Virginia, it is often possible to review archives, but if it was a long
time ago, it has probably been erased.  Here is a thought.

In the future, we can collect war stories, or summaries of specific
discussion threads -- if someone is willing to take ownership for a
specific thread as it emerges, and then post that to the OS web site.  To
give you an example, on a different list where I subscribe (which has a
very different set of ground rules and ethos), when someone posts a
question, he/she asks that responses be sent directly to him/her which are
then summarized and posted to the list.  In our case, it probaby does not
make sense not to make all postings to the list.  But we could have someone
summarize and post to the web.s

The web and lists are complementary social technologies.  The web is great
for statically storing information, although it could be used for
announcements.  But the web doesn't reach out and grab you, the way email
does.  The list then could be used for discussion.  If someone is willing,
it is also possible to install a software (some of which is freeware) to
support discussion at websites. The advantage of an email based list is
that it is a low-bandwidth technology that is virtually universally available.

Anyway, those were a couple of thoughts.


At 08:50 AM 10/13/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a story about my first OS in a college situation - I put the first
>story on the list quite a while ago - this may help - is there any way to
>call that stuff back up? I am unsure if I have record.
>All the best

Murli Nagasundaram, Ph.D., Asst. Prof.S, Computer Information Systems
College of Business, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725-1615, USA
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You can observe a lot just by watching.  -- Yogi Berra

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