Hey Kevin,

did you see Dinnis' answer? There a number of not obviously docuimented URL parameters which can be used to do excactly this. You can use the "loc" paramter either with City names that are sent to Geonomin for translation into geolocations or you could use longitude and latitude directly. You can specify as many "loc" parameters as you like, the first one is always START, the last one always STOP, all the others are VIAs. Also you can make use of a "dest" parameter with the same properties, but there can only be one destination, should not be used in conjunction with "loc" paramters. The use case hereby is, you want to give a location and the user who gets the URL sent can supply a custom start. The route will then be computed.

Just have a look at the code in the repository. Should be the main.js file, which parses all the URL parameters.

Hope this helps.


Kevin Pouget schrieb:

I just discovered the OSRM project, and it looks great, thanks for the work!

There is one thing I'm looking for, that would make me switch from gmap to your project: I'd like to be able to use firefox url shortcuts to set the parameters of the trip.

currently I use
> map from:a to:b
which is translated to
> https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=from:a+to:b <https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=from:a+to:b>

as far as I've seen, OSRM can only generate short URLs like http://osrm.at/6n8, but maybe I missed something?

thanks again for working on free mapping and routing,

Kevin Pouget
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