We're using OSSEC 2.8.3 in standalone mode and failing to get syscheck to 
be useful. We *are* getting other alerts via both the log file and email.

We're stumped. Any insight would be appreciated.

The ossec.conf configuration that is relevant. There is no fine-grained 
"email-alerts" section defined.


    <directories check_all="yes" 


The trigger test case. I modify 2 files monitored by syscheck.

  [jblaine@ourhost ~]$ date
  Tue Jun 14 12:23:19 EDT 2016
  [jblaine@ourhost ~]$ pwd
  [jblaine@ourhost ~]$ cd test-checksum-area/
  [jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$ ls
  a-file  b-file
  [jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$ echo 32eh23oeh23oe2o23o > a-file
  [jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$ echo dfiosdafo > b-file
  [jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$

And the local_rules.xml where I do the common thing of increasing the level 
for file additions for syscheck. This isn't relevant to this test case, as 
we're not creating any new files, but I thought I would mention it for 

  <rule id="554" level="10" overwrite="yes">
    <description>File added to the system.</description>

We have not touched any syscheck rules in ossec_rules.xml. They all remain 
at level 7 per default.

Yes, I've restarted ossec after the configurations above.

I wait over 5 minutes, per the 300sec syscheck interval. I see that 
syscheck ran at 12:27

2016/06/14 12:27:16 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Starting syscheck scan.
2016/06/14 12:27:38 ossec-syscheckd: INFO: Ending syscheck scan.

I see no alert matching /home*

[jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$ sudo grep /home 
[jblaine@ourhost test-checksum-area]$

Likewise, I get no alert email.


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