Hello again.
I believe I've found the solution or problem, depending on how you look at
it. Here goes:
When using the following (refer to 'Defaults.pm' re: SESSIONS):
$Self->{SessionModule} = 'Kernel::System::AuthSession::IPC';
$Self->{TimeZone} = -4;
which is US Eastern Daylight Savings
How do I add a non-internal note to a support ticket? It
seems when I create a note the only option I have is internal?
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs
To unsubscrib
In what module headings of an autorespond email are created?
Article.pm? Emailparser.pm? Or other?
Thank you
Dmitry Kambur
OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs
To unsubscribe: http
Dear All,
We are experiencing a problem with pending tickets which are now closed
- Reminding emails are still sent to technicians after these tickets are
How could we cancel this?
Many thanks in advance,
Philippe Roth
OTRS mailing li
Alex Mihicinac wrote:
Hi all,
i've made an autoforward script (with OTRS functions), to forward all
tickets to some mailing list.
Script is working fine when i run it in shell. Now i'd like to know
where in source I can "call" my script, that every mail which goes to
specific queue, would be au
Hi all,
i've made an autoforward script (with OTRS functions), to forward all
tickets to some mailing list.
Script is working fine when i run it in shell. Now i'd like to know
where in source I can "call" my script, that every mail which goes to
specific queue, would be autoforwarded too? Ticke
Rudi Kramer wrote:
Good Morning
How could I change the port number that OTRS ver# 1.3.2 uses for pop3?
Our firewall admin will only allow secure pop3 connections through to
our exchange box where we pop the email from and I cant work out where
to change the port number from 110 to 995?
Even if you
Good Morning
How could I change the port number that OTRS ver# 1.3.2 uses for pop3?
Our firewall admin will only allow secure pop3 connections through to
our exchange box where we pop the email from and I cant work out where
to change the port number from 110 to 995?
Thanks in advance