On 27/02/2019 20:34, michael spreng wrote:
> Hi
> I currently have OSRM often stopping on the assert:
>                     BOOST_ASSERT(to_weight >= weight);
> in relaxOutgoingEdges in routing_base_mld.hpp
> looking into it with a debugger shows to_weight = -1958185565 and weight
> = 1418390085 which means that shortcut_weight was probably 918391646
> which lead to an overflow.
> I use forward/backward_rate from 0 up to 1.2 so I thought that should
> not be excessive? What could be the problem?
> What could be a workaround for this overflow? ++destination; continue;?
> A stack trace is below this message.
> Michael


I could solve this by multiplying forward/backward_rate by 10. A bit
counter intuitive, the lower the rate, the bigger the weight of a route.
And that weight just overflowed. So It seems better to centre the _rate
around 10 than around 1, and never go below a rate of 1 maybe.

Hope that helps

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