
The osrm-contract command is used to create the hierarchy for the CH algorithm. You need to use the MLD pipeline[1] to preprocess the data.

Alternatively, you can change the algorithm used in example.cpp here[2].


[1] https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Running-OSRM#quickstart [2] https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/blob/master/example/example.cpp#L42

On 29/11/2019 14:27, Nana Li via OSRM-talk wrote:
Hi, when I was trying to run the example.cpp using Cmake, I got this strange message, saying that could not find any metrics for MLD in the data. Did you load the right dataset?

|$ ./osrm-example ~/Desktop/my_osrm_learning/myMap.osrm terminate called after throwing an instance of 'osrm::util::exception' what(): Could not find any metrics for MLD in the data. Did you load the right dataset? Aborted (core dumped) |

I figured that the data have to be pre-processed to fit the algorithm MLD. I was wondering how to do that? What I did is building from the source to get this osrm-* binaries, and then using osrm-extract and osem-contract commands to preprocess the .osm.pbf file. After building osrm-example using Cmake, run the command ./osrm-example. Did I miss something?

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

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