The following message is from Birgitt Olson.  Birgitt, it appears you have
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>From: "\"<Your Real Name>\" <"<>
>Subject: looking ahead?
>Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 13:02:44 -0500
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Priority: 3
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>I have a sense of excitement at the amount of activity happening with and
>for Open Space at this time. Meetings having happened in Seattle re:
>training, a meeting in Toronto re: research (an enlivened set of
>discussions that felt like we needed more time and more folks to share in
>the excitement we were having), Chris Carter from Vancouver having come to
>join us in Toronto, plans for the next OSI Canada meeting to coincide with
>a visit from Fr.Brian (Australia) when he is visiting some of us here in
>April, the upcoming release of At Work featuring Open Space (I read the
>draft the other night and it is a terrific testimonial to Open Space, to
>Harrison's work, and to our continuing work together), the anticipated
>release of Harrison's new book sometime in the summer as well as I think
>the release of Open Space:a user's guide onto the wider market by
>Berrett-Koehler, plans being developed for the next OSONOS here in Toronto
>(if we can only get the right hotel arranged), work underway in a number of
>locations for training sessions, both institutes enjoying their life, and
>of course the numerous requests for Open Space information.
>To my way of thinking, Spirit is working in us and with us in pretty
>miraculous ways. Wow! I needed to do this kind of out loud check because
>somehow it makes it feel more real. Our time is exciting and stepping back
>and being grateful for it is important to me.
>So, why am I feeling so restless? It may be the promise of spring coming
>(and in my geographic location, that's pretty important) but I distinctly
>have the feeling that something very significant is going to happen in this
>world with Open Space. Is it that Harrison's books will be so successful
>that Open Space will find its way into the many places that its needed? Is
>it that we will be inundated with so many requests and so many people who
>want to learn more, engage in the learning expeditions and so on--causing
>us to be in important midwifing positions for which we have somehow been
>getting ourselves ready without actually having talked about it as such?Or
>is there something bigger?
>For me, all morning i have been in a place of thinking that the time is
>coming for Open Space to be used for Peace in the world. Some of us have
>been in discussions about this from time to time and I wanted to raise it
>again now for discussion if anyone is interested. I believe Peace in the
>world can be achieved by the use of Open Space at every level including the
>world level,countries with countries, and at a grassroots level of folks
>that are committed to Peace in increasing numbers. I haven't got any idea
>about what that looks like, I just know that Open Space and Peace in the
>world are part of the same picture for me.
>April 5th weekend marks the countdown of 1000 days to the change to the
>next millennium by some. What do you want to be doing as that happens? What
>do we want to be doing with Open Space at that time? On an individual
>level? On a global level? Is there something significant we can be doing
>(and do we want to) to be intentional about Open Space as a vehicle to
>forward Peace? And is there something this target of the birth of the
>millennium can do to energize us?
>At the very least, I have a desire to plan something really big for all
>folks who are involved in our Open Space Community (if I can use this as a
>entity) so that those of us who want to be with each other as we enter the
>new millennium can share that time together. Any thoughts?

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