Dear Friends,

We invite you to join the August gathering of Spirited Work, as we continue 
with our fourth year of quarterly gatherings on the Chinook land of Whidbey 

We ask you to consider this opportunity to nourish the continuing spiritual 
transformation of yourself, your life's work, the people and organizations you 
touch, and your commitment to the shared future of our earth. 

Spirited Work is a learning community of practice, engaged in deepening our 
commitment to personal and collective transformation through service in the 
world. Our purpose is to build personal and collective capacity for healthy and 
productive relationships, organizations and communities for the sustainable 
evolution of earth, spirit and the human future. Our intention is to welcome 
and be open to all who are attracted to Spirited Work, and to create the 
abundance necessary for their full participation.
This year, our schedule is: 

Winter:            The Way of the Warrior                        January 17-20, 

Spring:            The Way of the Healer                          April 11-14, 

Summer:         The Way of the Visionary                     August 1-4, 2002

Fall:                The Way of the Teacher                     November 14-17, 

You will find links to the information below when you visit the website:  

Basic information about our program and a description of how we are changing 
the world through Spirited Work. 

Program Description: 
A summary of how our community operates, using the principles from Angeles 
Arrien's book The Four-Fold Way, in combination with the Open Space principles 
of Harrison Owen. 

Detailed information and forms related to fees, lodging, meals, guests, and the 
registration process. 

Financial Assistance: - The Community Fund 
An explanation of how Spirited Work provides financial assistance through The 
Community Fund. 

While we encourage people to participate for all four seasons, we also welcome 
those who are only able to join us for one or more of our seasonal gatherings. 
Please pass this invitation along to your friends and colleagues! If you have 
any questions or would like this information in hardcopy form via U.S. Mail, 
please contact us at

We hope you decide to join Spirited Work 2002! 

The Spirited Work 2002 Stewards,

Michael Dobbie, Peggy Holman, Fritz and Vivienne Hull, Mark R. Jones, Mary Ella 
Keblusek, Alana Karran, Jan Levy, Sue McNab, Joan McNeary, Joy Moulton, Toni 
Petrinovich, Jo Shelver, Gabriel Shirley and Anne Stadler 


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