Dear friends of the list,

with disbelief and still numbed I look back at the last 24 hours. More than once
tears came out of my eyes. The thought of this horrifying act is nearly
unbearable. We lived for such a long time in th US, surrounded by people who had
loved and welcomed us -  we feel the pain you all must be going through.
But, this act has also brough about an awareness of our basic humaneness that
gives hope. I like to share something that I experienced this morning. I see it
as a sign of the incredible compassion for your suffering that seems to appear
all over the world. When we left the US last year, Gerda and I moved back to
small village in a very remote part of Germany. This morning, when picking up
the paper in the village store an old farmer's wife stood next to me, weeping
while looking at the pictures of the burning world trade center. Her sadness for
the lifes lost and the griefing families was palpable. It was as if her own
suffering connected us to you. For a brief moment the room was completely silent
in deep compassion for the people thousands of miles away from us. In a strange
way that gave me hope for all of us.

with love
Pathway Guidance, Rinnengaerten 1, 34516 Voehl-Marienhagen, Germany
email (personal):
phone: 49-5635-991197; fax: 49-5635-993934

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