
I've been experiencing issues with the new report_changes feature of
syscheck since 2.5 was released.  I was on IRC earlier and was told the bug
was known and that a fix was included in the latest snapshot, but I'm still
seeing the same issues.  For what its worth I really find great value in the
new report_changes feature and cannot wait until it works as smoothly as the
rest of OSSEC!


<directories check_all="yes" realtime="yes"

ossec.log on manager:

2010/10/04 20:35:30 XXXX syscheck data: 1c1
< TestTest`1234idfdasfdasf5
> Tesingt

2010/10/04 20:35:30 ossec-remoted: socketerr (not available).
2010/10/04 20:35:30 ossec-remoted(1210): ERROR: Queue '/queue/ossec/queue'
not accessible: 'Connection refused'.
2010/10/04 20:35:31 ossec-logcollector: socketerr (not available).
2010/10/04 20:35:31 ossec-logcollector(1224): ERROR: Error sending message
to queue.
2010/10/04 20:35:33 ossec-remoted(1210): ERROR: Queue '/queue/ossec/queue'
not accessible: 'Connection refused'.
2010/10/04 20:35:33 ossec-remoted(1211): ERROR: Unable to access queue:
'/queue/ossec/queue'. Giving up..
2010/10/04 20:35:34 ossec-logcollector(1210): ERROR: Queue
'/var/ossec/queue/ossec/queue' not accessible: 'Connection refused'.
2010/10/04 20:35:34 ossec-logcollector(1211): ERROR: Unable to access queue:
'/var/ossec/queue/ossec/queue'. Giving up..
2010/10/04 21:04:37 ossec-monitord: socketerr (not available).
2010/10/04 21:04:37 ossec-monitord(1224): ERROR: Error sending message to

The first modification always crashes remoted, logcollector and analysisd:

ossec-monitord is running...
ossec-logcollector: Process 19157 not used by ossec, removing ..
ossec-logcollector not running...
ossec-remoted: Process 19162 not used by ossec, removing ..
ossec-remoted not running...
ossec-syscheckd is running...
ossec-analysisd: Process 19153 not used by ossec, removing ..
ossec-analysisd not running...
ossec-maild is running...
ossec-execd not running...

While I'm pointing out issues with syscheck, I've noticed that most changes
I make are reported as also changing the file size from (actual number) to
0.  The group suggested I check the inode to verify they did not
change--they did not.

I have reproduced this issue with Ubuntu 10.10 talking to a CentOS 5.5
server.  In my lab environment at work I can reproduce the same issue using
RedHat 5.5 both ways.  I do not have IRC access during the day, but am
typically on during the night and could help troubleshoot with anyone
willing to work with me.

Any help would be appreciated.


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