The experience and opportunity of being in Open Space as participants
is probably one of the biggest gifts of all of the WOSonOS.  I invite
those of us who were there to notice and share what happens inside of
us, to notice how we felt before we got together, how we were at
different times while we were there and then in the days, weeks and
months that follow, what seeps into our mind, our heart and our being.
 I want to do this for myself as somehow I know that noticing deeply
will make me a better facilitator and someone who can better serve
future sponsors and participants. Perhaps by noticing, I can also find
ways to engage better in the pre-work and post-work helping them
anchor the experience for themselves in a way that never defines,
predicts or seeks outcome.

For me, almost at a cellular level, I remember these times of being in
Taiwan, in Toronto, in San Francisco and now in Berlin and I feel and
see wonderful patterns. Here are a few of my own personal examples:

- A positive anticipation greatly enhanced with the NING website that
Holger set up
- Super excited to reconnect with people I met before and delighted at
knowing that I will put faces to names I read
- Still feeling rushed as before, not feeling fully prepared or as
quiet inside as I want, still caught up in the activities of leaving
(projects underway, packing, travel, etc).
- Regretting somehow that I wanted to think more of the topics that I
am passionate about before arriving telling myself that I will simply
accept to just live in the moment and be prepared to be surprised
- I also notice what I am not doing: re-reading all the materials
available, appreciating the organizing team but not thinking too much
about all the things they are probably doing because after all, I am
just a participant now. Feel a bit like a jerk that I'm not
appreciating them more when I know how hard they must be working but
then, this tells me that participants in my facilitated events aren't
think about that either.

- A whirlwind feeling from the moment I walk in the door; almost
overwhelmed with the beauty of the setting, the large number of people
in the room and the joy of seeing many familiar faces.
- As I sit in the circle, it is hard to quiet myself down; I am not
listening as well to the instructions, to the welcome, to the
-So many topics, so many I am passionate about
- Vivid intense breakout sessions, learning, listening and feeling fully present
- Meals and snacks, more intensity with quick conversations here and
there, hearing the background noise, feeling the energy, many hugs,
many smiles, hard to balance the plates and the beverages through it
all;  can't even quite remember what I eat or even if I eat.
- Back in the circle for evening news, morning news, feeling very
present.  Moments of great intensity feeling myself completely
engaging with those who are speaking and whatever is happening;
surprised to feel myself reacting inside as strongly as I do  (with
compassion, with humor, frustrated, happy, interested, the whole
- The reports, not as curious about them as I'd expect. What I know
now is that this will come later. I will read every sentence when I
get home when it is more quiet. For now, the important thing was to be
in the groups I was in, fully engaged.
- The stolen times together, one on one, in small groups, in
restaurants, outside and everywhere, like the conference coffee breaks
of the past, just as precious!

- Watching and feeling what comes into my head and my being.
- Amazed to notice the patterns, the affection I feel for those I met
and a general overall feeling of warm community towards everyone.
- A bit of loneliness already and now I also know to expect some
confusion to set in a bit as the ideas for actions and new initiatives
created in Berlin or yet to be created will emerge
- I know I will be a changed person as I was every time before
- Loving the special notes from friends on the Ning site saying
goodbye, saying thank you; loving also all the photos of the faces who
are there and as I see those faces, I feel and see them as they were
in that beautiful church in Berlin
- And then now finally, so very much gratitude for all those who
prepared and facilitated this event, wishing somehow that I could have
told them more how much I appreciated what they did and knowing how
very tired they must because they worked so very hard.

This is just a sample with a few examples that make me
reflect/think/feel what it is like for a Participant in Open Space.  I
am reminded  of a quote in the book : What the bleep do we know?

"Our brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second, but
we are only aware of 2,000 bits at any one time – usually information
about our environment, body, and time.”.

Now all I can say is that in Open Space, the experience is ALWAYS
intense and very different from those typical meetings, conferences
and gatherings. I enjoyed being a participant "reacting in the
moment", delighted that I could live it that way, letting go and
letting be. Yes it helps me be a better facilitator knowing that my
experience here is what participants probably feel too and so much
more. Thank you Berlin and OS friends.


Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009

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