RE: [otrs] Can't re-login after 'Session has timed out. Please log inagain.'

2005-04-20 Thread s taylor
Hello again. I believe I've found the solution or problem, depending on how you look at it. Here goes: When using the following (refer to '' re: SESSIONS): $Self->{SessionModule} = 'Kernel::System::AuthSession::IPC'; WITH... $Self->{TimeZone} = -4; which is US Eastern Daylight Savings

[otrs] Note - Internal

2005-04-20 Thread Dave Buote
How do I add a non-internal note to a support ticket? It seems when I create a note the only option I have is internal?     ___ OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: Archive: To unsubscrib

[otrs] In what perl module there is a creation of the letter?

2005-04-20 Thread Dmitry Kambur
Hello! In what module headings of an autorespond email are created? Or other? Thank you -- Dmitry Kambur ___ OTRS mailing list: otrs - Webpage: Archive: To unsubscribe: http

[otrs] Pending closed tickets

2005-04-20 Thread Philippe Roth
Dear All, We are experiencing a problem with pending tickets which are now closed : - Reminding emails are still sent to technicians after these tickets are closed... How could we cancel this? Many thanks in advance, Philippe Roth ___ OTRS mailing li

Re: [otrs] autoForward script

2005-04-20 Thread Yaroslav Klyukin
Alex Mihicinac wrote: Hi all, i've made an autoforward script (with OTRS functions), to forward all tickets to some mailing list. Script is working fine when i run it in shell. Now i'd like to know where in source I can "call" my script, that every mail which goes to specific queue, would be au

[otrs] autoForward script

2005-04-20 Thread Alex Mihicinac
Hi all, i've made an autoforward script (with OTRS functions), to forward all tickets to some mailing list. Script is working fine when i run it in shell. Now i'd like to know where in source I can "call" my script, that every mail which goes to specific queue, would be autoforwarded too? Ticke

Re: [otrs] How-To: Change pop3 port number

2005-04-20 Thread Yaroslav Klyukin
Rudi Kramer wrote: Good Morning How could I change the port number that OTRS ver# 1.3.2 uses for pop3? Our firewall admin will only allow secure pop3 connections through to our exchange box where we pop the email from and I cant work out where to change the port number from 110 to 995? Even if you

[otrs] How-To: Change pop3 port number

2005-04-20 Thread Rudi Kramer
Good Morning How could I change the port number that OTRS ver# 1.3.2 uses for pop3? Our firewall admin will only allow secure pop3 connections through to our exchange box where we pop the email from and I cant work out where to change the port number from 110 to 995? Thanks in advance Rudi ___