that they are
> coming or consider coming.<BR>
> Basically, the Berlin-osonos is just like any other osonos: a full, 2,5 day
> gathering of os-practitioner, want-to-be practitioners, otherwise in
> os-interested, clients, sponsors, husbands and wifes of os-practitioners
> (sometimes parents or grandchildren who have wanted to understand what this is
> all about but never got a straight answer from their kids or grandparents) and
> people who just happen to drop learn, exchange, discover,
> ....more/deeper about os and its mysterious quality of promoting productive
> and peaceful gatherings.<BR>
> So, Berliners, wherever you reside, consider yourselves invited.<BR>
> Now, the Berliner osonos has not taken place yet, mind you.<BR>
> Twenty years from now with thousands of practitioners in the Berlin area it
> might have turned into a monthly event to accomodate the crowds and have some
> 85 year-olds like me dropping by to see how terribly old some of my
> contemporaries have grown.<BR>
> Still, it will of course not have replaced the grand worldwide OSonOS of the
> kind that our Danish colleagues are setting up this year (August 23-26). A
> wonderful opportunity for us working in Europe to meet the rest of the
> world.<BR>
> peace<BR>
> mmp<BR>
> <BR>
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:18:02 +0100, Srma Consulting wrote:<BR>
> <BR>
> &gt;Dear Jo<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Thanks for information. Every time when I read that someone<BR>
> &gt;has done OS successfully I am on some way proud. That's<BR>
> &gt;the reason why I am so happy when I herd that OS was<BR>
> &gt;already done here in Serbia.<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;I am planning to spread OS here, and know I talk to people<BR>
> &gt;and company what is OS and why it is good to use them.<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;I don't have information about Berlin OS on OS. It would be<BR>
> &gt;great to send me some information about that. I would be<BR>
> &gt;glad to participate in such event.<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Thanks, smile, sun and lot of positive energy from Belgrade<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Dragana<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;----- Original Message -----<BR>
> &gt;From: Jo Toepfer &lt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>&gt;<BR>
> &gt;To: &lt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>&gt;<BR>
> &gt;Sent: 19 March 2003 10:26 PM<BR>
> &gt;Subject: Re: For Jo Toepfer<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Hi Dragana,<BR>
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; the open space was in Kursumlia and the context was community
> development.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; The theme was ''How the Roma and other actors from community can
> actively<BR>
> &gt;&gt; be involved in resolving problems, achieving aims with best
> possible<BR>
> &gt;&gt; results?'' It was a 2,5-day "standard" open space with 7 time slots
> and 72<BR>
> &gt;&gt; participants showed up. Most of them Roma from the local community.
> 42<BR>
> &gt;&gt; issues were posted, 18 reports produced, 12 projects created at day 3
> in<BR>
> &gt;&gt; the action planning part. The follow-up meeting is on 9. May 2003
> 10:00<BR>
> &gt;&gt; a.m. in the local Red Cross building.<BR>
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; My opinion is: open space always works, even in Serbia!  I hope to
> see you<BR>
> &gt;&gt; here in Berlin for our Berlin OS on OS!!!<BR>
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; cheers<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Jo<BR>
> &gt;&gt; *******************<BR>
> &gt;&gt; At 10:57 18.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Hi Joe<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;I would like to get more information about your OS in Serbia.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;I live in Belgrade and I had my first OS before two weeks.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;It would be great to share with you your experience and
> opinion.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Hug and sun from Belgrade<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Dragana Tomic<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Training Consultant<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Srma Consulting<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;------------------------------------------------------<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;* selection * training * headhunting *<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;------------------------------------------------------<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Belgrade, Kneza Milosa 58<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;phone/fax    +381 11 36 11 972<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;mobile         +381 64 16 24 669<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;----- Original Message -----<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;From: Pannwitz, Michael M<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;To: <FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Sent: 17 March 2003 10:49 PM<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Subject: Re: OST-principles etc in spanish language<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Dear colleagues,<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;also, have a look at the polish os-site that Piotr Banach has up
> in<BR>
> &gt;Warszaw.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt; &gt;There is also a picture of Jo and old me to marvel at<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;peace<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;mmp<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 15:18:51 +0100, Jo Toepfer wrote:<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;Dear list,<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;a week ago I had the chance to facilitate an open space in
> Serbia. So,<BR>
> &gt;I<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;can offer the Serbian translation of the principles, law,
> etc. in case<BR>
> &gt;you<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;are interested in. Polish is also available as *.pdf file on
> my<BR>
> &gt;website:<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> DEFAULT="COLOR"></U> -&gt; download.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;cheers<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;Jo<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;****************<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;At 12:48 16.03.2003 +0100, you wrote:<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;dear friends,<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;I remember a time ago weªve got step by step<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;translations of the 4 principles etc.from english into a
> lot of<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;languages.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;I don't find it neither in my database nor in the
> website<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U>www.openspaceworld<FONT
> COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;I'm looking for the<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;spanish version, before translating it myself for an
> upcoming sponsor<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;in my andalusian region.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;please give me help.<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;saludos<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;florian<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;----------------------<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;florian fischer<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;begleitung im wandel<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;c/sta.bárbara 18<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;E 04115 rodalquilar / nijar<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;fon/fax 0034.950.389819<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;*<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;*<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;&gt;==========================================================<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<FONT
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> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;------------------------------<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,<BR>
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> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;&gt;<FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;--<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;Jo Toepfer, boscop<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;Tel: +49-30-42018000<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;Fax: +49-30-69088159<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;*<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;*<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;
> &gt;==========================================================<BR>
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> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt; &gt;<FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Michael M Pannwitz<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;boscop<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;Draisweg 1<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;12209 Berlin, Germany<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt; &gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich. *
> *<BR>
> &gt;&gt; &gt;==========================================================<BR>
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> COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U> ------------------------------ To<BR>
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> &gt;&gt; &gt;* *
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> &gt;&gt; &gt;<FONT
> COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; --<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Jo Toepfer, boscop<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Tel: +49-30-42018000<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Fax: +49-30-69088159<BR>
> &gt;&gt; <FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; *<BR>
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> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="#000001" SIZE="3" POINTSIZE="12"
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> <br>
> <br>
> Michael&nbsp;M&nbsp;Pannwitz<br>
> boscop<br>
> Draisweg&nbsp;1<br>
> 12209&nbsp;Berlin,&nbsp;Germany<br>
> FON&nbsp;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-772&nbsp;8000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FAX&nbs
> p;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-773&nbsp;92&nbsp;464<br>
> <br>
> An&nbsp;der&nbsp;E-Gruppe&nbsp;"openspacedeutsch"&nbsp;für&nbsp;deutschspreche
> nde&nbsp;open&nbsp;space-PraktikerInnen&nbsp;interessiert?&nbsp;Enfach&nbsp;ei
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 16:18:02 +0100
> From:    "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
> Subject: Re: Music
> --_=_=_=IMA.BOUNDARY.HTML_7748140=_=_=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> I never "use" music in open space.
> Often, participants make music or convene sessions where people make
> music, dance, etc. and these groups invariably report on their
> sessions during evening or morning use sometimes offering a song or
> dance or rhythm.
> When I "do" my introduciton to ost I usually point out that session
> can of course be discussion groups and that there is more to life
> such as theater, role playing, a discussion-walk, silent discussion,
> meditation, mindmapping, brainstorming, painting, drawing, dancing,
> singing, massage, cooking, baking, swimming, golf, soccer, chess,
> hide and seek, taking a break, sleeping, dreaming..... and other
> fabulous ways of being productive and creating new things.
> Kids usually pick up on this stuff, adults are a little less
> flexible.
> One time, as a participant in open space, I experienced the
> facilitator putting on music. When a participant suggested turning it
> down a bit the facilitator went into an explanation of why he thought
> the music was a good idea.
> If anything, this incident would stop me as facilitator from
> introducing music or other lovely things .... dont worry, I still
> insist on non-stop coffee and fresh, full fat milk to go with it
> peace
> mmp
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:10:26 +0100, Vliex, Carla (cvl) wrote:
>> HI
>> I was wondering if anyone ever used music in on Open Space event. Not just
>> in one session, but use music during the whole event. Thinking of trying it
>> with a client next month.
>> love and sunshine for this world
>> Carla
>>> Met vriendelijke groet,
>>> drs. Carla J.P. Vliex
>>> _______________________________________
>>> Organisatieadviseur
>>> Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants
>>> Stationsplein 1, 3818 LE Amersfoort
>>> Postbus 907, 3800 AX Amersfoort
>>> Telefoon 033 4677760, Fax 033 4677479
>>> Mobiel 06 53927407
>>> E-mail, Internet
>> *
>> *
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>> Visit:
> Michael M Pannwitz
> boscop
> Draisweg 1
> 12209 Berlin, Germany
> FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464
> An der E-Gruppe "openspacedeutsch" für deutschsprechende open
> space-PraktikerInnen interessiert? Enfach eine mail an mich.
> *
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> <HTML>
> DEFAULT="SIZE">I never "use" music in open space.<BR>
> Often, participants make music or convene sessions where people make music,
> dance, etc. and these groups invariably report on their sessions during
> evening or morning use sometimes offering a song or dance or rhythm.<BR>
> When I "do" my introduciton to ost I usually point out that session can of
> course be discussion groups and that there is more to life such as theater,
> role playing, a discussion-walk, silent discussion, meditation, mindmapping,
> brainstorming, painting, drawing, dancing, singing, massage, cooking, baking,
> swimming, golf, soccer, chess, hide and seek, taking a break, sleeping,
> dreaming..... and other fabulous ways of being productive and creating new
> things.<BR>
> Kids usually pick up on this stuff, adults are a little less flexible.<BR>
> One time, as a participant in open space, I experienced the facilitator
> putting on music. When a participant suggested turning it down a bit the
> facilitator went into an explanation of why he thought the music was a good
> idea.<BR>
> If anything, this incident would stop me as facilitator from introducing music
> or other lovely things .... dont worry, I still insist on non-stop coffee and
> fresh, full fat milk to go with it<BR>
> peace<BR>
> mmp<BR>
> <BR>
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 12:10:26 +0100, Vliex, Carla (cvl) wrote:<BR>
> <BR>
> &gt;HI<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;I was wondering if anyone ever used music in on Open Space event. Not
> just<BR>
> &gt;in one session, but use music during the whole event. Thinking of trying
> it<BR>
> &gt;with a client next month.<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;love and sunshine for this world<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;Carla<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Met vriendelijke groet,<BR>
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; drs. Carla J.P. Vliex<BR>
> &gt;&gt; _______________________________________<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Organisatieadviseur<BR>
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Stationsplein 1, 3818 LE Amersfoort<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Postbus 907, 3800 AX Amersfoort<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Telefoon 033 4677760, Fax 033 4677479<BR>
> &gt;&gt; Mobiel 06 53927407<BR>
> &gt;&gt; E-mail <FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
> DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>, Internet <FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT
> &gt;&gt;<BR>
> &gt;<BR>
> &gt;*<BR>
> &gt;*<BR>
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> &gt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U><FONT COLOR=000000
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> &gt;To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,<BR>
> &gt;view the archives of <FONT
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> </HTML>
> <HTML>
> <LEFT>
> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="#000001" SIZE="3" POINTSIZE="12"
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> Michael&nbsp;M&nbsp;Pannwitz<br>
> boscop<br>
> Draisweg&nbsp;1<br>
> 12209&nbsp;Berlin,&nbsp;Germany<br>
> FON&nbsp;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-772&nbsp;8000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FAX&nbs
> p;+49&nbsp;-&nbsp;30-773&nbsp;92&nbsp;464<br>
> <br>
> An&nbsp;der&nbsp;E-Gruppe&nbsp;"openspacedeutsch"&nbsp;für&nbsp;deutschspreche
> nde&nbsp;open&nbsp;space-PraktikerInnen&nbsp;interessiert?&nbsp;Enfach&nbsp;ei
> ne&nbsp;mail&nbsp;an&nbsp;mich.</HTML>
> *
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 17:08:05 EST
> From:
> Subject: Re: WAR IN IRAQ
> --part1_1d4.5d3a176.2baf8a45_boundary
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Dear all,
> Marks' comments are also my sentiments.  Thank you Marks.
> Minh-Hanh
> *
> *
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> --part1_1d4.5d3a176.2baf8a45_boundary
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> =3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Dear all,<BR>
> Marks' comments are also my sentiments.&nbsp; Thank you Marks.<BR>
> <BR>
> Minh-Hanh</FONT></HTML>
> *
> *
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
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> --part1_1d4.5d3a176.2baf8a45_boundary--
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 15:12:23 -0800
> From:    anne stadler <>
> Subject: Call for waging peace
>> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
> this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
> --B_3131277144_6973738
> Content-type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
> Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
> Subject:  A Call for Waging Peace
> Recently, American newspaper Letters and Commentaries have been full of
> yearning for peace: peace in Iraq for the safe return of our soldiers;
> peace as a context for the behavior of conflicting groups who are speaking
> out;  peace-- so we can use American power for ends which reflect the =B3best=
> =B2
> America can bring to the world.
> We know how to wage war.  How do we wage peace?  No civilization yet has
> been able to sustain peace. That is the challenge of our time.  Wherever yo=
> u
> look, events are calling us to this historic challenge.
> There is experience from which we can draw insight: the evolution of Europe
> since World War II is a story of the expansion of multilateral security and
> collaboration.  Inside democratic countries, there are systems of democrati=
> c
> participation for bringing diverse needs into alignment and relationship;
> systems of law which protect the individual and manage the power of the
> state for the good of the whole. The evolutionary liberation experience of
> South Africa, the democratic experience of wildly diverse India contain
> lessons.=20
> What do we need to know? Economists Dietrich Fisher and Jurgen Brauer have
> proposed a Research Agenda for Peace Economics. They identify questions suc=
> h
> as these:  Are there feasible international security arrangements?  How can
> markets resolve conflicts?  How can economic incentives become an effective
> method to deter aggression?  International law experts have their research
> agendas and proposals for the evolution of international law.  Some of thei=
> r
> questions include:   How do we police effectively?  In the face of national
> resistance, how does the international community act against wrong-doers?
> What is the range of non-violent initiatives and measures?  What conditions
> optimize the effectiveness of non-violent coercive measures?
> There is no dearth of opportunity!  Will and focused attention is all we
> lack.  As one of our successful Northwest entrepreneurs says =B3 Let=B9s Do
> It!=
> =B2
> Starting right now, today=8Bwe can each ask =B3what is my part in waging
> peace?=
> =B2
> And take the first step.
> Yesterday I put my Wage Peace yard sign up, and distributed them to my
> neighbors and friends.  Today I am writing and sending this letter.
> Peace!  Anne
> *
> *
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
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> --B_3131277144_6973738
> Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <TITLE>Call for waging peace</TITLE>
> </HEAD>
> <BODY>
> <FONT FACE=3D"Verdana"><B>Subject: </B> A Call for Waging Peace<BR>
> <BR>
> Recently, American newspaper Letters and Commentaries have been full of yea=
> rning for peace: peace in Iraq for the safe return of our soldiers; &nbsp;pe=
> ace as a context for the behavior of conflicting groups who are speaking out=
> ; &nbsp;peace-- so we can use American power for ends which reflect the &#82=
> 20;best&#8221; America can bring to the world.<BR>
> <BR>
> We know how to wage war. &nbsp;How do we wage peace? &nbsp;No civilization =
> yet has been able to sustain peace. That is the challenge of our time. &nbsp=
> ;Wherever you look, events are calling us to this historic challenge.<BR>
> <BR>
> There is experience from which we can draw insight: the evolution of Europe=
> since World War II is a story of the expansion of multilateral security and=
> collaboration. &nbsp;Inside democratic countries, there are systems of demo=
> cratic participation for bringing diverse needs into alignment and relations=
> hip; systems of law which protect the individual and manage the power of the=
> state for the good of the whole. The evolutionary liberation experience of =
> South Africa, the democratic experience of wildly diverse India contain less=
> ons. <BR>
> <BR>
> What do we need to know? Economists Dietrich Fisher and Jurgen Brauer have =
> proposed a Research Agenda for Peace Economics. They identify questions such=
> as these: &nbsp;Are there feasible international security arrangements? &nb=
> sp;How can markets resolve conflicts? &nbsp;How can economic incentives beco=
> me an effective method to deter aggression? &nbsp;International law experts =
> have their research agendas and proposals for the evolution of international=
> law. &nbsp;Some of their questions include: &nbsp;&nbsp;How do we police ef=
> fectively? &nbsp;In the face of national resistance, how does the internatio=
> nal community act against wrong-doers? &nbsp;What is the range of non-violen=
> t initiatives and measures? &nbsp;What conditions optimize the effectiveness=
> of non-violent coercive measures?<BR>
> <BR>
> There is no dearth of opportunity! &nbsp;Will and focused attention is all =
> we lack. &nbsp;As one of our successful Northwest entrepreneurs says &#8220;=
> Let&#8217;s Do It!&#8221;<BR>
> <BR>
> Starting right now, today&#8212;we can each ask &#8220;what is my part in w=
> aging peace?&#8221; &nbsp;And take the first step. &nbsp;<BR>
> <BR>
> Yesterday I put my Wage Peace yard sign up, and distributed them to my neig=
> hbors and friends. &nbsp;Today I am writing and sending this letter. &nbsp;<=
> BR>
> <BR>
> Peace! &nbsp;Anne<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> </FONT>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> *
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> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
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> --B_3131277144_6973738--
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 20:29:23 -0500
> From:    "Douglas D. Germann, Sr." <>
> Subject: One more thing not to do....
> Diane--
> Just had a chance to measure this paper: it is 17" X 20" or thereabouts
> (that is about 43 cm X 51 cm).
>                             :-Doug.
> *
> *
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> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:03:42 -0500
> From:    "Douglas D. Germann, Sr." <>
> Subject: Goodwill and community by Etienne Wenger
> Chris--
> You are making it happen! Fantastic.
> What can anyone else do? Etienne?
>                             :-Doug.
> *
> *
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> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:03:48 -0500
> From:    "Douglas D. Germann, Sr." <>
> Subject: Wage Peace
> Anne--
> Who is the author? This is a neat piece I'd like to get permission to
> quote!
>                             :-Doug. Germann
> *
> *
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> Date:    Mon, 24 Mar 2003 14:16:20 +1100
> From:    LaVonne Boyd <>
> Subject: Re: Help with invitation for teenagers? I'm coming to the US to play
> this summer
>> Hi everyone,
> I have the wonderful privilege to be helping a group of coaches who want to
> put on a day for teenagers 15-18. Originally it was going to be about "tools
> for life". During the
> discussion I introduced them to Open Space (they took to it like
> water)and we are looking for a a theme and how to word the invitation to
> appeal to that age group.
> So fare the theme is :
> Issues and opportunities of being a teenager today. Create your own future -
> Are you 15 - 18 years old? Get together with your peers . Explore things that
> matter to you.
> Does any one who has crafted open space with teenagers have a sample invite or
> thoughts on the invitation, or the theme I would be grateful. While I am
> writing this my thought
> is, we will want to find the group of teenagers first then have them craft the
> theme .... examples would still be good if you have any.
> I have long had the dream to travel in the United States for three months
> every year and it is now happening. Yippee!! I would love to visit and or
> connect with anyone who would
> be willing to host me, or to be an extra hand at an open space or to run an
> open space. I will be in Anchorage in May for the birth of my new
> granddaughter, then Seattle early in
> June to play with my other grandchildren, then Oregon, Calif. New York,
> Alberta, Montana to connect with old friends and new. I can fly anywhere
> Alaska/Horizon airlines fly and I
> will be developing my coaching business while I am playing in the states as
> well. So if I can be of service or you want to play just let me know. :-)
> Thanks for your help.
> Cheers, LaVonne
> --
> LaVonne Boyd,
> Business Coach and Public Speaking
> Igniting Your Emerging Potential with Business Coaching.
> Phone/fax: +613 9399 4865 E-mail:
> Mobile: 0407 829 676
> *
> *
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> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:43:23 -0500
> From:    Ralph Copleman <>
> Subject: Re: Help with invitation for teenagers? I'm coming to the US to play
> this summer
> On 3/23/03 10:16 PM, "LaVonne Boyd" <> wrote:
>> While I am writing this my thought
>> is, we will want to find the group of teenagers first then have them craft
>> the
>> theme ....
> That's exactly how I would do it.
> Ralph Copleman
> *
> *
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> Date:    Sun, 23 Mar 2003 22:36:34 -0800
> From:    Chris Corrigan <>
> Subject: Re: Wage Peace
> Hi Doug:
> This poem was written by Judyth Hill:
> Cheers,
> Chris
> ---
> Consultation - Facilitation
> Open Space Technology
> Bowen Island, BC, Canada
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
> Douglas
>>  D. Germann, Sr.
>>  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:04 PM
>>  To:
>>  Subject: Wage Peace
>>  Anne--
>>  Who is the author? This is a neat piece I'd like to get permission to
>>  quote!
>>                                :-Doug. Germann
>>  *
>>  *
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