Hi Guys,

May be another "ordering" example: pickup and dropoff points . Let's
say I'm delivery man with 10 orders for today, each one should be
picked up first and dropped off later. This looks like 20 points TSP,
but there are also dependencies - some job(s) can be dependant from
another job(s). Any thoughts?

I know, it is not really OSRM stuff, but related to the topic.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 11:22 PM, Julien Coupey <o...@coupey.fr> wrote:
> Hi Valerio,
> In your example, if the 3 ordered points need to be visited in a row, then
> you can easily transform your problem into a TSP by treating them as a
> single "job". You'd just have to adjust the matrix by ensuring that from any
> other place, the cost to that job is the cost to the first point, and the
> cost from that job is the cost from the third point.
> Julien
> On 02/08/2018 15:12, Valerio Paruscio wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i'm wandering if its possible to set the order of some points in the
>> routing service.
>> I mean, I need to keep 3 out of 10 points in a certain order, while the
>> remaining 7 can be in whatever order.
>> Is that possible
>> Thank you very much
>> Valerio
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