yes i believe, ralph.
that is because the own affairs are happening too close
to be treated or seen in a so called correct manner.
but seems unbelievable, that you just quit the word "among"
which means "space". points out, that "space" is the closest
and the most inner of your thinking, so you can
on 3/21/01 5:19 PM, Ralph Copleman at wrote:
Would you believe I misquoted the title of my own book!!??
The correct title is
The Talk Among Stones.
To subscribe
At 17:19 21.3.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>For all who may be interested, please open the attached flyer, which
>includes ordering information and a couple of excerpts.
Please let me quote a message posted to the list Nov. 15, 2000:
Dear all,
may I draw your attention to a never ending story. The ti
As the originator of the semi-annual OS List poetry contest (recall the
challenge last year to write an alphabet-poem), I am taking the liberty of
offering here for sale, my new book of poems entitled "The Talk of Stones".
In deference to those who may not appreciate this clearly commercial