Hello Kevin,

Welcome. Here's a link to an interesting article about the internet and one of it's original thinkers that may help you to connect Open Space and Cyber Space:


It's about "the guru of the participation age." Here's a little excerpt:

"I just love that," O'Reilly said, his ever-present sheepish grin taking on a late-afternoon wistfulness. "'Beneath every no lays a yes that had never been broken.' To me, there's this wonderful spirit.... You know, I believe people are fundamentally good and want to find things that make life better for themselves. There are social dynamics for people that work, and there are ones that are pathological. But beneath every no lays a yes that had never been broken. I put my life-faith in that."

And to think we were just talking about Internet protocols. O'Reilly's theories about the next Internet seem on the mark. But the impromptu poetry recital diverted my attention to O'Reilly himself. As it turns out, the levers and pulleys of this new Net neatly reflect the operating principles of the man who helped define it: a philosophy of participation and sharing and a sense that collective action will inevitably accrue to the greater good.

After reading this article I did a little looking around the net and found a great desire to find a way to interact in human time in a way similar to interaction in cyber-time. There were some attempts and threads talking about different ways of coming together for conferences for example, but nothing quite like Open Space. I added a my comments about Open Space but haven't been back to see if the seeds had done any germinating.

I believe Open Space works best with minimum structure and maximum freedom to interact, move, follow your two feet and your passion (what you love), and the internet works best within the same minimum structure and maximum freedom, building community and indivuduality at the same time.

I believe we will begin to find more ways that there are links between Open Space and Cyber Space. It will be very fun to watch!

with grace and love,


Zelle Nelson
Engaging the Soul at Work/Know Place Like Home/State of Grace Document



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Kevin Cameron wrote:

> Cameron,

It's "Kevin", by the way :) (Cameron is my last name, though I always thought it was a cool first name too and wanted to be called Cameron Cameron)

> The practice of Facilitation, as
> it has evolved, is often understood to be the collection of various tools
> and techniques that are then "done" to, or for, people. And the expert
> Facilitator is understood to be the person with the biggest tool box.

Interesting that you mention that now as, at the very moment your email arrived, I was watching a webcast about phone companies and the Internet. ( http://webcast.oii.ox.ac.uk/?view=Webcast&ID=20051128_111 ) anyway, the lecturer was talking about stupid networks, about how they are end to end, and nothing happens in the middle, and keeping things out of the middle preserves the value. Basically,

"Don't crap up the middle of the network with assumption-driven software such as security, content awareness, anti-malware-ware, etc..."

In OS terms, I guess this would be

"Don't crap up the middle of the space with assumption-driven facilitation tools such as XYZ....."

He also talked about how, in a stupid network, the amount of work put in by the engineer (or facilitator) stays constant, while the value of the network grows exponentially because it is created at the edges (the participants).

I'm only half-way through the web-cast, but I expect to find some other OS relevant analogies before I am through... maybe describing it in terms of the Internet is some ammunition to help me promote it as an effective tool at work!


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