I am also an avid reader of this site - Motor Neuron Disease.

From: Ron Carson <rdcar...@otnow.com>
To: Lucy Simpson <OTlist@OTnow.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:33:09 PM
Subject: Re: [OTlist] MND - relaxation techniques

I'll be the "dumb"one and ask, what's MND?

----- Original Message -----
From: Lucy Simpson <lucy_simpso...@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009
To:  OTlist@OTnow.com <OTlist@OTnow.com>
Subj: [OTlist] MND - relaxation techniques

LS> I am an avid reader of this list, and now seek some advice!
LS> I am a Physical disability community OT and am currently seeing
LS> an MND patient. We are addressing her environmental/adaptaion
LS> needs as they arise she is having a wet room installed, and a
LS> closomat toilet currently. She is now wheelchair dependent, but independent 
with transfers.
LS> We are also looking at symptom management and quality of life.
LS> One area we are looking at is fatigue and anxiety management.
LS> Fortunately this patient is very realistic and fully engaging in therapy.
LS> I am aware of basic relaxation techniques, and deep breathing is
LS> a core element of these techniques. I have heard that as MND is
LS> synonimous with breathing difficulties, teaching deep breathing
LS> techniques can actually result in increasing anxiety as it draws
LS> attention to an area of concern...... 
LS> Does anyone have advice on MND specific relaxation techniques or re general 
relaxation resources?
LS> be grateful for any input

LS> Kind Regards 

LS> Lucy Payne

LS> For Quality Stationery and Greetings Cards check out this website: 
LS> www.phoenix-trading.co.uk/web/lucysimpson 
LS> Save it in your favourites for the next time you need cards.

LS> --- On Sun, 18/1/09, cmnahrw...@aol.com <cmnahrw...@aol.com> wrote:

LS> From: cmnahrw...@aol.com <cmnahrw...@aol.com>
LS> Subject: Re: [OTlist] Fn. Mobility ~vs~ Gait Training
LS> To: OTlist@OTnow.com
LS> Date: Sunday, 18 January, 2009, 7:29 PM

LS> I don't have a direct answer to that.? I guess it depends on where your
LS> level of expertise falls in this area.? I have it easy, because I work with 
LS> amazing group of PTs who teach me on each patient how they want them to 
LS> That way I can help the patient receive the much needed practice in this
LS> area,but at the same time I can consult with the PT since I did not have 
LS> area taught in school.? I always attempt to complete the sit to stands and 
LS> low level functional mobility in a context of an occupation that the 
patient has
LS> determined important a) walking to dresser to gather clothes b) walking to 
LS> toilet to complete toileting c) walking to the dining room chair for meal 
LS> It is then amazing when the patient can perform the functional mobility, and
LS> then carryout out the occupation!.? 

LS> Ninety nine percent of the time when I ask a patient what their goals are 
LS> rehab they state to "walk better".? I then ask them why they want to
LS> walk better.? They often look at me strangely and then state so I can get 
to the
LS> kitchen and cook, do the laundry, go out to eat with my friends, etc etc.? 
LS> occupational goals nearly write themselves.

LS> Chris Nahrwold MS, OTR

LS> -----Original Message-----
LS> From: Ron Carson <rdcar...@otnow.com>
LS> To: cmnahrw...@aol.com <OTlist@OTnow.com>
LS> Sent: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 7:38 pm
LS> Subject: Re: [OTlist] Fn. Mobility ~vs~ Gait Training

LS> I like your definitions.

LS> In  the  two  cases  you mention, the patients are already ambulatory.
LS> What if they weren't and still wanted to achieve the same outcomes?

LS> ----- Original Message -----
LS> From: cmnahrw...@aol.com <cmnahrw...@aol.com>
LS> Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009
LS> To:  OTlist@OTnow.com <OTlist@OTnow.com>
LS> Subj: [OTlist] Fn. Mobility ~vs~ Gait Training

cac>> To me functional mobility is the process of getting to point A to
cac>> point B regardless of compensation techniqes in the context of an
cac>> activity  or  a desired functional outcome.? Just the other day I
cac>> had  a  patient  who  wanted  to  cook  and set the table for her
cac>> family,  to  achieve  this  desired  outcome a walker tray had to
cac>> implemented  with  further practice of safe strategies.? Just the
cac>> other  day  I had a hip replacement patient who wanted to be able
cac>> to  get  to  the  bathroom  safely  without  breaking  her  hip
cac>> precautions,  so?  raised  toilet  was  implemented  with further
cac>> practice of safe strategies.

cac>> Gait  training  is when a therapist observes a patient's gait and
cac>> objectively  determines what movement functions?cause the patient
cac>> to  walk  "abnormally".?  They then use therapeutic
LS> techniques to
cac>> faciliate  a normal gait pattern.? I see this being used by PT in
cac>> neurological rehabilitation.?

cac>> Chris

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