Dear SpaceHolders-- Michael and I ask that you share this invitation and
attachment with people in your world who may have an interest - those
that already do this work, those who want to, those who are life-long
seekers of learning. Thank you in advance! --BJ Peters
Michael Herman and BJ Peters, seasoned Open Space Technology
facilitators, invite you to learn and play in their Open Space
Technology Training and Practice Workshop this March. And we ask that
you share this invitation with other colleagues and professional

Open Space Technology (OST) has been called meeting methodology,
organization transformation, intentional self-organization and surfing
the chaos. Since it's discovery 20 years ago, it has enabled all kinds
of people, in every kind of organization and community, to create
inspired meetings and events - and post phenomenal business results. It
has also become clear that opening space, as an intentional leadership
practice, can create inspired organizations, where ordinary people work
together to create extraordinary results with regularity.

OST training and practice workshop at Sky Harbor Airport is March 13-14,
2003.  Early registration deadline February 25th.  See or the attached flyer
for more details.

We hope you join us! --BJ

BJ Peters

6523 N 14th Street #112
Phoenix AZ  85014

Attachment: OST Invitation.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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