An Invitation
We, Birgitt and Ward Williams, invite you to participate with us in
intentionally creating a new reality for the earth. We believe that reality
can be shifted if the will is there to do so. Our vision is to influence the
future of this planet to become life nurturing for all beings involved. We
believe that we are all connected through a higher consciousness, the
mechanics of which involve communicating through energy.

We invite your participation in three ways:
1.      To commit to consciously and intentionally “holding space”  for the 
beginning September 21st, 2001. On September 21st, we will go through the
steps in “opening an Open Space Technology meeting” with the theme of
“Opportunities and choices for nurturing life as though creation is precious
and our Creator matters”. Ward and I and any guests we will have on
September 21st will “open space” at 7am Eastern Standard Time for this theme
to be moved forward, trusting that the wisdom of the people will prevail.

We invite you to committing to consciously “opening space” on that day,
wherever you are in the world and to be willing to hold this space
throughout your life, knowing that you are amongst others who are doing the
same. It is our hope that enough people will join us with this intention and
the consciousness of opening and holding this space, so that every hour
around the clock on the 21st is covered by someone somewhere “opening and
holding this space”.  Please let us know if you are choosing to do so.
Others need not be present at any of the  “opening of the space” and no
obvious issues will be posted on any wall.” It is our belief that by
“opening the space” in this way, with a number of others in the world, that
together, we can establish a frequency, a harmony on the energetic level,
that will call others to reaching towards this resonance even without being
physically present.

We intend with any who will join us, to hold this space for the rest of our
lives so there is no anticipated end date to this “Open Space Technology
meeting”. This requires of all who participate as facilitators to commit to
their personal continual evolution and development to higher consciousness
to enable each facilitator to hold this amount of space over the long term.
Just as we would do in facilitating an in person Open Space Technology
meeting, we need to be in a state of BEING that is filled with love and
trust in the wisdom of the people. Facilitating Open Space Technology
meetings is sometimes exhausting, depending largely on the amount of
toxicity and conflict in the group. Facilitators who are “holding space” for
the planet and all beings connected with the planet beginning on the 21st of
September and ongoing need to learn to take good care of themselves and the
management of their personal energy so that they do not become exhausted.
This requires trust in Spirit and working with the life nurturing energy of
Spirit rather than through depending on one’s own energy.

The invitation to opening and holding space will remain open so that
facilitators can join whenever in their lives, the time is right for them.
The more of us the better!

2.      We invite you to join us in forming the International Alliance for
Mentoring (IAM) as a way of furthering the achievement of our vision of
influencing the future of this planet to become life nurturing for all
beings involved. The purpose of the International Alliance for Mentoring is
to foster harmony and balance in our world through a worldwide collaborative
movement of the mentoring of individuals and of organizations.

The International Alliance for Mentoring (IAM) will be a conscious Open
Space Organization. A conscious Open Space Organization has minimal
structure through a set of “givens”, that are just enough to provide
appropriate structure for creativity, productivity, wonder, imagination and
results.  There will be an initial meeting of the International Alliance for
Mentoring on September 21st of 2001 from 6-10pm Eastern Standard time at our
home in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. You are invited to join us. We will
also be available on line throughout the meeting to enable those who cannot
physically attend but wish to contribute, to do so. If you are interested in
participating in this on-line, please let us know so that we can send you
instructions. The theme of the meeting is “issues and opportunities for
developing the International Alliance for Mentoring to be of positive
influence in the world”. This will be an Open Space Technology meeting
within the larger Open Space Technology meeting that will be held for the

The International Alliance for Mentoring will use a definition of mentoring
that is “encouraging truth, facilitating compassion, tolerance, self
acceptance, promoting service in the world, cooperation, respect, and joy”.
We will wait to see what unfolds on the 21st , however, to stimulate your
thinking we now share the intention behind these initiatives.

Our Intention:

Every one of us has a part to play in whether the earth will be a harmonious
place or continue to be a place of so many troubles, so much fear and
violence. We believe that our future is influenced by the collaborative
efforts of everyone as individuals and as collectives of individuals
(organizations). We believe that the choice for the earth to be a harmonious
place begins with having the personal will for harmony and balance and
exercising this will through actions, thoughts, and words. To be healthy,
there must first be a real desire for health.  This is to be followed by
encouraging the collaborative efforts of a critical mass to follow a common
intention.  The common intention is for individuals and collectives of
individuals to become a viable unified group, caring for creation. The
critical mass needed is to have at least 10% of the individuals and
organizations on earth working toward the vision of the earth being a
harmonious place where all of creation is cared for.

Ward and I exercise our will for our personal health and healing by seeking
to create a new reality, a totally different combination of energy
components. To do our part, we are establishing the International Alliance
for Mentoring (IAM). The purpose of the International Alliance for Mentoring
is to foster harmony and balance in our world through a worldwide
collaborative movement of the mentoring of individuals and of organizations.
To mentor is to be a teacher of truth, to facilitate compassion, tolerance,
self-acceptance, service in the world, cooperation, respect, and joy.
Mentoring begins with self-development of the whole self—emotional,
psychological, spiritual and physical. Mentors can best mentor in something
that he/she/they have worked at within themselves.

We intend to do our part to bring about harmony and balance in our world, to
do our part to assist individuals and organizations who seek higher
consciousness, higher awareness, highest good and highest joy. We see life
as potential wholeness, potential harmony and balance, and we see the
interconnectedness of all. We must simply have the will as individuals and
as a collective of humans to heal, and to be healthy. We recognize that
every individual and every organization (collective of individuals) has the
right and responsibility to challenge the status quo and the direction that
human evolution is carrying us. We have the power through our intention,
followed by complementary action to be selective about the energy we
encourage and engage with. We choose to encourage positive energy through
our thoughts, actions, and words. The only power the human has is to make a
choice in the moment and to act on it.

Our interpretation of our NOW creates the decisions we make about our
choices, which creates our future.

Our work in the International Alliance of Mentoring begins with each of us
as individuals and encourages the mentoring of individuals but focuses on
the mentoring of organizations (collectives of people) to work with positive
energy, enhancing positive qualities.

We believe that adding sufficient positive energy into any system allows the
individual or organization or collective of organizations to seek its own
health, harmony, and balance. Through the International Alliance of
Mentoring we do not seek a singular path of mentoring, a singular strategy,
process, or vehicle. We seek to call to collaborative action individuals and
organizations who already see themselves as mentors using their unique gifts
and skills for mentoring of individuals and of organizations. We see
consultants to organizations as mentors. We see leaders as mentors.

Simply put, it is our intention to create a reality on planet earth, through
the International Alliance of Mentoring, that is more harmonious and in
health and balance for all of creation. We believe that it can be done
through intentional collaboration and networking to do so through this Open
Space Organization with its simple structure and lots of space for finding
mentoring opportunities.

3.      We invite you to think about the mentoring work that you wish to do and
to get on with it and do it. We would be pleased to hear from you regarding
your mentoring work and over time will keep track of the stories to be
posted on the International Alliance for Mentoring website as
soon as it is up and running.

Until such time as we have the website up and running, please communicate
with us about any of these invitations at

Birgitt and Ward Williams

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