Is there a "Law of 10 fingers" online?
(Maybe "2 fingers", if you never learned to touch-type)
Harrison Owen wrote:
From: Harrison Owen []
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 8:18 AM
To: 'Phelim McDermott'
Subject: RE: Searching for the Lost an
From: Harrison Owen []
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2007 8:18 AM
To: 'Phelim McDermott'
Subject: RE: Searching for the Lost and Lonely
".. how do we know online if people are there or there's a
silence happening with something emergent in it?"
From: Phelim McDermott
Date: 4 May 2007 23:47:27 BDT
Subject: Re: Searching for the Lost and Lonely
Hi Harrison,
I'm just quiet and wondering what will emerge from the silence.
Interesting.. how do we know online if people are there or there's
a silence happ
Maybe it is just me - but I have noticed a notable absence hereabouts.
Haven't heard a word from the good BOSCOP folks in a while! Maybe they are
all in Kiev, getting ready for the Grand Event? Fine by me, and their
presence is missed - at least by me. Hi Michael, Jo et al!!!
Harrison Ow