Dear colleagues and friends in Open Space,

I continue my sharing of my learning, beliefs and growth with the conscious
Open Space Organization. If you wish to see parts 1-3 please go to <>  and go to section
on the conscious Open Space Organization. If you have participated in
training in Open Space Technology and wish to explore the conscious Open
Space Organization, consider joining us for the last of these sessions in
2001 in Raleigh, North Carolina Nov 1-4 (fee is $800US). If you have
attended this session before but would like to attend it again for ongoing
growth and development, as you know, there is no charge for tuition for
refreshers. There are several of us now teaching these courses throughout
the world (dates for 2002 will be posted soon).
Blessings and love,
Birgitt Williams

My Story of the Open Space Organization: Part Four of Four

The Genuine Contact * program is a vehicle to develop the conscious Open
Space Organization. The conscious Open Space Organization requires that the
organization works to cleanse, balance, and nourish itself to health.
Within the Genuine Contact * program, we work with the following beliefs:

1.      Spirit is all that is.
2.      All organizations have within them the blueprint for health.
3.      Focusing on genuine contact enables individuals and organizations to
achieve health and to experience our connection with all that is.

We work with Spirit. Spirit works with us.

We work from Spirit. Spirit works with us.
We work to Spirit. Spirit works with us.
And we are of Spirit

My enlightenment is not a destination to be reached. I have always been
enlightened. I simply  have to remember my  way. And not be afraid to go to
the unknown. In the unknown, I will recognize that I always knew….

The inspired organization is not a destination to be reached. All
organizations are inspired organizations. They simply have to remember their
way. And not to be afraid to go to  the unknown. In the unknown, they will
recognize that they always knew…

On earth, the mystical requires that we learn to walk the mystical path with
practical feet. To mentor myself to walk the mystical path with practical
feet,  I strive toward and maintain mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual health. In each of these aspects of myself, I cleanse, balance and
nourish myself. My consciousness of this process began by sorting out for
myself who I am. I choose life nurturing patterns. I could have chosen
otherwise… however, I cannot deny that underneath, I am an inspired being,
connected to Spirit and all that is. I chose to work with this consciously.
I do not choose to argue for my limitations and why this is not possible.  I
choose to work with my full power and light.

In mentoring the organization to do walk the mystical path with practical
feet, I mentor the organization to strive toward and maintain mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual health.  Organizations also must be able
to answer “who am I”. All organizations are learning organizations. They
have learned either life depleting or life nurturing patterns.

Today, I and others mentor organizations to cleanse, balance and nourish
themselves so that they can learn life nurturing rather than life depleting
patterns and free themselves from the life depleting patterns that developed
from previous learning. Often, part of the previous learning is to “argue
for limitations” rather than working with their full power and light.
Organizations can choose life nurturing patterns, or they can choose
otherwise… they are inspired organizations connected to Spirit and all that
is no matter what their choice. All organizations are Open Space
Organizations. They can choose to work with this consciously or choose not
to. I choose to work with organizations that choose life nurturing patterns,
that choose to cleanse, balance and nourish themselves. I choose to work
with organizations that have made a choice about becoming conscious about
their connection to, with, from and of Spirit. I choose to work with
organizations that choose to be conscious Open Space Organizations.

For those seeking to cleanse, balance and nourish themselves, Open Space
Technology and Whole Person Process Facilitation are meeting methodologies
that  provide  a window to what is already there under the surface,
underneath the patterns that have been learned.

In learning  to work as inspired organizations, organizations  can begin
using meetings as the catalyst and then developing appropriate structure to
support the awakened  inspired performance.
I tend to get right into the middle of something and then figure out what it
is. And often, just when I think that I have it figured out, I realize that
I know very little about it at all. This leads to another period of sitting
in the middle of whatever it is a while longer until I reach another stage
of “aha, I know what it is”. Over time, this way of living and learning has
gotten me into more than a little hot water. However, I believe my learning
is much deeper and richer for it all.

I have gone through this living and learning   process in understanding the
conscious Open Space Organization. You might note, if you read the previous
three parts of this story, that I preface the term Open Space Organization
with the word conscious now which I didn’t before.

Previously, I wrote about leading an organization as the first intentional
Open Space Organization. This period, from 1992 through 1995 was followed by
a period of determining whether what I had learned about leading
organizations in this way could be duplicated. I found that by paying
attention to certain key ingredients and working with the organization from
a holistic perspective, that intentional Open Space Organizations emerged. A
test for me followed as I struggled to find a way to teach others how to
develop intentional Open Space Organizations. I teamed up with my husband,
Ward, in this quest, combining our varying skills. We found that the
teaching required us to put aside what we had discovered and to find the
right questions so that each person who learned with us could have their own
opportunity for discovery, finding the place we had found, as though for the
first time.

The Genuine Contact program emerged from this with its seven component
parts. The Genuine Contact  program was designed with simplicity in mind, to
teach people within organizations how to work with, from, to and of Spirit.
The program assists in personal and professional development for
participants in the program. Within the program, participants are taught to
use meetings as a catalyst for working from, with, to and of Spirit.

The result of working with the Genuine Contact program within an
organization is to foster development  as a conscious, life nurturing,
interconnected learning organization based on what is already present in the
organization. We name these organizations conscious Open Space
Organizations. The process we teach requires that leaders and mentors work
with the organic nature of the organization, with its own change from within
the organization. External consultant assistance must be kept to a minimum.

The program attends to the practical “how to”, walking the mystical path
with practical feet. It is not the only way to work with Spirit in
organizations to bring about results. However, it is the way that we have
found and now teach around the world.

Within the Genuine Contact * program, we work with the following beliefs:

4.      Spirit is all that is.
5.      All organizations have within them the blueprint for health.
6.      Focusing on genuine contact enables individuals and organizations to
achieve health and to experience our connection with all that is.

Within the Genuine Contact program, there are seven components:
1.      The  Genuine Contact program is underpinned  with the healing circle or
medicine wheel as the overall matrix for our learning, healing, development,
evolution and consciousness. This assists us in walking the mystical path
with practical feet and bringing about results that exceed expectations. A
holistic matrix, whether the Medicine Wheel or another, enables adults to
learn through action/reflection learning and provides a common framework for
conversation and learning as a collective.
2.      The International Alliance for Mentoring (IAM)  is a forum to learn the
art of  mentoring and to “walk the talk of mentoring” of  both individuals
and organizations. Consultants are encouraged to shift their perspective of
their role away from viewing themselves as consultants “to” which seems to
work with more of a “medical model” to the role of mentoring the
organization and its people to work towards their own health and wholeness,
underscoring a “holistic” approach.
3.      The learning journey in Working With Open Space Technology provides the
opportunity for participants to learn an effective holistic  meeting
methodology that works from, with, to and of Spirit. Participants in the
four day Working With Open Space Technology  session  develop and enhance
skills in facilitating meetings in which a frequency is held for people to
make life nurturing choices from amongst agenda items within a particular
theme and givens. Within Open Space Technology meetings, choices are made
amongst topics that are posted at the start of the meeting.
4.      The learning journey in Whole Person Process Facilitation provides
participants the opportunity to learn about another effective holistic
meeting methodology that works from, with, to and of Spirit. Participants in
the two day Whole Person Process Facilitation session learn to develop and
enhance skills in facilitating meetings in which a frequency is held for
people to make life nurturing choices based on what is presented to them to
solve within a particular topic and within stated givens. Within Whole
Person Process Facilitated meetings, choices are made amongst persons to
work with to move posted topics forward into integrated  learning and
5.      The  learning journey in Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution provides
participants the opportunity to learn about the development and enhancement
of skills to facilitate meetings in which people determine personal
boundaries and view situations from flexible rather than fixed perspectives.
Participants in the two day Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution  session
learn that  healing is possible if there is a will for healing and if there
is a willingness to look from new perspectives.
6.      The four day  learning journey in Advanced Work With Open Space
Technology focusing on the conscious Open Space Organization  provides
participants with the opportunity to learn to develop and enhance skills in
leading and mentoring conscious interconnected learning organizations. These
organizations provide the conditions for choices to be life nurturing rather
than life depleting.
7.      The final component of the seven is a  learning journey to develop and
enhance skills to teach others in all of the components of the Genuine
Contact program , ensuring that the program maintains its integrity
(wholeness) and respects the unique contributions that each individual makes
to the program.

Maybe one day, assisting others to learn about the conscious Open Space
Organization will be simpler than this. However, for now, this is the
simplest approach that we have found. The learning cannot be superficial but
must go deeply into one’s belief system, assumptions, and consciousness
about life and values. Teaching others about working with meetings as the
catalyst to enable organizations to be healthy enough to recognize
themselves as conscious Open Space Organizations working with Spirit is an
effective and efficient way. And we have found that using meetings that work
with, to, of, and from Spirit is an effective and efficient way for
organizations to learn and become conscious of themselves as Open Space

We offer learning opportunities through which each individual has the
opportunity to clarify his or her own beliefs about organizations, how they
work, and where Spirit fits into it all. Every component offered has merit
on its own, however, it is the full mixture of the seven components that is
the holistic vehicle for working developing the conscious Open Space
Organization. Time and experience needs to be given between the components
for the learning and practice to deepen. Breaking out of old beliefs and
patterns can happen quickly. Often, participants in the Genuine Contact
program experience this in the first day or two of working with the
opportunity we offer for their personal reflection. However, deepening and
grounding the new patterns and beliefs in daily reality usually takes a
little longer.

Ward and I “walk our talk” with our own lives and our own businesses as best
as we are able to do so.

We terminated all business activities, products and services that were not
about “creating opportunities for higher consciousness”.  We continually
challenge ourselves and each other to stay open to working with, to,of, and
from Spirit. Sometimes fear gets in the way, causing us each to experience
constriction where there is no room for Spirit. At such times, we mentor
each other to “breathe” and move away from fear into the place that we each
understand as our connect with Spirit. We encourage each other to move
beyond limiting beliefs.

Basically, we opened space and we keep space open in these businesses and
for all of the suborganizations within them and their connections with each
other. They are all doing fine and I will give progress reports from time to

We understand and experience that a business is an organization or system.
And within a business, there are many subsystems. And outside of the
business, in the connections with other businesses, including our own, there
are many systems unto themselves and yet interconnected. Interconnected to
the planet too. When I sat and drew circles on a paper for all the systems,
with one nested within another, and sometimes not nested within but having
points of connection, the number of circles was endless. Circles within
circles. Circles connected to circles.

We currently want to explore what this means in relationship to the
conscious Open Space Organization.  When organizations are open rather than
closed systems, and an organization is made up of multiple systems, some
contained within its boundary and some outside of it and some in and out and
connected, speaking of the conscious Open Space Organization takes on more




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