This pledge asks you to write to the governors of the world service public 
broadcaster BUT only when another 2000 netizens or citizens sign up

For 22 years now, its been our belief that public broadcasters aligned with 
the web will either be the media's death of freedom of speech or its 

Exercise: think of the social concern you open most space for; couldn't it do 
with both broader and deeper public awareness, especially if its connected to 
some of the worldwide crises of poverty, health, learning or nature we are all 
interconnected by 

If your concern is that outside of Britain you wouldn't know how to introduce 
your right to write to a British governor, I can rehearse many ways why you 
have such a right from the world service brand

Our youth is bombarded with global images of false heroes and spectator 
supports. If media, learning, cross-cultural affection and world citizenship 
are ever to propagate up through every diverse community's space again, the 
BBC can set an open source example for other public broadcasters to follow. 
The UK has an exactly one collaboration advantage with the rest of the world 
namely that as the largest Kingdom , our Queen unlike any other well off 
country leader (to my knowledge) has dared ask why is humanity turning on 
itself. Not to join that open space call seems a missed opportunity whether 
you are a governor, an open spacer or anyone in between

thanks, sincerely
chris macrae
invitation- click the top; 50 seconds later you are done until the rest of the 
2000 of us are ready to open space with you!

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